What is this form implying for?
What is this form implying for?
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receding hairline
Slopping forehead
Neanderthal look
Nice tracing Toe.
I still don't get why they Goku or Gotenks look like Piccolo when they reach SSJ3.
What exactly happens to those eyebrows?
This was a silly design
Shut the FUCK up
It just screams "we're running out of ideas."
>Eh... let's make more of the freakin hair, and then I guess give him a huge caveman brow idk.
The blue lightning was cool, although that started with SSJ2. They should have gone for something a little more subtle
super saiyan 3 needs to stay dead
SSJ4 was at least innovative, but let's be honest it just didn't look cool. The red hair bullshit was the beginning of the end. It's funny, like the author really had no idea why DBZ had become so big. I think this was the case
How were Caulifla and Kale impressed by this when they already saw SSG and SSB which are leagues above SSJ3?
Because it's a form they might actually reach in this tournament.
toei logic
same as why did they spam light beams instead using strategy
They can't sense god ki
SSJ4 was a great logical progression.
It combined the essence of being Saiyan with a new breakthrough powerup.
It was a bit over the top, but really that's kind of the point of DB, instead of painting hair different colors and calling it an upgrade.
If anything SSJ2 was the original meme transformation.
>SSJ4 was a great logical progression.
Good concept, poor execution.
SSJ2 looked pretty cool and the entire arc was spent building up to it with SSJ1.5's. The only gay thing about the androids and cell arc was the powerlevel creep had to be dialed back in a major way for the plot to be able to take place on earth. Yea DBZ was supposed to end with the frieza arc
>saw SSG and SSB
Didn't berserker Kale already played with normal SSB Goku and annihilated him like he was nothing?
Her current form is weak shit if she can't handle Goku with SS2 Caulifla.
The only way they could give Goku a chance in fight is if Kafla would go SSJ3 or into the berserker power state.
Still UI Goku and also Jiren would defeat them.
The only reason we see a earing and fusion is that it's the only way for Goku to win with Jiren later by fusing with either Vegeta or Frieza.
I can see already Kafla getting unfused, Cauli eliminated and Kale going berserk and taking down enemy but also herself in the process.
For me Kale has biggest potential.
In their fight neither of them actually took any damage. Its just the usual "holding back" bullshit again.
The sub was a little wrong.
He use ssb but ge said he will use power a little above ss2.
And kale broly dealt almost no damage to goku either, even if she enpowered him.
>He use ssb but ge said he will use power a little above ss2.
>Build up whole episode with now she is stronger now he is stronger
>Nothing else happens and none of it is important
>Finally a SS3 fight
>Nope still holding back
>Buy our new waifu figure
>It just screams "we're running out of ideas."
As opposed to recoloring SSJ2 again and again?
Also this episode was dogshit again. They hyped up SSJ3 in the last episode preview, and all we get is 5 static frames and it's over. Seeing zenzouken again was the only nice thing.
I expect it's going to be the same shit with next episode.
can someone please edit this brainlet wojak into an ssj3 brainlet wojak please thanks in advance
Well, while this is a parody comic, remember that Jiren DID get himself involved, meaning he thought Berserker Kale was a powerful enough enemy that he had to.
Who are "they"?
What a fucking stupid episode, holy shit
SS4 is kinda what I wish SS actually looked like (sans the mullet and ugly color scheme). It will always bother me that Tori strayed away from the monkey theme.
I agree that this entire episode was unnecessary but
>still holding back
Goku is recovering from his fight with Jiren, why wouldn't he be holding back in this situation?
Mother of god
when will it end
>tails were a big deal
>get rid of it because reasons
>saiyans from a different universe also don't have tails
Lazy as fuck.
Because him powering up and trying new things happens completely randomly throughout the fight. he wasn't fighting seriously
Also explain how punching someone helps recover from a fight
Fucking this. He's not even drawing the manga himself at this point. Why is he so against tails all of a sudden?
because Fukushima was this episode's writer and he's the worst as discussed many times previously
this was seriously ''Padding: the episode''
>Next week I'm going Super Saiyan 3!!! Don't miss it!!!!
