Good god, we are SO fucked ...

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Other urls found in this thread:

literally nothing will happen stop being a faggot

What is happening? The ritual virtue signalling? Hopes and prayers? Sanctions?
Nothing new.

Here are some talking points my fellow Russian bots.

Muh Russia Poisoning Pt.2 →

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What do you think all the carfentanyl in the United States is going to be used for.......hmmmmmmm

Ah yes Euristan will get nuked

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You realize british elections are coming up and the establishment has nothing to show. So they must distract.

Russya is the reason behind Syria Crisis and the fast EU islamization. I am pleased to watch the Kremlin be treated like the criminal ring they are, getting kicked like shit. But more pleasing is to watch them cry as a state, because they pull the "we are representing the Russian society" card when busted. More and more russians are waking up. Their gov cant even hidde the fact they use patriots as security team for Assad. Eveything to retain the gas monopoly the oligarchs enjoy now.

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Have they shown any 'Gas making trailers' and mentioned the 6 gorrillion masturbating machines yet?

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Time to start playing some Martial Industrial for World War 3.

Cool, let's talk about those incidents where the EU violated our territorial integrity during the migrant crisis.

Mess with the Bull and get the Horns.

They can say whatever they please, but until solid proof is delivered, its just hearsay, and will be ignored.



this couldnt be any closer to the truth

Why use nerve gas to kill a single old agent, why nerve gas when a knife. a bullet or an accident will do?
Maybe to point back to Russia?

Hear the sirens yet?

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This. It doesnt make any sense at all.

Yes, please nuke us Vladimir. End our suffering.

deeb concerns

Russia is the Chad and the British are the females in this.
And nothing is sooner dry than a woman's tears.

WW3 coming soon™

I have similar bike suit

This time it actually could happen.

>Islamist rapes British children and blows up a crowd outside a concert
Don't look back in anger. #NotAllMuslims

>A Russian double agent is harmed

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>territorial integrity
Top kek

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why do they think we did it

>Have Open Borders
>Complain about territorial integrity
These Eurocucks and Brticucks are a fucking joke.

>why do they think we did it
Because they want to blame all their failures on you.

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becuz we did it. keeping in mind late long speech of putin about new rockets and war against the west im not surprised with it. he is gone insane

Let's not exaggerate. This is far from being WW3 worthy. What makes you think that?

>The Syrian crisis and US's involvement in it started years before Russia did anything
>It's Russia's fault

We claim we don't. Now what.

>becuz we did it.
I am sure you are storing the proof next to the "WMD in Iraq" evidence.

What the fuck.
His boots looks gay.

Just a normal cucked Brit being murdered by Ahmed.

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what elections?
be specific.

It's not just this. It's also the claims that the US is going to take additional military actions in Syria, and them connecting this attack to Syria's use of chemical weapons.

i thought it was pretty funny when may used the agreement of all her anti-russia allies as an argument for why russia is guilty

>spilled my coffee
>Fucking Russia

At this point what event do Russians not get blamed for?

chill out, dickwad.

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Just woke up, what the lowdown here?

All this is looking eerily simmilar to the demonization of hitler and germany before ww2. Everyone ready for round 2 under uncle Vlad?

we dont, the government controls the media. nuke us.

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not interested in fighting anglo wars
they not even pay their 2%

Someone give me a perspective on why Russia is not the evil boogieman we have been led to believe they are, I assume from their perspective we are just as insidious? Still it seems they do like to fuck a lot of things up and be evil oligarchs and sheeit

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Not him, but local elections at the beginning of May. A bad performance could see Theresa get gassed herself by the backbenchers.

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polonium'd or satan 2'd? we may never know

Always the fucking leafs jesus christ just ban them all already please for the love of fuck

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>since the second world war

Don't they mean the first?

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Yep smells like bullshit. The media keeps blaring about how a "Soviet-era nerve agent" was used to poison the guy, as if that immediately validates Russian involvement. Meanwhile I'm sure that shit could be synthesized in any lab in the world.

It's really obvious when you dump it like that, Ceня.

