God's work, user. Thats what they are doing.
Sup Forums couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Most here jerk off to anime in the bedroom of their mom's house and then afterwords stuff their faces with cheetos and pepsi.
this was like 5 yrs ago the fuck they talking about
Never get tired of winning
>implying /sg/ is the entire board
We called in an airstrike on an ISIS camp once over twitter, Russia bombed it and thanked us for the info.
stop projecting, soyboy.
it makes you look pathetic
You wish this was true
Maybe, but there are a lot of combat vets here too and I have met several anons like myself that train MMA.
you fucking russian bots
ive found the collusion!
impeach drumpf!!
old news
back when Sup Forums got shit done.
I used to think that too until I realized that most people on this board are normalfags from Reddit and Twitter.
Someone post the screencap of the airstrike that Sup Forums coordinated.
>literal jackas memeflaggot kike
>tfw that air strike was like 3 years ago
time flies
>Win Wars (in the real world and on the Internet)
>Elect Presidents
>Control the mass by exposing the truth through red pills
To beat the jews you gotta be the jews.
>he wouldn't jerk off to this
Holy shit, the Syrian Civil War started 7 years ago.
yotsuba is not for lewd
that you havent been lynched yet is a testament to neo-Sup Forums.
It's all so tiresome.
what if they regrouped back in londonistan?
JKD here, which is basically MMA but with more ballkicking, eye gouging, and sticks.
Just doing my part by shitposting and fapping. Don't even mention news media, happy I could help.
>other people are veterans and I train mma brush
Lol yup you're a huge fucking tool bud
>sullying my lips with piss disgusting pepsi
Take that back you fucking Yankee.
Did you hear about the time we got a bunch of anarchist flop houses shut down by fire marshals? That was also pretty funny.
>tfw nu/pol/ killed our risk threads
I wonder how it was for the guys who had to pick up the bodies, afterwards.
I remember the mods being faggots
projection is a hell if a drug, user
I never liked the risk threads, but bots posting the same shit over and over, and the the influx of meme flaggers have pushed a lot of good discussion off this board.
Sup Forums still does it.
Patriots, the lot of them.
that was like in 2016
That is true user. They were colossal faggots.
Killing your mercenaries.
Don't cry, McCain.
They have actual blood on their hands too - SAFETY SHALL PREVAIL
Most people on Sup Forums
>my country is whiter than yours
>praise israel i mean trump
Meanwhile a few people on Sup Forums are defeating ISIS and actually killing mudslims
you couldnt fight your way out of a rape situation
Why aren't we still doing this?
Our patriotism will show in battle!
Helping Strong Uncle Volodya turn camel-fuckers into red paste. Hope to call in some US positions too!
Thread became too much offtopic and also terrorists aren't posting that much training camp videos anymore
>if you dont support ISIS, Russia wins.
Really explains all the repatriation of IsIs fighters in England. Really made me think.
please keep thinking that Sup Forums consists only of useless 'nerds who jerk off to anime' :)
I thought exactly the same. Next step is to banish the mudshits back to their countries and take everything back the jews took from us and prevent them and the leftists from influencing the people.
does ivan have an advanced clusterbomb where the bomblets are themselves full of bomblets??
>not doing
Media lies as usual
That's ridiculous.
Coke and doritos.
the lulz..
I prefer dos equis, stay butthurt my friend
You're a tard, I spent 4 years in the 82nd airborn and I'm certain I'm not the only one here.
what Sup Forums DO? that picture look like they really fuck up big time
shalom brother
If they're still busy at the moment they're still trying, brainlet.
If it said they tried, they would be lying but only if they weren't ignorant about successes.
>Syria general
>Sup Forums
They are faggot redditors
You do know that /sg/ - the guys who actually called the airstrike - was always critical of USA's position, right?
Apart from the realtively short time when /sg/ thought that Trump's election will bring some change. It didn't.
no they are shitskins muslims, get your insults straight newfag
You didn’t do anything faggot
Just because they die their hair and have tattoos doesn't make them gay. Right?
>Cheetos and Pepsi
Democrats are fucking faggot. Enjoy your flat drink and tasteless half-done cheddar sprinkle you freak.
Risk threads are as fucking stupid as Sup Forums's get threads
>If they're still busy at the moment they're still trying, brainlet.
But they aren't just trying, they are actually doing it. Should have written ''is fighting ISIS in Syria'' not ''is trying to fight ISIS in Syria
If this helps you sleep at night...
The sadest thing you don't realize is that you will get red pilled forcefully over time by coming here
Mods shut down anything we do that's constructive
>when you have to resort to using cliches because your insult game is just that weak
hey at least the rest of us actually want to be here
we all know the reason people like you get stuck here is because reddit already banned them and they have nowhere else to go
feel free to leave at any time
/sg/ literally called in air strikes via the russian air force on terrorists in Syria and essentially has the blood of 600 people(albeit Islamists) on its hands.
Marine Vet. Taekwondo for me.
Sup Forums = Sup Forums, /sg/ /ptg/ /britpol/ etc are boards on Sup Forums, Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums etc don't exist
No, to do something you have to try to do it (=to make an attempt to do so) and after that it's only a matter of waiting if it's done. Sup Forums has no personal bombing squads and isn't in complete control about things, so they're trying.
You want them to lie and say they're ALWAYS going to have success and make militaries bomb targets? That's not very honest.
too much shills and lots of efford quickly die out
>when you have to find some way to protect your fragile ego.
Kill your ego faggot; That shit doesn't do anything for you.
Fighting Islamic terrorism.
memes have evolved
>how Sup Forums tries to defeat ISIS and other terrorists allied with Isr*el and thats a bad thing
yeah fuck /diy/ and /o/ i'm glad they'll never have thier own boards.
Too bad nothing come from the red house hunt and they just taken over them now in Ghouta offense.
If one kill themselves and succeed you don't say they tried to kill themselves, you say that they killed themselves.
If some one murders some one you don't say that they tried to murder some one, you say that they murdered some one.
If some one bombs something you don't say that they tried to bomb something, you say that they bombed something.
hehe u got me
> Autistic Warfare
Meme Warfare Evolved
How new are you? it's even mentioned on wikipedia for fuck's sake.
This board is truly a subreddit.
>How a bunch of neckbearded amateur open source intelligence collectors from Sup Forums are more effective than Russian and American MI
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
just because we call out the jew doesnt mean im against the jews creation, isis.
So you're a Democrat now, Rick?