Earlier I was thinking how great it would be if someone made a Kingdom Come:Deliverance type game set during American Revolutionary times.
Then I remembered that this game was a thing. As someone who has never played an Assassins Creed game, is this any good?
Open world American Revolution
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My favorite assAssins creed man. I liked it. It was a couple of years ago when I played it so idk if it still holds up. Check it out though. Yeah
I dunno, i found it pretty boring, but not as much as Rogue
Unity is pure shit, after that i haven't played any
I'm a huge fan of Colonial Era-style aesthetics, I'd be all for this.
Lets face it history and science are racist social constructs and should be banned. Schools are mostly made for whites to just enslave the blacks. I can't wait until we burn ALL the books and restore real order. It will be the greatest day of my life when the shit goyim learns their lesson.
Pic related: John lennons glasses. Because this is what will happen to the gentiles soon if they don't stop creating things such as "history".
It is pretty good actually
They're fun until you learn how repetitive and dlc/microtransaction filled they are. The pirate one is my favorite.
4 (pirate one) is the only fun one.
Connor was /ourassassin/
IV > Rogue > Unity > III > Origins > Syndicate > I > II > Brotherhood > Revelations
I've played most of them, never finished any. The combo of jumping all over ships, having naval combat where you can just jump overboard and assault the enemy to tons of islands to sail to and dick around on was great. The money making limitations imposed on ammo and upgrade trees was bullshit.
AC3 was the 2nd most hyped I've ever been for a video game, but I felt the end product was disjointed and didn't live up. Would definitely love to see a game like you're describing though. The closest thing I've found is the 1776 mod for Mount & Blade.
Alright thanks guys, I think if anything ill give it a try to see how it is and go from there
If you like Western theme, read dead was pretty good.
I'd like them to make an Assassin's Creed situated during the Russian Revolution and the Russian Civil War, with the Assassins fighting for the Whites. Lots of interesting characters in that period.
You Americans need to understand that your history and along with your wars, were fucking boring and borderline moronic.
agreed. black sails was the best
Hopefully they will have boats soon again
I really wanted to like it. I really really did because of the time period. It starts out strong then gets diluted when they introduce a base and ship you can sail around in. I got bored with it at that point and turned it off. At least I got to play through the Boston Tea Party retelling.
I thought it was cool that German mercenaries were the "elite" enemies but I didn't like alot of the story missions, also don't bother collecting feathers the costume you get is horrible
The AC games are basically anarchism vs communism
>The pirate one is my favorite.
Definitely by far the peak of that franchise.
The first 4 were pretty fun I thought.
>I,II,Brotherhood and Revelations are last
nu assassin creed players are a joke
I've never played it. It is considered one of the weakest in the franchise though. Black Flag is the best.