>>be me
>> enjoy more gun rights than most of states in America
Will Sup Forums ever recover?
>>be me
>> enjoy more gun rights than most of states in America
Will Sup Forums ever recover?
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If only they sold light bulbs there
I meant europoors but you have the idea
will you disgusting discordian jews ever go back to your dead forums?
I wanna light your bulb
Its 3 pm
I am in siesta napping after a pasta based meal
These don't even make sense now
That doesn't excuse taking the dimmest photograph of the year
I made you reply. Wont be long till youre on your knees begging for my cock like a bitch in heat.
Makes no fucking difference since there's no real Stand Your Ground law, have to keep your rifles locked up and you can't carry a handgun unless you sell jewelry for a living or jobs like that.
>I am in siesta napping
terrone detected
I am from tuscany, we stand above polentoni and terroni.
EVEN better I am from Siena which means that I am above the rest of Tuscany
EVEN better I am from the " nobile contrada dell'oca" meaning that I am above ALL the other contrade of the town
Just going to let this slide?
You can get all that shit in France as well with a sport license
This. Gun rights are just a natural extension of the right to defend yourself and the majority of Europe has completely gutted that.
Self defense is still a thing, but it has to be "proportionate", which is bullshit. If a guy comes at you with a knife and you shoot him you're facing trouble.
Oh boy. You can "own" a gun. Too bad you can't defend yourself with it. Pretty much defeats the purpose of owning one.
Sounds legitimate. Why should you be able to shoot someone who's attacking you with a knife? It's not like they're deadly.
Which is dumb because that person shouldn't be coming at anyone with a fucking knife and deserves to get shot. How do I know the first thing he won't do is slice my throat open?
>knives can't kill don't be silly
Polenta is actually really good though you greasy wop dago.
Technically you can defend yourself. It's just that you're likely to do jail time or at the very least face a shitstorm. If the guy you kill is a mud you're probably facing a media campaign too.
If being Italian gives you so many nice gun rights why do you have so many illegal niggers and nigger rape gangs and shit like that? why can't you just shoot the fuck out of them?
we shoot the fuck out of muslim rape gangs here in Canada even ffs.......
yes the truth is the 'gunman was blowing the fuck out of rape gang members selectively as they where pointed out
> you can t defend yourself.
Wrong, and even more wrong considering that we are going full castle law thanks to OUR LORD AND SAVIOR SALVINI
I love italy now
Nigger rape gangs are something that we find in the anglosphere.
Our niggers have yet to try to be that funny...and considering the general attitude of italians and other immigrants( did I mention how Asians and eastern Europeans are tired of this shit) it would be funny
why are you appropriating euripedes, your people were filthy backwoods retards when he composed masterpieces for his fellow greeks
>unironically eating grain foods
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
It's not that we are based, or at least we are not that based...it is mostly the sum of high incompetence and corruption and the presence of italian firms such as Beretta and Benelli that allow us to have some strange fucking laws
( you can have an so with 29 round magazines, but you can t have a Five seven)
did I mention how we Don t have areal limit to calibers? Its technically possible to own an Anzio rifle in 20'mm but nobody import that)
In Italy every time this shit makes it to the news we have that same debate, not really defending the burglar but the usual leftists going "he'll go through a trial and left alone if there's no evidence of abuse but remember Italy cannot be the Far West and blah blah blah" and right-wingers saying there shouldn't be any trial eccetera.
If the RWC manages to get ahold of the new government like it should self-defence laws are gonna be a main focus and will certainly be more lax, but we'll have to wait for the end of march.
Diogene was the shit he was like the personification of the contrada dell'oca...meaning that he was the embodiment of perfection
The counter argument to the leftists mentioning the far west
1) Since now we live in an era in which rich people can defend themselves living in nice blocks surveiled by guards while the poors are forced to be raped and killed by invader just like it was at the time of the moor invasions I consider the far west as an upgrade of our current situation