How long are we going to pretend that this wasn't DIRECTLY a result of watching anime?
How long are we going to pretend that this wasn't DIRECTLY a result of watching anime?
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Link pl0x I thing the other thread went down
Its because of /r9k/
found it :
he must have watched Devilman Crybaby
Did he have a waifu? Either he had none or more then one. Either way a stable relationship with your waifu prevents suicide. Don't blame the anime.
Tfw wake up and find this shit splashed all over Sup Forums.
Quick rundown please?
already removed
vimeo. com /260174752
suicide by shotgun because reasons
Shitskin committed suicide, watched SAO, nothing of value was lost
He shot his himself in the head with a shotgun on a youtube livestream with his mom on the phone I think
That cunt literally went pic related. He memed out.
>kills self
>has anime avatar
Every time. Anime is a disease and all who watch it must be purged.
This guy was a fake /r9k/ he had a fucking female crying over him in his group of online friends
He waved goodbye. later homos.
Typical Sup Forums mutt. Don't expect a lot from you lot.
Let’s dispel with this fiction that anime doesn’t know what it’s doing. It knows exactly what it’s doing.
Does anyone else enjoy the thrill of this stuff?
My heart hasn't beat like that in a while.
I'm trying not to sound edgy but it's like what horror movies used to do for me
its just some retard killed himself nothing exciting about it really
There is a very strong correlation. Something that needs attention!
/r9k/ shitskin an heroes with a shotgun during live stream
There it is....
Did he hide his face because it was fake?
>REOL official
and absolutely nothing of value was lost
Meme poisoning
what did you expect, mr. wang?
Maybe he was already doomed to be a NEET suicide, and anime helped him enjoy the time he had more
In that case the anime was a good thing
was he on the fucking phone or something
i wouldve killed myself just having to listen to that sniffling moaning bullshit
>when you realize japan is winning a war that allegedly ended 70 years ago
>weebshit sperg human trash offed himself
nothing of value was lost.
pathetic spoiled westerners, lmao
>h-he bullied me and that thot didnt want to s-suck me, better kill myself
He probably thought he would respawn at the closest walmart to shart.
Just as expected. I fear the end result for all weebs is either suicide or decay. Anime should be banned.
I unironically feel bad for him and his family
Yeah spoiled western weeb and all but cmon no one deserves this.
Robots and all depressed anons out there please dont do that.
>no one deserves this
yes, no parents deserve to clean the brains of their retarded fucking son from their own house.
selfish fucktard not thinking about his mother and the people living behind, screwing up their lives cos he was too much of a pussy to fix his life.
i get its their job to just keep asking questions but fucking hell
I don't watch anime at all and that's going to be me someday
But when I do it I'm not going to do it in my house because I don't want my parents to find my body
Ive actually watched naruto when i was a kid and because of that i have the theory that the opposite is true, anime atracts outcasts and rejects, hear me out.
>naruto (analogy for the outcast kid watching that trash)
>pariah for his village because someone sealed a demon monster in his soul or something (external reason for him being an outcast outside of his control)
>resilient and dedicated to be the best ninja in the world (reasurance that despite all theyre fundamentally good people).
>joins the ninja academy
>meets saske
>edgelord on top of everything and everyone thinks hes cool (aspirational figure),
>submissive useless chick that supports naruto no matter what (what you think you want in a woman if youve never actually spoken with one)
>and kakashi
>master who worries about him (healthy father figure). > later in the series naruto finds out that the monster demon thing inside him makes him powerful
>gradually becomes the best ninja in the world with hard work and never giving up(hope that life is fair and that being an outcast faggot is actually an advantage).
The problem with that stuff is that it actually rots the mind of boys that are struggling socially and tells them that instead of improving as people they expect that the world one day will reward them for being nice guys up to the point where theyre fat neets with no aim or purpose in life and decide to end it all in a burst of anti social behaviour like this.
>Elliot Rodger subscribed
Get a life
t. person who also has no life
I was shocked by the retardation too.
Also, fuck this stupid kid. This little shit denied all the help from everybody and then traumathised the only few people who really loved him. Dipshit.
its the 911 operators job to keep you on the phone and get as much info as possible even if it sounds stupid
>tfw anime isnt real anymore
we dont need to ban guns. we need to ban anime.
