Daily reminder profit from another man’s labor is immoral
Daily reminder profit from another man’s labor is immoral
Sure is, commie
Lending a 100 and expecting 110 back is far worse because it will eventually destroy the economy
Labor from another man's moral it nonprofitable.
is the suit man a thief?
has he come from the outside and he's stealing?
Do the worker know him?
has he any relation to the work done?
Who paid for the materials to make it?
Whos money is on the line if it doesn't sell?
it's not possible to take 6/8 of productivity for free.
only in capital-heavy industries, and then it's necessary compensation to the capital factor of production (e.g. capital amortization).
that pic is just shitty knowledge of economics.
t. PhD in Economics
If the worker can make it on his own he should start his own business. Otherwise this overly simplistic cartoon lacks context. Like the fact the boss provides everything for the laborer so he can "make " whatever it is.
Start your own business then
Until you come up with a system that doesn’t cause famine and mass murders, go away.
You're right op I think in going to sack all my wage slaves and replace them with machines
whoah, it takes money to run shit outside of labor costs. Who would have thought?
Jeez, these modern day leftist westerners are a lot dumber than the soviets. Their socialist utopias will fall a lot faster.
Dumb fucks don't realize that not all labor is manual. By their same logic software engineers don't do any labor either.
Daily reminder that the labor theory of value is fucking retarded
it is ABSURDLY outdated
Exactly. Who's coordinating the entire business, making deals, and knowing who and how to hire? The education in this country is awful. It lets a lot of smart down
so why don't the worker create his own place of work and take everything for himself? why do you want workers to give all that money to officials who do nothing but count other people money and don't take any responsibility for losing it??
you commies are not thinking
That's why I oppose welfare.
>"Capitalism" is derived from capital, which evolved from capitale, a late Latin word based on caput, meaning "head"
>communism is against capitalism
>communism is against thinking
>Muh LTV
You spelled campaign wrong. Who makes these? Are they literally retarded or are they just designed to make us look stupid by people who think we're retarded? Stop posting misspelled memes you fuckers. I wonder how many underage pollacks go around reposting misspelled memes.
>labor theory of value
How dumb can you be? Maybe he could keep all the "value" he produced if he owned the business.
Why would anyone give loans if there's nothing to be made from it? It's just taking a loss. That isn't a business model.
fck u shitty jew communist shit i fuckd ur mum and dad and ur small lil sister i killed fucking them all u are da fucking kyrwa fuck u
>he didnt take any slaves
You are not an ancap, user
The guy on the right is personifying the government, right?
And communism derives from Latin "Comun" meaning common. Communists are unthinking plebs.
immoral according to what?
>Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes
What did Hitler mean by this?
fck u i am trully ancap u r stupid multinational autist fuck the gov fuck fuck commies fuck u all DONT TREAD ON ME
>software engineers
Wow thanks for the latest version of Farmville
Actually, you don't have to a social or communist to think this, instead simply a strategist who knows their value in the market place by removing the middle man.
Be sure to make lots of money for your (((boss))) today ;^)
>why wouldn’t I Jew someone else
Capitalist “”””morality””””
this. Nowadays you can start your own business without any capital. It's not like you have to invest $500k into some machines. Use your laptop and start programming / designing / writing / whatever.
Jokes on him. I wake up at 5:30.
>food analogy
I manage a law firm.
If we paid people according to how much value they produce I would pay my receptionists pretty much fucking nothing.
This example cuts both ways. Some people - people who have jobs with easily quantifiable and objectively measurable production - stand to gain.
Some people, like my receptionists, get fucking shafted because nothing they do /really/ produces any money, it just allows my lawyers to produce more money.
When you take a job for an agreed wage one bonus you're getting that you don't realise is a stable income. My employees don't have to worry where their next paycheck comes from. It just appears in their bank accounts like magic. They can come to work, have a shit week, half-ass everything, and still collect their cash at the end. Not so for me. If I get lazy, nobody gets paid - least of all me. In effect, I worry about it for them.
That said, I have sympathy for people fucked over by megacorps. The petty bourgeois and the proper bourgeois aren't allies.
the image you posted is of an ethnic jew angry that the goyim don't get chaffed by his banking cartels in their private business
But who bought the supplies to make that thing?
The earth provided the materials and if the product doesn't sell the worker is also out of a job.
fuck your exploitative parasitic capitalist bullshit
Based Bukowski.
Nice larp
Believe me or don't, I don't really care. Whether you take it is a real example or a hypothetical doesn't matter.
For the record, I completely agree with Abe there.
The mistake is thinking that capital can never be labour as well. Some capital - rentier capital, shareholders, speculators, "investors" - is just capital, but the sole traders carving out their little bit of market share are capital too, and they're working hard every day.
He's basically the German government.
the part that could easily be ignored from that example is if you then made two burgers and sold them at $3 each you would have made $6 rather than just the $5 from the original offer.
My fine Sup Forums gentlemen, who should the figure on the right be?
