Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Japan?
Why is it that the UK has lost its power to the point that it's now not as influential as Japan?
It hasn't
what influence does japan have LMAO
totally not our fault
escapist cartoons for losers and overrated video games are their 'influence'
For starters, japan dominates the 30 year old wizard population
the Yen
For one, Yapponese food is eaten around the world. br*t bread sandwiches aren't
get real(´Д⊂ヽ
ah yes the famous Japanese cuisine...
itt: jap and weeb tears
All you dastardly Johnny Foreigners, show some respect... Rule Britannia, what?
Japan has literally zero geopolitical influence in modern world
you are only mentioned in news when arguing with neighbour countries about some irrelevant rocks or denying war crimes
While is your country weak and has zero influence on world politics while UK is a nuclear power with permanent seat in the UN security council? London is also +Alpha city while Tokyo is irrelevant
Japan has the population of the UK and France combined.
And Japan isnt influential.
Can't spell "cuck" without "uk".
And such sharia country is more influential than your island china? Are you angry? Pls don't cry
br*t BTFO
Stalemate of social system.
It is better to die once.
prove me wrong, weeb
I'd show you but it's time for my 5th prayer
stronger than Japan
It was good that everyone's honest voice was known.
Based Brexit
actually, I like this one. This way, all the pro-refugee elites get to know what its like to be culturally enriched
Japs killed by UK during WWII - 150 000 - 200 000
Brits killed by Japs during WWII - less than 70 000
you lost, kid
hey brit answer me this
go back to your shithole homeland, third worlder
Sorry I don't want to return to L*ndonstan
How will bongs ever recover?
your military has a serious problem when it's ranked as almost the same score as that of a country which doesn't have a military
they weren't killed by the brits in burma, but starved to death.
>12,603 dead British vs 54,879 dead Japs
wow so this is the power of Rising Sun Empire
>The defeat at Kohima and Imphal was the largest defeat to that date in Japanese history,[2] resulting mostly from of starvation, disease and exhaustion.[1]
only starvation can defeat japan.
That's cuz u had a bunch of brave pakis fighting for you. wh*toid br*ts would have got REKT
Brits occupied Japan and fucked Japanese girls
No Jap manlet soldier ever stood on British soil
Also according to Jap marriage statistics there is like 10 times more British men married to Japanese women than Jap men to British women
>40000 personnel
>the virgin commonwealth occupation force
Pathetic lol
we raped and enslaved brits to such an extent that butthurt brits prosecuted yamashita, the tiger of malaya, for "warcrime" after the war
>raped and enslaved
That's what happened to your women in 1945 when Commonwealth bulls arrived. It's estimated thousands young Japanese girls got fucked by strong gaijin cocks.
>OP has made tons of “why is the UK not as influential as Germany now?” threads
>OP has also made tons of “why is Japan not as influential as Korea now?” threads
>now this
>somehow it works
tanaka, throw up your shitty trolls
Japs love and worship UK in real life. While Britons don't give a fuck about Japan.
>Commonwealth Cock
Is this a meme?
>Japs love and worship UK in real life
Aussies alone fucked hunderds of Japanese girls
>About 650 Japanese war brides migrated to Australia after the ban on Japanese migration, imposed at the outbreak of the Pacific War, was lifted in 1952 when the San Francisco Peace Treaty came into force. They had married Australian soldiers involved in the occupation of Japan
>brits bragging about occupation of japan on the coattails of america (which is the sole reason uk still exists today btw)
lmao, brits couldn't retake even fucking singapore on their own by the end of the war
I hope the Aussies enjoy their mutts
Yes you do.
this is what island monkeys always think
I always had this interesting. When most South Koreans are interested in American English and American culture, Japanese worship British English and British culture.
britain is literally a puny weak shithole nobody cares about irl here.
Weak cut-and-paste meme bait like this would only trigger those with half a brain. You could point out actual, real-world UK problems (e.g. the shitty weather)...
>chad yamato vs virgin wh*Tes
>fact hurts muh feelings
lmaoo Naruto pls stop. Br*t will never recover
>"m-mu- muhh stronger than you sasuke"
get fucked kek
t. kevin "ooga booga" english teacher
Yes, mongols got BTFO by typhoon not by manlet samurai
Average Japanese height was 120 cm back then lol
Japs and their weeaboo servants try so desperately in this thread but Britain stands undefeated and untrolled
what a vile, directionless, waste of a family
>UK second most popular
Japanese girls fantasies about British men meanwhile British girls would laugh at tiny jap manlets
Strong african gene makes brit teeth white.
Hello muslim country
samurai = typhoon
You actually are obsessed with Britain and are envious of our white skin, meanwhile the average brit doesn't give a shit about japan.
Just remember nips: You will never be white
Stop feeding this cockroach proxy anymore.
>> 74% of newborn babies in 2018 in UK are not ethnically British.
You have not hurt anyone's feelings.
>> 74% of newborn babies in 2018 in Spain are not ethnically Spanish
>> 74% of newborn babies in 2018 in UK are not ethnically Spanish
>whiter than you Takeshi
> be bong
> get multi culti showered
> turnrd out to be Asian
As Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are genetically and culturally the same people they should form one country - United Chinkdom of Japgookia
>he REALLY believes the people of the Land of the Rising Sun, the most powerful ethnostate on the planet, give a shit about a puny irrelevant shithole they raped and enslaved once
p-please, stop being delusional so much