Leafless one has a point
>You could try, but while you were distracted searching your Sup Forums folder, you've been sown with the seeds of the death plant. You've been distracted long enough by the bantz to give its roots an opportunity to fully congest your innards. You have a few moments left to make peace with your gods.
fucking kek you son of a bitch.
Someone else's nihilism, and lack of self control or hope for the current world is somehow anime's fault >.>
Personal responsibility is a thing you know, you sound like one of those retards who blame the weapon and not the murderer
It is anime's fault. If you can't understand why you are mentally deficient, probably why you watch anime.
Anime is literally the only reason to keep on living
>Kurt Cobain killed himself.
>Kurt really liked playing guitar.
>Ban guitars.
Concernfags like you are always looking to abrogate the notion of individual responsibility and agency, trying to look for something to ban, some way to take fun out of people's live, some way to tell others what to do all day.
It could have just as easily been the SSRIs this kid was probably on. Now, if you want to stop shrinks from handing out pills like candy to kids, that's something you and I could both see eye to eye on.
It was because of Reddit.
No it's just sad, even worse is that his mother didn't really seem to give a shit. She barely looked upset in the video, didn't even freak out.
Except we're not talking about guitars. We're talking about a disease that causes men to become chronic masturbators, attracted to children, and attracted to men that dress like women. Not only that, but they will begin to fap exclusively to anime, and will spread their disease throughout the internet, insisting others join them.
You and your kind are disgusting animals and should be put down like the animals you are.
If everyone became a week there would be world peace
fresh link? everything's dead.
Most links are dead, but there are some webms on /r9k/
If everyone become a weeb society would cease to exist and you would all starve to death.
>post on Sup Forums
>complain about anime
Go away normalfag trash
Weebs are already dead on the inside. They will all an hero.
Yea. He didnt flinch. He waved goodbye and blew his head off. Professionalism
He was literally an ironybro. It was for the best.
Yes. Sooner or later yes. This is the price they must pay. But they continually insist on dragging others down with them, how disgusting.
How long are we going to pretend that depressed people don't bury themselves in escapism?
I'm a weeb but I'm not a neet
he didn't hurt anyone else, perhaps anime keeps a deranged unhealthy mind from projecting animosity elsewhere, as the NEET has a perfect 2d waifu to keep them balanced, and psychokillers just want to ejaculate on everyone with bullets since they have no perfect 2d waifu outlet.
Is that an SB version of the 870 or a magpul? I need to know the gun looks amazing
You will never innovate or do anything beyond holding a 9-5 low-grade job.
Yeah man, you're so cerebral preferring watching the National Felons' League, House of Cards, Game of Thrones, and the Syfy channel along with the other normies. I'm so jelly. Has Queen Tharonithia been blacked yet?
As for your anime rantings, you remind me of the creepy old doctors in Victorian times who sold Anglos on circumcision, how masturbation was self-abuse with a whole litany of deebly serious health complications, cancer, epilepsy, urinary disease, and so on. You're a complete tool.
Kek underrated.
an hero
I haven't even heard half of the shows you just mentioned. I don't watch tv.
I truly pity you. I know you will not receive mercy and neither would I show it to you given the chance. You are a slave to your own desires, false, petty, and corrupted desires.
Why do you degenerates keep circulating the video of his death?
You're going to hell.
I do it to further my political agenda.
Anyone who watches anime is usually an unstable pedophile.
Why can't I find a news story so I know it's not faked? I'm mean it looks pretty real but I've seen a few shoops in my day.
I've been watching anime for 15 years and never thought about killing myself. This kid likely had a lot of issues.
why he stream it if he didnt want people to see it?
Can someone explain to me the correlation between anime and degenerate behavior? I haven't looked into it much.
They are unstable pedophiles
that he did, read this
theres no proof this is him
From a normal person's POV anime is very degenerate. You have not only absurdism but a lot of sexual deviancy(lolicon, tentacles, traps, dickgirls, futa, dick nipples, etc) which an anime fan is desentized to after a while. This only leads to further degeneracy in consuming more and more depraved hentai.
Japanese are fucked up mentally.
The redpill is dangerous
daily reminder for anime hating nu-Sup Forums
Have you seen his anime list? Lolol
he was paki. fake
All animeniggers should kill self
Anime did nothing wrong.