>turns SSJ3 for 5 seconds right at the end of the episode
>not one movement to avoid stressing out the animators
Got me.
>SSJ3 fags BTFO
glorious, fuck that shit form and whoever likes it
Exactly, what was the aim of this episode?
We all know Goku is not going to take Kale and Caulifla off the stage because "muh Saiyan pride"
So, what was all these 20 minutes for?
Goku's a Gary Stu
dont forget 10 mins recaps
padding (and it's not even nearly as bad as One Piece's, another Toei anime)
but next week we have based Shida animating the episode so it will be all forgiven
Yeah I hate magic things too, that's why I watch Dragon Ball. I really wish they would stop doing dumb things like SSJ3, I much prefer SSJ yellow-blue-pink-magenta-green-purple-red. I can't wait to see what will be the next color pick!
>Also explain how punching someone helps recover from a fight
Isn't this Saiyans special abiulity?
More fights the stronger they become and they recover faster after they become stronger.
It's neverending cycle, each upgrade makes the Ki reserve replenished and them staying at bigger capacity constantly till another upgrade.
Saiyans are monsters who just live for fightning and with it always become stronger. Plus Goku is MC so he gets also few other special priviligies.
>Isn't this Saiyans special abiulity?
No they get stronger from a beat down after rest. The rest is still needed
> they recover faster after they become stronger.
nope which is why senzus were always relevant and new reasons for we only have 2 needed to be made
So what? We will be spoonfed about Kale strangely gaining the Broly form, but without going berserk nor threatening damage to Goku
Seriously, why?
drawing out so much saiyan power you start to mutate
You don't understand he is still resting?
When I run at full speed, I can recover just by walking. I don't need to sit or lay on the ground.
Same with Goku,
his full strength is SSB, and fighting in normal or SS2 is enough to recover.
His mana recovery is +100 per second.
SSB spend 200 per second, while SS2 spend 50 per second.
He made Kale and Caulifla believe that SSJ3 is a great form, then he went SSJ3 for 2 seconds and stopped because "phew I'm too tired". It's all just a trick. He's actually a lot less tired than he pretends to be. Now he's reached his goal, Kale and Caulifla will switch to stamina draining form because they think it's awesome, and after a couple minutes of that they'll pass out from exhaustion and get thrown out of the area.
Here you go
Ssj3 in my opinion looks better than that fucking blue recolor and that lazy god design.
Sup Forums is the only place I see on this dumb hivemeind of "ssj3 is ugly" or "ssj3 sucks". The form is and always will be epic, with an epic theme.
you didn't watch the NEP, did you?
that Cell coming back is still possible, spots are no excuse
shut the fuck up pedro and stop typing ssj, no one calls it ssj except fucking brazilians and mexicans.
I did. I also watched last week's, and we know how that turned out.
>no one calls it ssj except Brazilians and Mexicans
Don't forget the japanese..
>Temporary fusions
Ningen, when do they learn?
The japanese abbreviate it as SS because -jin is a suffix not a word you fucking retard.
It's not a parody comic.
Is a Sup Forums meme sarcastic comic.
Why did he lose the eyebrows and give him a neanderthal-like appearance? It's so out of place.
The hair alone would have been fine.
why did he said "super saiyan three" not "" ss - san" ?
From the thumb, I thought his forehead was the utawarerumono mask
It's foreshadowing, toriyama has been hinting at El gohan calvo for a long time now.
He's a Mastermind playing 5-d chess
>you will never drop the jaw of 2 cuties when you whip out your dick
why live
Dragonball fans are morons. They think Goku was holding back on Kale when her controlled form and her berserker form are 2 completely different things. Goku only fought one and not the other until now. He's not fighting berserker again judging by the previews. The fans are just retarded as shit.
スリー (three). that's just the name of it.
toriyama said he forgot to draw goku's eyebrows and then just went with that design because he had already fucked up
So what's the point of the potara? The rules explicitly forbid stuff like that. Didn't they even suggest just cheering the tournament with Vegito but Whis told them it wasn't allowed? I was looking forward to Gogeta
It's cool so it's ok.
