The fate of all amerimutts
The fate of all amerimutts
based leaf.
Why not just became a drunkard?
At least this guy didn't do something truly cowardly like shoot a bunch of innocent people before doing himself. If he wanted to die that's his right.
RIP Stephen Hawking 1942-2018
>bye guys
>be amerilard
>get shot
Every time, literally not a single exception.
>Kel Tec
Shit /k/ must have told him to off himself about a 1,000 times already.
Do you think he felt the pain of being brainlet_wojak for a few moments?
>Weeb shit all over room.
>Rainbow bandanna.
Nothing of value was lost. In fact the only worthwhile thing he has done was to entertain me for those two second.
I couldn't finishing the webm. Did he really blow his brains out?
No, it shoots out confetti in the end
y o l o
not even a monkey in the jungle would turn the boomstick on himself and fire, racemixing is hilarious wtf i love jews now i wish that more americans would commit genetic suicide only to have their offspring go out with a bang on the internet for all to see
He does, but you don't really see much except some chunks got the ceiling.
My question is how did the vid get uploaded if he's dead? Was this being livestreamed?
typical inferior cracker
animals kill themselves all the time just like this spic weeb loser just did
it didn't kill itself and only crackers kill themselves like that cause you know you are inferior and not many to exist
that kid was 100% spic california trash
He was a Paki. His mom has some Muslim name.
same difference
Le 56% Remaining Face
>anime girl posters on the wall
>gay furry mask
Hmmm... almost as if Sup Forums is a gateway drug to a degenerate lifestyle which leaves you empty inside and suicidal.
I can come here for the bants and to shitpost, others however, let the culture become a part of their identity and it always ends badly.
i would head shot that thing from a mile out. mercy kill.
I heard he was an ironybro who was sick of it all. Not even joking. His comments were all over 'The Weekly Sweat' streams.
Is that his gf? No wonder why he ended it all, she looks like a fat nagging bitch.
Probably was is my guess. Crazy stuff. Oh well.
What he say?
Did he die?
this faggot was not a real american, he was a lonely weird anime watching r9k posting FAG
Was posted to /k/. They said it was the first time they've seen that particular gun look even somewhat ergonomic.
how didn't the beanie hold his head together...