>Sea levels havent risen for years. Climate change btfo!
Umm, no sweetie. Thats not how it works. The sea floor is just sinking because of climate change, and thats why the sea levels are no longer rising. Educate yourselves.
>Sea levels havent risen for years. Climate change btfo!
Umm, no sweetie. Thats not how it works. The sea floor is just sinking because of climate change, and thats why the sea levels are no longer rising. Educate yourselves.
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Hahaha i love this global warming shit. Watching climate change never happen and rubbing it in the face of cuck libs is going to be a lot of fun.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever read. I didn't know our planet follows the same physics as Baron Munchausen.
>(((climate hysteria)))
I find if funny, they same people pushing al gore warming also believe gender isn't binary, but rather fluid.
You anti science kikes are retarded. No one is buying it.
I need you to me why it’s bad
The fucking weight would be the same. 1kg of water has the same weight as 1kg of ice.
These people are literal retards.
I don't even see how the pressure could he greater since the water would spread over a larger area.
Sounds like global warming isn't a problem then
>The water is so heavy its crushing the earth.
This may be the dumbest shit I have read.
Stop living near the sea then, retards.
Problem solved
>The sea floor is just sinking because of climate change
I was wondering what the next lie would be, this one is hilarious.
Ah the classic it's a good thing, and here's why its bad, what you should know qualifier at the end. Thank athesimo they tell me how i should feel about this.
so why did you lie about it for years and years even when others had it right? And do you think arguing that you are right after you just have been wrong for years makes sense?
>amerimutt advanced education
It's the ice on Greenland and other places where there is ice/snow/tundra/permafrost on ground.
>the sea floor is sinking
I'm fucking dying, send a doctor
The ocean floor is sinking, but the water level is rising, trust us
What were they measuring then? The rise of their paychecks?
>It's the ice on Greenland and other places where there is ice/snow/tundra/permafrost on ground.
Citation required
but Antarctica and Greenland are not floating user
>liberal science
It's as bad as creation science.
what I don't get is not only why people don't accept that climate change is real? But also, why is it a bad thing?
the waters rising would get rid of commiefornia, florida, and countries like the aquafresh-flag one
Also Switzerland would be much closer to the sea and oceans.
In my book all of this is a win.
And let's not forget that it would destroy africa even more.
The climate is always changing and it's not responsible for me to pay the nigger tax for processess that are billions of years in the working
10m of water increases the pressure by 1bar.
Tell me how a added pressure of 0,01bar has any effect on the ocean floor?
Ok so are we going to get flooded or not? This is getting really confusing. According to Gore we should be already dead.
Soooooo... if we continue to burn fossils the earth will collapse inside under the weight of water? Right, professor Liberstein?
>global waba! planet will get so hot we'll all die!
>but its the same
>ok climate change, weather will become
>its the same
>...global flooding will make every continent on earth flooded and unihabitable by...
>dude, stop.
Jesus christ will you "scientists" fuck off already. what happened to methane pockets killing us all, never occured, go away.
Trump to impose tariffs on water pumps ! !!
Agreed, nothing east of the Appalachians or west of the Rockies is worth anything in the states.
The closer you are from having a beach the more brits you'll get on holidays, think about that.
Climate change bullshit is the ultimate moving goal post.
have you seen cities like geneva during holidays?
everywhere you look it's mahmed with his 4 wives, so what would be the difference?
It's paychecks, political agendas, and "scientists" misguided by conflation of correlation and causation.
>- "Globalists" (elite)
>- "Researchers" (with agendas, Marxist or not)
>- Democrat-Communists (low info followers)
They all have the same goal of supporting globalism for a New World Order, a one world government where you can't resist the rules of a single central body of elite laws. Every piece of legislation they can pass to hand over more of a country's control to the UN is one step closer to the (((end game))). They hijacked the banner of environmentalism. Good environmentalism measures effects of toxic chemicals and wants to diminish real pollution. Climate hysteria doesn't do that.
UN Agenda 21/2030 bypasses nations and goes straight for capturing city laws wherever they can't convince entire nations. It's real and it's a wolf in sheep's clothing spreading to thousands of cities under the Trojan Horse of simple zoning laws that are anti-traditional-family and pro-mass-migration and big corporate.
lmfao... my sides. no seriously op, this can't be real is it?