Anyway, I wonder if Gogeta will ever be canon, as vegeta was very clear on his stance regarding the dance.
>look mom i can count in japanese
>SS1 - Original. Golden hair. Raging aura. Good design.
>SS2 - Perfect SS. Hair is now fully erect. Huge, controlled aura with lightning to show how much power is being thrown around. 10/10 design.
>SS3 - Some idiot thought 2 made the hair longer and went with that. Caveman forehead. 90 year-old woman trying to make her voice gruff and masculine. 1/10 retarded design.
>SS God - Should have just been named Saiyan God. Red hair because artists couldn't come up with anything. Slimmed down because modern Japanese "males" are triggered by muscular men. Sort of almost references SS4 so it gets a pass. 3/10 design.
>SS Blue - Full retard. Stupid name because they know they fucked up with SS God. Blue hair for literally no reason, opening the floodgates of autism that are Rose and Blanco. Aura tinged in gold except for when the artists forget to draw it. Actual benefits to this form have not been defined and are frequently contradicted. 0/10.
>SS Broly - Sure why not. Fuck it.
Another failed attempt to make the saiyan girls popular. You guys need to take in consideration Japanese shitty corporative culture. It works like bureacracy, it's not about improving the company but assuring the position. The exec that got the idea of the saiyan girls is a wreck right now and want his idea to make money at any cost because Toei can force him to take responsability for this disaster
Super Saiyan only was made so he didn't have to ink the hair.
>FINALLY get to see SS3 in a non-jobbing situation
>Goku uses it for LITERALLY 5 SECONDS
When has SS3 jobbed? Gotenks was an eaql to boo, goku said he didn't want to destroy buu then and there because he's a retard and it was an equal to kid buu.
SS3 only jobbed to beerus.
>Slimmed down because modern Japanese "males" are triggered by muscular men.
Toriyama never liked big muscular guys you stupid homo.
Looking more like Ozaru and more and more ape like. More hair (on top of his head, though), no eyebrows. 4 in GT would be actually cool and gets the idea but that the eyebrows come back is fucking stupid.
Now Dragon Ball is so inconsistent and Toriyama so senile, Saiyan levels will never really make any sense anymore.
it jobbed to toppo in the manga
Wasn't ss2 just super saiyan rage until Goku and Vegeta showed it off?
Reminder that SS3 is fun and scary!
You did this, Sup Forums.
Is Legendary super finally defined?
Or it's still, green hair super but stronger or something
Opinion discarded, Pedro.
SS2 had slight hair changes and was subtle compared to SS1, you literal low-brow SS3 neanderthal.
Can't wait until /worstgirl/ gets the worst form.
He's right, you know.
How do I profit from this booming economy?
thanks user got any more
Toriyama is inconsistent hackjob.
>goku went through decades of hard training to reach ss level
>new saiyan character is introduced
>can instantly do ss
Don't worry how they where talking it looks like she might skip it and go beyond. GT fags will probably have anger orgasms at their beloved 4 being used by a hated Super OC
Make gohan blanco figures like the other spics.
It jobbed to Beerus and I believe may have done so with Buutenks.
If you want to count non-canon then it jobbed to Janemba and Hirudegarn (Gotenks) too.
Are these people genuinely autistic? The whole article is wrong, it was something that was meant to undermine Gohanfag shitposts
Who did it better?
Isn't 3 completely pointless now that Blue exists, since Blue is stronger and requires less to maintain?
Implying for that he's pretty ok at punching
>Gohan Blanco
>not knowing that Gohan Frito de Puerco is the superior form
Why couldn't they just make SS God look like Ultra Instinct does now? I was hyped for Super back in 2015 but with how quick SS God became a throwaway form I was triggered
I'd fuck that monkey
Everyone knows that Sup Forums only steals memes from reddit and tumblr anyway
Might? Implying they wont Reach SSJ4 at the end of this tourney.
Anime since ss3 didn't job for the sake of muh god ki.