Why was this show so poorly received?

Why was this show so poorly received?

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Because it's shit

It had these pretentious dialogues and what not, it wasn't particularly funny, or cute, which is what KyoAni does best. Everyone watched it because it has the second best cast of well-designed KyoAni girls after Amaburi Brilliant Park.

Because kyoani's fanbase is filled with fujoshi hamplanets now and the show didn't pander to them at all.

It was actually quite popular here in Mexico, at least around my circles. I heard the BRs also liked it.

Only good for the Mai doujins.

>no actual plot until the last two episodes
>Always tells, never shows
Lots of problems. Mai couldn't save it.


The plot of volume 2 sounds interesting, wish it hadn't flopped so there could be a S2.

Literally 95% of anime is like this, though. Why didn't Phantom Sales get a pass?

Because people were jealous of me looking EXACTLY like Koito.

I can't take her edgyness seriously when she wears such childish hairpins.

I liked it. Fucking fight me

Koito is actually really shy and sweet deep down. I know because I'm Koito.

Because it was shit and it didn't even have good fanservice past the first coupme of eps

The concept and setting weren't particularly interesting but the writing treated them like they were, and often resorted to exposition like said. I don't think any of the character relationships stood out either (whether in an interesting way or just in a cute/fun/endearing way). I feel like you'd only like it if any of the girls really caught your attention and you could ignore the rest of the show.

The only thing I remember was the Mother/Son kiss and the boner it gave me

Enigma actually being his mom would have been great.

It's impossible to continue the same plot. Enigma who was supposed to be equivalent to Ruupa is a completely different character originally unrelated to Haruhiko, she doesn't seem to have any connection with Touko either. So there is no way to kickstart the whole plot caused by Him specially since the only reason Him decided to give Haruhiko a trial was because he became afraid of the Godlike power he displayed at the end of volume one, something he doesn't show in the anime.

So what happens in Vol3?

It could still be fixed by filling in the gaps early in S2, make another bad guy early on that serves Ruupa's purpose, or hell bring back Enigma and give her that backstory.

Because characters are annoying, and most of episodes are not good.

Akarin makes a cameo

I don't see it working. You'll have to make stuff up that didn't happen in order to make it work. And trying to fill the gaps like that would make the writing feel terrible. They are better off making an anime original plot while still introducing the new characters.

Yobel gakuen joins together with Hosea gakuen because Phantoms start dropping from a gap in the sky while Haruhiko travels through Another and Origin in order to gain the power he needs to defeat Touko. It also has a female protagonist since Haruhiko is absent from most of the story.

Does Haruhiko end up dicking his cute yandere stalker/osananajimi? This is important

Wait, nevermind, that second part was already explained in the summary. That's pretty much it.

Because it was bad

It would only make the writing feel terrible if the writer is terrible.


because Kyoanus

Haruhiko kind of became enlightened after merging with himself and realized love is the answer to everything, because even Touko who had lost almost all feelings as a person, was only motivated by the feelings of love she had towards him. He ends up in good terms with Touko.

See .

There was absolutely nothing wrong with Phantom World. The only reason it was disliked was because KyoAni's fanbase is filled with landwhales who were mad about not being pandered to.

That's so sweet.

Any dickings?

Only the limbo scene was memorable

It's not that kind of LN, user.

Nah, it was legitimately shit

I didn't like Phantom World or Free.

My favorite anime is K-On.

I really like it, mostly because it reminds me of early millennium harem shit and JRPGs where you need to group up and work as a team. Now all that's left are beta MCs and shitty korean grindfests.

Yeah man, only fujoshi watch Kyoani series. Every other otaku hears the word Kyoani and immediately ignores the show.

Just face the fact that Phantom World was mediocre. It was an uninspired harem with a number of dumb episodes that never really went anywhere.

If anything this was my only reason to watch 1 episode then drop it

They didn't make Reina the main character.

KyoAni's worst anime is actually Kyoukai no Kanata though.

Yes Hibike or Park are full fujo indeed

When you have the main female rubbing her tits to call out her attacks, your target audience eventually will get sick of how aware you are trying to be with your pandering.

Still this show was great fetish fuel.

That's not keyshit.

But it got hundreds of threads while it aired and people loved it, it was a little after it was over or I think a little before that some people started shitposting about it for some reason and it become "fun" to do so, at the end it was a good show that people "hated" because it wasn't a 10/10 show.

>thisnis what fanbois actually believe

It got a ton of threads when the first episode came out, though almost all of them were about Mai shaking her tits while doing the limbo, but they quickly declined in number after that.

