Redpill me on JQ

Redpill me on JQ

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jews did 9/11
Jews did communism
Jews did this post

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bump because I need the redpill as well

Read the 1200 pages of this and you will never have to read more about the jews ever again.

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Good link and numbers

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Ok no, fuck this, this exact post + reply I have read like 2 times already in the last few months.
what the fuck is going on.

I like posting this book.

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Yeah sure but I saw the exact reply from an US user with the exact Kitler pic attached.
Am I losing it? Is reality warping again? fucking shit.

Karl Marx WAS Jewish, so is Merkel

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hes right tho on Merkel and Marx.
Merkel was born "Kasner" or something, an easter jew name.

Now I finally see.

Mind your business Muhammad

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>Am I losing it?
Read about synchronicity. When you start to read about deep subjects you experience it more.

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$0.5 deposited.

Might be a good read, I'll try finding this online

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Ive been experiencing this stuff for about 2 years now. Sometimes i start to think that time is not what were told it is.

Baawwwh poor white ppl :((

>Judges germany from a small period of 20 years.

>ignores the other 1000 years of degeneracy and chaos.

If a fish fights another fish, somewhere in the deep blue sea, I am sure that the Jews were behind it.

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>raped so hard it becomes part of your genome
is it our fault germany's so cucked now?

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That picture can't be real lol

its bullshit.

been debunked systematically

MemriTV is unironically legit, check out Jewtube

Islam is 100% redpilled on the JQ and... certain aspects of degeneracy. Not all. But they don’t drink, kill the homosexuals, are fiercely religious, and hate the Jews. I know very liberal Muslims, that are also devout, that fucking hate kikes.

I think the races that practice that religion are generally inferior, but I also believe the Jews make the Christian and white races fight them in order to keep Islam from showing the West who the real enemy is.

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It's legit but hyperbolized.

They use more liberal translations to make it sound worse, but the general concept stays the same. Just a matter of translating colloquialisms to text:

"The USA is evil" -> "The USA is spawn of Satan" when translated literally from Arabic colloquialism.

Yes, Memri TV is a Jewish institution made to slander Islam to normies. Just ends up making them look like god’s of bantz.

>edgelords love goatfuckers if they say le funny maymays XD

Can't say I'm shocked.

>No “200 Years Together”

I’m don’t even hate Jews, and I can tell this thread is shit because nobody’s mentioned this book.

You have a good folder of anime girls.
Is there a database where I can find more? I already saved 3.

I might make a torrent of my folders someday
I get my images mostly from Pixiv and Danbooru

I want /reddit/ OUT

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O vey it's antisemitic

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aren't untermensch men with a philosphy of obediance / sheep?

da joos did evritinhg n da wh*te race is flawless.

good riddance

tribalism and nepotism is the gist of it.

Sup Forums?

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Just now figuring that out, eh?

>quickly guys self-censor yourself!! :(((

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