This was without a doubt the worst episode of DBS I've ever seen. Kale is a fine character, no problem, Caulifla is the worst character ever. I have such a low bar and I almost threw up during this episode. What about Gohan vs the doctors? Are they just sweeping that fight aside for this trash. Caulifla better lose soon.
Dragon Ball Super
Other urls found in this thread:
Best aura
>in less than an hour, Caulifla went from "never heard of super saiyan" to Super Saiyan 2
>in less than 7 hours, Caulifla will have gone from "never heard of super saiyan" to Super Saiyan 3
Fuck, I could've let it slide with Cabba since he's had months of practice and learned from Vegeta directly, but what the fuck is this shit
W-will he be alright?
I agree with him.
>that like to dislike ratio
Man this is some shit.
-Piccolo hasn't gotten any focus yet.
-Vegeta has barely gotten any focus.
-Gohan got one episode and has done nothing but job horrendously since then.
-It's all been Goku and one episode of Roshi and 17.
Now these 2 get 4 episodes focused on them. I don't know about anyone else but this is personally why I hate them. They're stealing screen time from classic characters who deserve it more. Vegeta is fighting Toppo, but no, we need yet another episode of Goku foolishly trying to get his own universe erased by making his opponents more powerful.
t. Tyrone
Who literally cares? Toriyama favors /ourgirls/ more.
I skimmed through the video and half the times I clicked on were just silence hahahahahaha.
Top tier.
CHADhan will fuse with Goku and defeat Kafla. Screencap this.
>U6 tournament arc showed Piccolo's fully charged makankosappolapoolalacannon was powerful enough to break Whis+Vados' barrier
>Piccolo hasn't used it to put a hole in Jiren's head and put his own disqualification down as a necessary sacrifice to protect Gohan
So considering merged Zamasu was successfully redesigned by Toyo for the manga making him more similar to an actual saiyan-shinjin fusion, do you think Kafla will look more like Caulifla in the manga too?
Chadhan can do it by himself, he doesn't need to fuse with Jobku.
He needs to go blanco. Anything to get rid of Caulifla. Kale is alright.
Today was a bad day for us Gohanfriends.
Manga Zamasu looked like Xicor.
>Literally screaming over a show that is aimed at children
>Who literally cares
Anyone who doesn't jerk off to Cualifla. I can't fucking stand any of the U6 Saiyans.
But user, fusion doesn't work if the person you're fusing with is less than a quarter of your own power level
So nobody except maybe Whis or the GP is strong enough to fuse with CHADhan
Don't worry, Gohanfag. Us Kalebros don't hate you guys. We just want peace.
Kale is not a fine character
>muh toei forgets about stamina brain
How to toyoniggers live with themselves
So, no one, I was right. Toriyama is on our side, so better get used to it. Or drop it, which doesn't matter because you're not even in the 1% of the audience that watches Super worldwide.
>Best villain will never come back
It hurts
>ah shit son of a bitch
manga zamasu was xicor
Hey well, that's just like, your opinion man.
But Xicor isn't pretty, elegant, handsome, manly and perfect
Skip to 32:45
He freaks out, but I unironically agree with him
welp time for my weekly dose of this squandered series
Are you going to kill yourself when she's eliminated?
It's gonna be a potara fusion, will we ever see anyone besides Goten and Trunks use it?
what's it like being a gogetafag?
so this is what the powerlevel spergs look like irl
man, what a shitty episode
more like
>Best villain will never be ruined
>it's beneath a God to leer at me like that champa-sama
reminder that the 1 hour special thread broke it's limits
Is this the fabled Negro Autism?
No, because she's done so much in the tournament. I was contempt with her losing after her and Kale taking out the Pride Troopers, but this? Toriyama just loves us Caulifriends so much. He keeps offering more and more, even when we don't ask. So it doesn't matter if she gets eliminated now, because her influence on seething virgin betas has already happened.
All hail our femsaiyan overlord!
Blue when?
It's gonna be a potara fusion, will we ever see anyone besides Goten and Trunks use the Fusion Dance?
