Sweden: 65yo Woman Charged After Saying Mass Immigration Will Lead to 'Goldfish Level' IQs


If this continues, the intelligence in Sweden will be at goldfish level”, the woman wrote on a Facebook page called “Stop Abuse of Power”. In her contributions, the woman also made a lot of critical comments about, among other things, Muslims.

Chamber prosecutor Lisa Hedberg, tells Sverige Radio that the number of investigations of hate speech against groups has increased since the “Network Examiner” systematically searches and reports posts, often made by older Swedes.

Today, the 65-year-old woman is brought to the district court. She stands trial for being suspected of hate against a group of people. The woman denies the crimes.

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lmao did she steal that one from me? Goldfish brained somalian is a term i've coined. Glad my hard work has is spreading

Serves her right for using Kikebook

Goldfish are smart. In the winter their bodies freeze in the ice. When they defrost in spring they're as good as new.

Based gilf

Honestly if you live in Sweden just get out.

>shitposting on social media

>no human is illegal
>except the one who was here for 65 years who was unwilling to get with the times and revealed herself to be a true criminal racist after hiding behind innocence for almost a century you really thought u were gonna get away with it you filthy hate-ist but we got you bitch u goin to jail

Come on now, that seems unfair. A goldfish is a lot smarter than the average migrant.

Fuck me, that is depressing. Especially this bit

>often made by older Swedes.

It's no secret what they wanna do, they wanna lock up the old guard who knew what Sweden was like before the refugees came, they wanna suppress their thoughts and literally erase the history of Sweden as an ex-ethnostate, so now all that's left is a bunch of Gen Zs who will say "Sweden was always multicultural" and vote in more migrants.

This is some seriously nefarious shit

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RIP Europe

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>Be Swede
>Say that race isn't a social construct
>End up in jail
>Meet there John who forgot to pay for his TV license
>And Hans, that didn't want to share his wife with Ahmed

I mean...she's not wrong.
just look at how bad countries are, like mine, what makes you think inheriting problems from other countries will do, make things better? no sorry, people are already getting dumber without mass immigration.

She is a friend of ernst Zundel. Was in his video after he was released from prison 2010.

Makes sense that goldfishes are pissed/charging her.

jewstice has been served

yeah good job man she got it from you, noone ever thought about goldfish being stupid before haha lol

This is a reminder that Sweden has an unofficial agency that regularly patrols the web and files charges to the police against people who are guilty of "though crimes"

Not gonna fucking link it because i dont want to get in trouble, they come down HARD on you in Sweden for thought crimes and i nearly lost my job because i dared quote a study saying many migrants report a false age

>imprisoned for wrongthink
What a time to be alive

>Like Sweden was well-off to begin with.

Fucking snowniggers

especially because to countries like Sweden mainly Welfare migrants are coming who are better off living from gibs and even can use the huge number of children as a way to become wealthy.
While migrants who actually have skills (and high IQ) don't go there because they don't want to pay 50% of their income to the government.

It's mostly old bastards who love immigrants you fucking mutt.

Finland coming in with another good & consise post.

Fucking this. The welfare state is not a sustainable system because the only people who will want to live there in the long run are welfare leeches. Especially if the welfare state in question is located in an area with shit climate.

Glass houses

Poland, send help.

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Meanwhile in the real world.

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