Not even worth going SS3
Dragon Ball Super
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First for Caulifla is a shit character
can't wait for the porn
10th for 17
>LSSJ3 Kafla
>LSSG Kafla
but why is it green
>We still have 22 minutes of tournament.
>Some people really think Kafla will defeat not only Goku but Jiren too... at much she will be SSB Kaioken x10 level and Jiren will keep meditating.
>I give them 6 minutes until Kafla is defeated and the Namekians are forced to merge with Piccolo to save not only their butts but also their universe.
Come on guys, you should already know that what matters is who receives the final episodes of the arc... Goku and Jiren are confirmed, but who else? I really doubt U6 will have a chance, in fact they will be erased soon, IMO.
>tfw I almost took these U6 shitters seriously
Almost got me there. Now lets get this fusion over with so we can be done with these garbage characters.
How can the Tournament of Power be worse than the convoluted mess of the Zamasu/Goku Black arc? I mean besides the Tien episode.
You should learn to read.
So... her SS form will be called SSLGTB?
So what are the chances of UI Vegito now that the potara are in play?
Now that is THICC. I'd definitely breed that and make half-saiyan children. I bet Kale would be a good wife and cook good.
Because it's legendary.
Vegito soon lads??
I think that a nice thing would be to have Goku, Jiren, Frieza and either Gohan or Vegeta at the very end.
Goku and Jiren take each other out. So at the end, even though U7 is safe, it becomes about who gets the Dragon Balls. If it's either Vegeta or Gohan to resurrect U6 and maybe the other Universes as well. If it's Frieza to screw with the gods.
The two most powerful fighters of the tournament are Goku and Jiren, there's no doubt about that. But that doesn't mean that the end should be about them.
So has there been any given reason why Kale has LSS, or does she have it just to have it?
Leave Kefla to me!
Vegeta's too butthurt
Show a webm you cherrypicking fuck.
>they used the same scene three times for Crush Cannon
Fucking Toei
>Kale and Caulifla need to fuse and go ssj3 to surpass base Goku
*breathes in*
I really like Yamcha's Super outfit
>underestimating Potara fusion
what the actual fuck was this episode? i though caulifla was stronger shes just a little bit stronger than cabba? disappointing, she just has a big mouth.
Caulifla and Kale are shit characters, but this episode has been a lot more fun than I expected. Great action sequences today.
That's a still faggot
stronger but no formal training except thuggery so she kinda just sucks.
Cabba forcing Freeza to use Golden was just Toshio fanservice, he already admitted he likes Cabba.
So, does Toro Furuya just not have enough time to voice an entire arc?
Looks like they are using the fusion earrings. Xeno pls disqualify.
I like how Hit doesn't give a crap about what's happening. He's smarter than anyone else in the U6 team and knows that the universe is doomed.
How BTFO are caulifags that ***base form*** WEAKENED goku could keep up and even tag ss2 caulifla?
also, post your face when fighting is basically sex to goku, so to him, he's literally having a threesome with two hot as fuck saiyan girls and loving every fucking second. I bet he comes every time he gets hit.
where the fuck did she get the potaras
Long arms turn me off though.
I really like Yamcha
Did heart surgery user make it?
Vegito is my #1 all time favorite character in DBZ and always will be, but I don't see it happening.
Earrings aren't allowed cuz its an item. I don't think the girl saiyans fusion is with earrings, I think they just show up when they do it. Could be wrong.
If Ultra Instinct Vegito happens I will actually bust the biggest nutt 2017, but there is no way. Even if Goku (doesn't want to because its not honorable against unfused opponents) and Vegeta (doesn't want to because its Goku) decided to do it, shit will last literally 5 seconds.
Vegito will never happen again. They played me so hard. 5 minutes into his epidode in Super, i was like "fuck yes they will use it more often if its only an hour" and then by the end i realized "wow they will literally never use it again because muh power drain"
How will they handle her personality though?
How overconfident will she be?
He's dead jim.
>Cauli and Kale and the Goten and Trunks of super
Nonsense, I saw his parachute
Can EL Cocinero Yamcha beat Kefla and make her his wife?
I don't know. Whis says that migatte no gokui is hard to achieve and it's not what Goku is using, but at the same time I believe that he's using Caulifla and Kale as training. Right now he's weaker than the two of them, but he's standing on equal grounds by simply wasting less energy than the other two.
I know that we'll see a perfected migatte no goku eventually, but perhaps this training against other enemies is what leads to it. Whatever the case Goku knows that if he has any hopes of fighting against Jiren he needs a serious power-up.
Why was everyone acting surprised and shocked at seeing super saiyans fighting? They literally just watched goku achieve a form and power that made all the gods of destruction poop their pants and then watched him and jiren fight like 3 minutes ago in the show's time.
Kalelifla is clearly using the Potaras to use, why the fuck else would the earrings be there? Makes Vegito a real possibility, still pretty unsure if he’d actually appear though.
Wasn't fusion against the tournament rules?
They probably couldn't see Jiren and UI Goku at all.
