why did flip flappers flop?
Why did flip flappers flop?
Forced plot
Because people have bad tastes.
I swear to god if you post Cockona
I miss when they went on fun & colorful adventures.
The plot was shit the progression was nonsensical the characters were all annoying one dimensional tropes and the plot was really REALLY shitty.
It didn't even make a good "adventure of the week" kind of show because they tried to pretend all of those completely detached events were somehow tied together by their tenuous plot.
Flip Flappers had some really great individual episodes. But it also lacked in overall cohesion between episodes and had a weak ending too.
Are you a fop that faps to that flop Flip Flappers?
This, I'd imagine it did a good job attracting viewers at first but there's nothing keeping them invested.
I think it would've been better in movie format.
It WAS a good MotW format for the first half to half and a quarter of the show. The plot was shoenorned in as a second thought and as a means to end the show.
It deserved to. Episode 1-8 were fun and unique, after that it just devolved into a generic and poorly thought out mess with no budget.
really mediocre outside the animation in the first three episodes, then full mediocre onwards.
really feeling that writer change
Amazing visuals but the plot is just shit and forced. Finished it the other day and boy was it a drag. Watched the final episodes at 2x speed because everything felt like it's out of nowhere.
FLFL is the Space Dandy of Evangelion, the FLCL of Madoka, an avant-garde post-modern helter-skelter aggregation of, more or less, discordant phantasmagorical acid trips laced with yuri fanservice in which all current partaking female's breasts are no larger than A cups.
Really feeling it.
>come join me so we never have to feel emotions again
>wah emotions were the key to defeating me
>emotions are important
this is the plot of so many anime, and it's simply overdone
Forced plot and terrible supporting cast. Should have just stuck with a random wacky adventure every episode for the entire show.
It would have flopped that way too.
How much can you feel it?
Maybe it was the budget. Maybe it was marketing. Maybe it was too much yuri, or not enough. Only one thing's for sure: we're really feeling it.
Everything after the spooky house episode was shit.
It flopped because it's shit.
>look mum, I posted it again