We pay over 2%

mossad smuggled this nerve gas 3 years ago

for paki welfare maybe

Hillarious coming from an ex-soviet satelite country, how were the gulags anyway?

at least its Russias fault that this civil war in syria keeps going for almost a decade now

they could easily win the war but they won't do it.

you'll find out in next couple years

Nigga every one knows that in terms of black and white America is by far the most evil country to exist in the modern world

For fucks sake we killed the only person keeping Africa and the middle east stable only because it might lower our currency by a bit

Like read a newspaper

I beg to differ

well duh America has had to do some bad shit, some of it necessary some of it not, but is there an honest perspective to russia being anything but a big criminal enterprise?

The reason your establishment is with us "in solidarity" over this bullshit false flag is because we are two sides of the same coin. Complicit in all the foreign policy catastrophes of the last 20 years, and now we're going to antagonize a country armed with nuclear armaments. People downplaying this aren't seeing the forest for the trees, the ZOG nations of USA and UK have been DYING to fuck with Russia for YEARS now. If something doesn't happen to stop this escalating it could very well be a huge fucking disaster.

Whining and some diplomats get sent home. You lot are such a bunch of pissy panted faggots. This shit happened all the time back in the seventies and eighties.
Putin looks strong ahead of election.
May gets to look vaguely competent for a change.
Morons forget about their countries being full of goat fuckers.

I’ve been thinking this as well.
Seems like twilight zone tier shit

Or ya know maybe it's the fault of the people who keep supplying the rebels with weapons like McCain and the rest of the deep state goons

Why the Fuck would Russia want to continue the war when they get Fucking unlimited petroleum from assad when the conflict is over, especially with the fact that China buys all of Russia petroleum to the point where China wants to create a petro dollar with Russia

Like are you baiting or are genuinely this much of a brainlet

Good I hope a WW starts so we can kill as many white people as possible.

I'm Australian, Hans. 2016 material.

What are they supposed to do? The US still has bases there.

WHY THE FUCK would Russians use Soviet-era nerve agents in a high profile murder of a person of interest they could have killed when he was jailed in their own country? Because they WANT us to know? Is Russia that stupid? I can't even defend Britain, Perfidious Albion has lied too many times.

I thought this shit was suppose to kill you dead

That’s called due process mate

>some bad shit

This is like the 5th time in 2 decades they're usurping a positive force for minimal reasons

I'm lucky enough to live in a very strategic area that is more useful to take over than nuke.

Course best terrorist allies jewistan have at least one nuke aimed directly at me... Who's the real enemy again?

May is the new treasonous Churchill.
Her cunt floweth over with joo goo

Russian shill or indoctrinated Brit, money on the former.

Yea the war drum machine didn't work in the US, so now the globalists are trying to have UK start the war. LOL

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what are UK shariablue called?
Common purpose?

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No. Not the government. All your fagget politicians are controlled by (((them))).

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What happened at that midnight deadline? A few diplomats got given a week to leave and Russia might get their precious television license revoked. I can't think of a harsher punishment.

England confirmed for not going to the World Cup?
Kek this is going to get bretty guuud :----D

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Nothings happening. Take a lot more than that to start a war we cant win, we will just keep getting bent over by russia because our politicans know they cant do anything about it. It would take a russian missile hitting us to declare war or something of that nature

This time you'd be nuked, gypsy, there are no smart tzar.

I am worried the vicious cycle of humanity starts again and the next war is right around the corner. It's been peaceful for way too long.

Lol, only good thing in a WW would be that it's legal to kill you dirty gypsies, fucking animals.

I once saw the romanian owner of a carousel beat one of his raklos to death for fucking up his carousel with a mistake. Fucking gypsy monkey.

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>Implying this is not part of the plan and that Trump and Putin knew over a year ago that they would try to start a war if they loose against Trump

Just sit back and watch the theatre.

So basically (((they))) are using the plot from COD MW3

>implying I am a gypsy
Stay mad you 3rd world shitholes, tell me when will your next terrorist attack will happen.

You know what? We all deserve destruction for the crimes against the white race that all those countries have comitted by following the jews. Especially the UK and the US. Both need to be blown to pieces.

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>implying he's not gypsy

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Ignore our shitty weak bong government who are making a big song and dance about this but won't do anything substantive because they know it's nothing and even if it was they're too pussy to do anything anyway. Call their bluff, Russia. These people are flannels.