Soooo...rising sea levels and this cancel each other out, no? At least partially? What’s the problem? This sounds great.
lol, works as designed I suppose
I honestly thought you guys were safe since jewish bankers hate arabs. What a dissapointment, I guess I should stop hoping for Andorra too then.
I'm quite surprised at some of the responses in this thread. All this shows is that a dynamical elastic response by the ocean floor has partially compensated sea level rise (5% according to the original GRL paper). This doesn't change the well established fact that sea level is rising and even accelerating. I fail to see what's absurd about this or how this is supposed to demonstrate that climate scientists were lying.
I wonder if the (((journalist))) or the study's authors actually believe this shit
Climate change feels the same about you. It requires neither your faith or endorsment. Can you say that about the things you are beholden to.
Pure bullshit, they just hop people don't check the data themselves.
when something is shown they show the summer melt and say LQQK how bad it is, then winter comes and the cap has more ice than ever recorded in human history.
But that fact gets left out because it's inconvenient.
The sea level rising and falling is normal.
"Here's why our previous predictions were wrong but let me tell you why things are much worse than we thought."
I really stopped caring about this fiasco. I'm not ditching my car or paying carbon taxes for just living. Fuck off
>amerimutt education
Yeah ice has the same displacement and density as water... fucking retard
dutchfag here,I live next to a dike and below sea level, as we do.
Haven't noticed fucking SHIT for centuries. IT'S ALWAYS HIGH.
>what is Agenda 21
>educate yourself retard
The elites and corporations will willingly fuck up the planet but they'd never lie to us right?
The arctic sea ice has been in dramatic declining trend ever since we started measuring
Try again.
These climate shills are really ruining the name of science. Politicizing it as much/more than the catholic church did back in the day. We should feed them to the ocean they love so much.
well, on the bright side we only get the rich ones that can have multiple women, they bring them here to buy our jewelries and expensive watches
It was above freezing in the arctic a few weeks ago, that is like Denver co2 being 118 degrees in the middle of winter, thou many not care, the plants you depends on to live do.
So what? When will the global warming turn my endless snow steppes into farmland and tropical resorts?
Everything is global warming the thread
For arguments sake, let's say this article is true, and mind you I am no expert on geology or anything;
Weaking of the ocean floor, making it more brittle, increase in volcanic/eath quake activity, means increase in Tsunamis as well.
I would also assume that it would fuck up the flow of the ocean, shifting weather patterns across regions, and ecological effects could be bad, however so I am no oceanographer, evironmentalist or the such, so one man's uninformed opinion on a matter he doesn't believe is true- that being "the ocean floor is being pushed down"
Science's name was fubared years ago. Have you tried coming close to academia? It's purely about writing articles no one will read and managing to get them published to inflate your citation index.
It's been declining since we left the last ice age retard.
Do you remember the ozone layer hysteria?
That was supposed to have killed us too.
On mobile now, sorry dude you get soggy melting perma frost that is going explode on you,and gas is all, Google pingos.
>i want to see the world burn so i can laugh at liberals
NWO elite and communists want to "seize the means of production." They chose CO2 regulation as the primary method. In reality, CO2 is not a pollutant. Electric vehicles are unfortunately becoming another Trojan Horse because gasoline provides independence and decentralized mobility. Most of the electric vehicles coming out are going to be heavily pushing autonomous vehicle control, in the long term pushing out an ability for a lot of people to even obtain licenses and choose their destiny without a microchip remotely disabling you and big brother deciding.
Not nearly at the rate it is now the shit is almost gone, if interested check out a guy that has been in submarines measuring the thickness his whole life. His name is Peter wadhams, probly misspelled last name.
Why isn't the Brooklyn bridge underwater yet?
Why does Kilimanjaro still have snow on it?
Why has every prediction ever been false?
data is taken and shown during melt dimes,
this year is the second coldest longest Canadian winter on rerecord, there is no way a great melt can be shown, also the data is done on a year by year bases, year end is always at the beginning of the freezing time.
No data is available right now for 2018 to the public, I wonder why? doesn't fit the narrative that is why.
So? Ice sheets don't lose mass just because they feel like it. What the paleoclimate record in fact shows is that ice sheets can give a large and sometimes also fast response to even small forcings on the surface energy budget.