It got lots of threads only during the first couple of eps then they quickly died out until ep 6 came out and people realized the show wasn't going anywhere and the shitposting kicked in

Coitus with Koito

It was mediocre but not bad.

Also it most certainly was not worse than the other shit KyoAni releases these days.

i watched all of it. it just wasn't memorable.The show was extremely forgettable. it wasted a lot of time either trying to be clever, at the expense of any kind of story. or otherwise trying to have great fanservice, except that the fanservice was far too tame. it was the boldest fanservice kyoani has ever done. but it was still too tame, except for the limbo scene in the very first episode. if all the service was like that scene, it would have been an amazing show.

the characters were also too flat and predictable. you could say they felt like stock tropes. but i think stock tropes from other shows would actually have MORE personality than these characters. these characters were cardboard. Ruru was the closest thing it had to a good character.

K-ON is among the best anime KyoAni has made so that says very little.

Phantom World was better than a lot of other shit KyoAni released, e.g. Amaburi, Chuuni, Tamako Market and the massively overrated piece of garbage that is Hyouka.

Nice wrong opinions


Nice no arguments.

Tamako Market is great you take that back

They ruined it with romance drama. The only good thing about it was Kanna.

Tamako Market was a forgettable clusterfuck that wasn't particularly good at anything it tried to be.

The movie was actually pretty good, it a shame I kept putting it off because of how mediocre the main show was

But Hyouka and Chuuni S1 were legitimately good.

>he thinks his post about calling x and y shows garbage is an actual argument

No, they were shit.

It's an argument when it comes from a person of authority, like myself. When it comes from a degenerate subhuman like yourself it's not.

Rampant Free homosexuality.

Only Reina was gay


Not enough shantae in anime today.

Not enough shantae in everything.

Not enough fanservice for haremfags, too much fanservice for purefags.

Mai was hot but she couldn't save this series. If I just want anime titties I'll look at doujinshi which provide way more than any anime.

Fucking based Kanna.

Kyoani's fanbase is full of fujos. They don't appreciate perfect females such as this I see no other reason for it to fail. It was an interesting anime with some fairly unique stuff.

Did you buy it? If it's so great then put your money where your mouth is.

Not him but I bought the three LN volumes at Kyoani shop. Also I bought the toranoana special bonus box + all 7 BD volumes at Yahoo auctions as well all of Mai's official merchandise I could find online.

Does that count?

The /ss/ episode and mother were the only noteworthy things. Otherwise, it was competent but forgettable.

In your case sure. I just find it hypocritical when people bitch because an anime isn't selling but then refuse to buy it themselves.

>forgetting AAAAAAAAA
>forgetting monkey rape
>forgetting bear madness
>forgetting big Ruru
>forgetting midget kiss
>forgetting the kungfu phantom girls
>forgetting the crazy school play

Pretty sure it's filled with tumblr dykes

Also it's a bad show.

In Spain had some fame for a few months, but it was not nearly successfull as ReZero or OPM were

Those were shit.

>Also it's a bad show

Kyoani's been there for a while already.

That's only because you can't think of anything that's isn't fucking your own mother.

Tits and asses were nice, but they were literally all PW had to offer

You're saying this like anime has anything else that matters to offer.

Shit story, characters, context, subtext, designs, character chemistry, writing, story structure, plot, character arcs, dialogue.
It's the worst shit KyoAni's put out since Munto.

>Mai was hot
Sento with moles, nothing special

She had a better personality than Sento. Sento was a cold fish.

And you're trying to convince me that you're looked on personality, not a cowtits, right?

What's wrong with wanting both a nice personality and cowtits?


>cute girls, but annoying MC
>haha guys look at this anime cliche! we won't do it *wink* OOOPS we did it! haha.
>teased about harem/incest with mom, but haha just joking/dream
>main villain was stupid

It could've been nice, but it was trying to hard to be "deep" when it should've just been harem/pandering trash full force

Huge tits are the best.

>The best part of the show was the anime original character
really makes the almonds fry

Sento was literally a hentai tier character that only exists to be porked in silly positions.

>He doesn't watch thinking man anime like LoGH, Mononoke, Mushishi, Monster, Shigurui, Kuuchu Buranko, Death Note, etc.
Off yourself, weebs.


I honestly completely forgot everything about it (despite watching every episode) except for maybe the limbo boobs scene, so that should say something about what kind of lasting impression it leaves.

>thinking man
>entry level list
Lurk more.

>Death Note
>thinking man anime

>that list
>thinking man anime


>thinking man anime

Is that anime about the thinking man's fetish?