Female characters in action media aimed at males especially young males do not sell.
At all.
Fucking ever.
It sells to creepy ass adult men and collectors.
And they don't have what it takes to make those creepy ass men want to buy them as anything.
They have to be hot, they have to be likeable, they have to have hype.
The duo don't have that. At all.
The first is the kind of female character that is outright LOATHED by male characters. The invincible untouchable bitch mary sue that gets everything and doesn't have to do as much as the males and can't take any lumps like the male character always pops up in male action media.
They are always created by the same creepy queers and loser bitches who don't like the media in question and is hated by males AND females.
The rey from star wars is the most recent version I can think of.
The latter is just broly but as a chick and that just...fails on every single level.
The japanese were instantly offput by this character and it was just...embarassing to see how badly recieved she was.
The character is so bad that it actually managed to make the original broly less marketable.
You know what would be neat? If it was a different fusion technique that U6 (or any other universe) that's better than regular fusion but not as strong as the potara
Don't give up. Limit breaking is just that, time constraints included.
We can see in the preview that the fusion is wearing potara earrings
get that shit outta here
>Ultra instinct makes him behaving like an actual wolf.
Some producer was being "clever", that's all.
Are caulifags and kalefags really aware that both are being used by Goku as a warmup just to regain stamina to get UI again and satisfy his fightboner for Jiren?
Isn't that lame?
okay now the meme will die here since it has gone full circle
They're using potaras? I thought items werent allowed?
Oh look another post of I don't like them so noone does
>browsing reddit
Only Shaggy has that ability at the moment:
>the team doesn't consist of goku, vegeta, frieza, king cold, cooler, and cell
literally why not?
>great dialogue
>great story-boarding
>had some reused animation but overall well drawn and interesting
>actually seemed to respect the lore in that Caulifla already had the potential and U7 is lending them their knowledge on how to get stronger that they had worked incredibly hard to learn
>illustrated Caulifla's evolution from brute force fighter to skillful martial artist thanks to Goku's expertise
How has the CHODEforce not just offed themselves at this point? Everyone knows where Toei's priorities are here.
She unlocked it way back in episode 101. In the same episode she also managed to control her "Berserk" state (nicknamed "Ultra Super" by Caulifla) but in the NEP the narrator is making a big deal about Kale controlling her full power mode (meaning, the berserk transformation). Toei most likely doesn't know what to do with Kale and is having her first retread past steps and redo things she has already done, and then fuse into a new fighter that actually challenges Goku to a fight on her own.
Who even remembers king cold
how is caulifla a mary sue and a jobber at the same time?
are you guys retarded?
So Kale's green-haired SS form is just her mastering LSS? Or as Goku called it, "True Legendary Super Saiyan?"
what the fuck are you talking about? this episode was terrible on everything.
I think they are surprised at how far a SS2 can go. Goku, Caulifla and Kale are powering up beyond the limits of the transformation and doing serious damage to the arena.
Saiyans are always surpassing themselves. Even base Goku can fight not only against Namek's arc Frieza, but also against current Frieza (as far as he doesn't transform to gold), which is even more powerful than back then.
Do you know where you are?
Caulifla and Kale are such lame characters, this episode was awful
You've just ironically displayed all the flaws of this episode. If you are a falsefag I applaud you.
Why is SS3 still considered this super dramatic and intense form even though we've well exceeded its power at this point?
Shove that guy in the fucking time chamber with cooler for a fucking day and he'd come out god mod
The rules depend on Zeno's whims. If he allows it then it's allowed.
Ese my fellow CHADlifla amigo!!!
Our goddess will destroy Goku with help of his based amiga Kale.
Nice argument, Pedro. You're clearly asshurt that your shitty filler character isn't getting the spotlight.
Is the user here?
it looks dramatic and it was used in the past 20 years in dramatic battles
contrast it to god (who shouldn't even take damage from ss3) and there's basically no tension to him using that form, partially because it's "new", but also because it was so poorly handled (moreso in the anime)
It's the hair, man.
I'm going to take a break from these threads lads. Call me when both the show and threads get good, and by that I mean when Kafla is out or Vegito is in..
>different (and decent) design
>previous feats
>legacy from z
It's not?
>low budget ep with bad art
pick one
I was just joking when I said that
Daily reminder fighting is like sex for Saiyans. These two young sluts basically just had crazy monkey sex with a 50 year old man. Their tight monkey twats dripping wet for his wrinkly old monkey cock.
>98 problems but 2 bitches aint some
>Female characters in action media aimed at males especially young males do not sell.
At all.
But he's right.
Based CHADlifla is the best character of Super. Not to mention she's #1 in Mexico and Latino America.
Nice blog, faggot.
Which character do you want be the one who knocks these two out of the tournament, Sup Forums?
Yeah, i fondly remember people saying there would be only one female saiyan and that Caulifla was a redesign of Kale, or some bullshit like that.
Good to know I was right the whole time, can't imagine being a retard with such stupid delusions
The only good thing about the Kafla fusion is that it made Vegito possible.