Why do you think this is a point against climate scientists (and who do you think were to people who found out about past sea level)?
The biggest red alert should have been when they changed "Global Warming" to "Climate Change".
Snow on the pyramids and freezing Refugges in Greece cant be explained by Global Warming.
But with Climate Change it doesnt matter what happens, they can demand cash.
Climate Change.
>Its getting hotter?
>Its getting colder?
Climate Change.
>Snow on the Pyramids?
Climate Change.
>Anything happening at all?
Climate Change.
Even if its not a hoax it should be obvious how easily this can be misused to turn a matter of environmental protection into a Money printer.
DUDES, I just realized! Water like, it drains through soil right? Well what if, like all this extra water from global warming is like drains through the soil? And then what if it like extinguishes the earths core?! What if like global warming will actually make global cooling!!! We need to stop this!!!
Wow it's almost like ice melts faster the less there is.
Why didn't we have runaway greenhouse effects with the dinosaurs when C02 levels surpassed 4,000 ppm, more than 10 times its current levels?
Google jumping jack flash hypothesis for more about effects of ice melt going into oceans. On mobile.
stop embarrassing us for fucks sake
Climate Change actually does occur, naturally. How much of this change is man-made cannot be determined, but CAN and WILL be used to get shekels from you for "environmental protection" like you said.
>ITT: People who never passed high school circle jerking each other off about global warming
>“For the wrath of Climate Change is revealed from heaven against all pollution and CO2 emissions of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth."
- Romans 1:18
I like how every time they make up one of these absurd excuses its always in the format of "the thing we predicted isn't happening but thats why everything is actually even worse than we thought!". How much are they going to keep doubling down on this hoax?
Not relative dude, sea ice melts, arctic warms significantly, jet streams are fucked climate patterns change, massive drought, crop failures,mass starvation, chaos. Get comfy, safe space thinking will not help with what is coming down the pike.
1. CO2 concentration didn't reach 4000ppm at the time at which dinosaurs existed
2. The moist greenhouse limit (the stage preceding runaway greenhouse) is calculated to be around 10,000ppm CO2 concentration for the present-day solar constant. So during the age of dinosaurs, if would have been even a little bit higher.
Stop grasping at straws
>ITT teenage internet virgins attempt to debunk the work of thousands of scientists
That's a nice IQ test.
I bet 80% of leftards see no problem with that poster.
They focus on "feelings" and "narrative" and have no clue of how things work
>believe us goy! You just can't see it but it's happening!
It's climate change. Update your buzzwords
Oh so now the sea/ocean floor is sinking. Not like just anyone can go down there and check either. How convenience. Guess I’ll just take their word for it.
Explain how what I said isn't relevant. Or can you only regurgitate what Al Gore face fucked you with?
You can also address why we didn't experience runaway greenhouse effects in past times. Like when C02 was nearly 12 times as common in the atmosphere as it is now.
So the glaciers only weight after they melt? I thought they are water and the float on water. Where does the weight go??
Talking about climate change on /pol is easy bait.
That's because it's been declining for 10,000 years dumbass.
People who need plants to live are fags.
I swear, since fifty years ago pseudo science has become the new science. I didn't realize superstitions from centuries ago could be brought back. all these climate change 'scientists' think they are so special, "Look at my new discovery! The weather changes! Do i get a raise now Mr. goldburg?"
Nigga stop it's not about current sea level but slowing the carbon trend for your grandchildren. I thought conservicucks were supposed to care about posterity.
I already gave you the answer. The moist greenhouse limit is around 10,000ppm (25x) for the present-day solar constant.
There are no physical records of this concentration ever being reached on Earth, but the times at which comparable concentrations are postulated (Pre-Cambrian) also had several percent weaker total solar irradiance, which implies that the moist greenhouse limit was even higher.
>They focus on "feelings" and "narrative" and have no clue of how things work
Emotion is 100% the democrat-liberal-communist platform. It makes for the scariest reality. Having to contend with people who literally do not care about anything grounded as long as their vision sounds good is like battling zombies. They reject biological science (genetics/IQ, subsets of human species) and follow any science that promotes globalist rule.
Worse yet, they think they're scientific because they watch entertainment (((media))).
Don't forget the rainforest should be extinct now and all of our oxygen gone. Or everyone melted by acid rain.