Redpill me on JQ
Redpill me on JQ
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews did 9/11
Jews did communism
Jews did this post
bump because I need the redpill as well
Read the 1200 pages of this and you will never have to read more about the jews ever again.
Good link and numbers
Ok no, fuck this, this exact post + reply I have read like 2 times already in the last few months.
what the fuck is going on.
I like posting this book.
Yeah sure but I saw the exact reply from an US user with the exact Kitler pic attached.
Am I losing it? Is reality warping again? fucking shit.
Karl Marx WAS Jewish, so is Merkel
hes right tho on Merkel and Marx.
Merkel was born "Kasner" or something, an easter jew name.
Now I finally see.
Mind your business Muhammad
>Am I losing it?
Read about synchronicity. When you start to read about deep subjects you experience it more.
$0.5 deposited.
Might be a good read, I'll try finding this online
Ive been experiencing this stuff for about 2 years now. Sometimes i start to think that time is not what were told it is.
Baawwwh poor white ppl :((
>Judges germany from a small period of 20 years.
>ignores the other 1000 years of degeneracy and chaos.
If a fish fights another fish, somewhere in the deep blue sea, I am sure that the Jews were behind it.
>raped so hard it becomes part of your genome
is it our fault germany's so cucked now?
That picture can't be real lol
MemriTV is unironically legit, check out Jewtube
Islam is 100% redpilled on the JQ and... certain aspects of degeneracy. Not all. But they don’t drink, kill the homosexuals, are fiercely religious, and hate the Jews. I know very liberal Muslims, that are also devout, that fucking hate kikes.
I think the races that practice that religion are generally inferior, but I also believe the Jews make the Christian and white races fight them in order to keep Islam from showing the West who the real enemy is.
It's legit but hyperbolized.
They use more liberal translations to make it sound worse, but the general concept stays the same. Just a matter of translating colloquialisms to text:
"The USA is evil" -> "The USA is spawn of Satan" when translated literally from Arabic colloquialism.
Yes, Memri TV is a Jewish institution made to slander Islam to normies. Just ends up making them look like god’s of bantz.
>edgelords love goatfuckers if they say le funny maymays XD
Can't say I'm shocked.
>No “200 Years Together”
I’m don’t even hate Jews, and I can tell this thread is shit because nobody’s mentioned this book.
You have a good folder of anime girls.
Is there a database where I can find more? I already saved 3.
I might make a torrent of my folders someday
I get my images mostly from Pixiv and Danbooru
I want /reddit/ OUT
O vey it's antisemitic
aren't untermensch men with a philosphy of obediance / sheep?
da joos did evritinhg n da wh*te race is flawless.
good riddance
tribalism and nepotism is the gist of it.
Sup Forums?
Just now figuring that out, eh?
>quickly guys self-censor yourself!! :(((