Based tyrone
blood has yet to leave my penis
When Krillin said " this is the fight of two SS2" I realized how shit it was compared to Majin Vegeta vs Goku
>a fine character
If she had her own character and a reason to have the berserker transformation she'd be good.
Aside from that, will the u6 namekians go super?
Post more Kafla shots.
Well we know why he doesn't exist yet and where LR Vegito is coming from now
>great dialogue
>great story-boarding
>had some reused animation but overall well drawn and interesting
>actually seemed to respect the lore in that Caulifla already had the potential and U7 is lending them their knowledge on how to get stronger that they had worked incredibly hard to learn
How has the CHODEforce not just offed themselves at this point? Everyone knows where Toei's priorities are here.
Wait, isn't that cheating? How the hell did they get the potara earrings?
>Could have androids teaming up and have them banter since both have show great chemistry/dynamic together.
>Instead, they are getting shafted for this fucking saiyan wankfest.
Of the people still in the TOP, only Goku and Piccolo know how to do the fusion dance
Piccoku confirmed
Should Potara be banned for the ToP? since its technically an outside item that increases power, unlike say the Mafuba seal and bottle which is for a technique, not a power increase but that's still a bit iffy honestly
>"Fucking Z, and GT were never this bad"
>"I've never watched Dragon Ball"
Plot magicâ„¢
How many victories has this been for us Caulifags so far? Shit, how will FAGhan ever recover? Thank goodness Toriyama favors us more.
>saiyan wankfest.
what did you think you were watching?
why are the U6 Saiyans so grating?
But then he says he's a fan of Z AND Dragon Ball? THE ABSOLUTE CITY OF TYRONE
Zeno will allow it cause its cool
>If you don't like what I have to say about Super then you can just fuck off back to Mexico with the rest of your amigos
Based Tyrone.
Toriyama also wrote Dragon Ball Minus. He's literally senile at this point.
Is there a single character worse than Caulifla? My bar is so low I enjoy super but I can barely tolerate Caulifla and this episode in general.
So... should we leave Jiren to her?
We're gonna get Vegito or Gogeta this tournament too I'm guessing if they're giving a fusion to these too, just to show how OP Jiren is he'll put up a fight against one of those two then Goku will asspull something and win
Did he actually say that?
At this rate, maybe in 2 episodes.
>Goku gets his energy back by fighting
What a shitty episode. Nothing happened.
>Karifura separate
>Caulifla mentions how she's seen the fantasizes of her in Kale's mind
I already know that this story has been a complete saiyanwankfest since mid DBZ, but this is getting ridiculous.
The only flaw with Kale is that she likes the worst character ever.
When is Gohan going to intervene and clean up this mess?
What was up with the intro for this episode? Are they mixing things up? Or does that save more time on animation?
I really like the SS3 design
>Whis confirms Caulifla has unlimited potential
>she's going to fuse next week
She's beautiful.
>What about Gohan vs the doctors?
I'm sure it's going fine
That's how it is in the games.
You build up Ki by hitting punches.
Haven't watched any of Super, but people are really getting mad.
Ill just wait for the TFS abridged series.
What's up with Toei/Toriyama/Toyo making all of the girls extra THICC in Super, anyway?
>This was without a doubt the worst episode of DBS I've ever seen.
you clearly never watched episode 102.
Any episode that has 0 Ribrianne in it is a good episode.
>When is Gohan going to intervene
Never. Toriyama is a U6 Saiyanfag.
I love how when anything nonsensical happens but it's in Cauliflas favour Caulikeks suck Toei off like the dirty whores they are.
Spics love Caulifla.
Wasn't he gonna quit the show if they got another expose to themselves?
he isn't fighting at full force so there's room to breath. he almost blew his energy by going SS3
Why are we still talking about Caulifla? The episode wasn't supposed to be garbage and the characters were shit? Gods be consistent. Deep down in their hearts they love Cauli San, right?
>all of the girls
>caulifla exists