What the fuck is wrong with her face?
What the fuck is wrong with her face?
Nothing at all. She's a cute onee-chan.
Nothing, she's absolutely perfect.
Is this the nee-san thread?
fetal alcohol syndrome
Its the yearning for cock face, as soon as she gets laid, she will look different.
I hope she remains a virgin forever.
>square eyes
>triangle mouth
>circular breasts
This is a geometric mess.
renge with her eyes and mouth turned upside-down?
Somewhere, in the Mathematical Aether, Pythagoras is getting an erection
I hope so.
What a cute mother-son relationship, I hope she raises him to be a fine young man so he can get married to a nice girl one day and give her grandchildren.
I want to lewd geometric shapes
The pleasure of cuddling with otouto.
NBR Syndrome. Pity the poor NBR girls.
I'm not terribly surprised some tripfag is too new to know an Sup Forums term.
I doubt it's an Sup Forums term.
Is this like NTR, but with incest?
According to google, or more specifically Urban Dictionary, it stands for "not blood related. I would assume one would only see this term in incest threads, and I've only been seeing it around recently since I've never seen it when the first oreimo season was airing and I didn't frequent any other incest threads.
It is a term very common on /a.
Not as common as you think, and certainly nowhere close it being an old term that's been around for a while.
Wait, come to think about it, Obaa-san is the first Tripfag I've seen in a while on Sup Forums.
What happened to fags like Lelouche and Bear?
To be perfectly frank, Lelouch must be the least significant tripfag of all time considering how he's been on Sup Forums for years now and is hardly noticeable. He's basically Akari~n of tripfags, except he's not cute like she is so I don't even know how to properly compare him to something.
As for Bear, all he did was post in 3x3 threads and shitpost about MAL?
Dumb tripfag.
Begone foul temptress.
I wish we had more of these. One season of 3-4 minute episodes wasn't enough. ;_;
NBR Begone.
I read that in her voice.
Geometric perfection
is dumb
but also very vocal
>Begone foul temptress.
When your sis is so salty she start boob slaping.
So, just like almost every other tripfag/namefag?
This one just seems more so.
>only interested in older guys.
what a waste.
Considering they were defending oldhags it wouldn't surprise me if they're female.
>hey it's a nee-san anime
>not only they are not blood-related, they didn't even grow up together
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Some newfag namefag not knowing their shit, what a fucking surprise.