>a rainbow coalition of them all
Holy shit, this. I've spent over a million dollars in the past ten years on delivery routes. Luckily the guys I have run them aren't complete assholes but over the years you still get retards who say "durr I picked it up and put it down in the right spot, gibs me moar money!" like I'm not the one who took all the risk, spent all the money, did all the work so ALL you have to do is get in MY truck, pick up bread, and deliver shit on MY route. Fucking pinkos
If the man is using resources he doesn't own nor has he ever invested in it, then the value he creates is owned by the man who provides said resources. fucking duh.
At my place of work, I own nothing of the tools of my trade. I don't own the building, I don't own the computer, nor do I own the product sold. So no fucking duh, I am only entitled to a small portion of the value I create. Most workers if given the opportunity to go into business for themselves would say "no." They don't want to take on the risk of owning everything, so they don't deserve 100% of the value they create while on the job.
Or you could sell the two for $5 each
i know, i hate taxes as well
You need a free helicopter ride commrade
Is there some kind of fucking frame zero where no value exists? That tall guy didn't MAKE shit.
Who provided the product that suit man is taking
Did labor enter a contract to be compensated for labor?
Are you saying it’s legal to go into a Dodge plant, build a Dodge Challenger, drive it out, sell it and keep the money?
According to lazy jealous hippies who don't bath and who hate the rich
The guy lived as an alcoholic degenerate his whole life, hardly a role model.
usury is a sin you fucking kike
I don’t give a fuck about morals. I’m an atheist and I’ll chase the money until I die, you permapoor faggot
I'm fortunate in that I deal with professional staff and office drones, so I rarely get asshole retards in the way that blue collar jobs get asshole retards. I just get hysterical dramatists with a flair for the dramatic.
But yes, it can be very annoying when a lawyer tells you that "without MY work you wouldn't even have any revenues, YOU don't even have a law degree, what do YOU know!"
Bitch if you were so fucking great why don't you fuck off and run your own business and get your own clients instead of relying on my marketing, and book your own conferences and manage your own diary instead of using my reception and admin staff. Then you wouldn't have to give me 50% of everything you earn. Oh, you don't want to do that? It's too hard? Takes too much time away from your family? Means you wouldn't be able to decide you don't want to come in early just for a fucking Legal Aid mention and fob it off onto one of my clerks? Then shut the fuck up and do as you're told.
But yeah, what do I know.
I worked from 4 to 8:30 today, spent only 8 minutes driving to work, and had fun working
Commies are functionally retarded.
Thankfully, they’re not a threat. Just a bunch of trannies and Antifa cucks.
Daily reminder profit from another man’s capital is immoral.
Profit is a private tax.
That means that the people I hire to work my business are the bad guys though
>hello, I have purchased a machine for a fair market price, would you like to be paid a set wage in order to operate this machine as part of an assembly line while I research, test, market, pitch, sell, evaluate, brand, file legal paperwork, pay taxes, and manage every other person I paid to work under me?"
>this is an immoral transaction because the person who says yes is being exploited
>being this autistic
Yes, and that is exactly what socialist espouse.
Is it not?
You work hard to pay for the welfare of your lazy
ass Nigger Neighbour and his seven kids who never works
And causes you and decent people misery
>hello, i have bribed the government into imposing laws which are enforced at gunpoint that make you unable to survive without selling your labour
>i will now offer you a subsistence wage which you must accept or die
>this is not exploitation
I'm not even a commie, I'm a small business owner, but strawmen get us nowhere.
>Words don't actually have meaning
well then just steal one you fucking coward
>waaa i want to complain about this and do all this work to post it on the internet instead of just taking action myself.
faggot ass pussies
You seem quite mad take a long cold shower and think about what you just wrote
if we had a stable currency, anti-usury laws, and a self-evaluated real estate/ip only tax regime, "morality" would no longer have a place in economic relations.
What laws make you unable to survive without selling your labor? Panhandling laws? The invention of currency?
Or are you talking about the actual problem of strangling the Middle class through small business legal restrictions
Why is this a problem and what is your solution?
The business owner should be saying "I enabled its production by investing a huge sum of money in the means by which he made it, as well as entered into a mutual agreement with this man so that he may earn money off my investment"
>What laws make you unable to survive without selling your labor? Panhandling laws? The invention of currency?
"""The capitalist system"""
I know it's retarded, but that's what they believe.
>people have different utility functions
wow, incredible. if either of those people could make their own burger for $2.99/$4.99 respectively (including opportunity costs), they wouldn't buy it
Wrong. The businessman is the one who creates value. The worker just does whatever he is told to do and for that he gets a shelter and food for another month.
Did they have a contract?
No = thief
Yes = bad deal
Tax = communism
It's the fucking leftists who made it impossible to survive without the system, with their slippery slop rules and regulations.
It used to be perfectly fucking normal just a century ago to live in a cabin in the woods.
Now? You can't.
It has to be hooked up to the grid.
It has to to have plumbing.
It has to be connected to the roads.
Commies set this fucking system up by pushing the free market further to the left, and then they fucking complain about the adverse consequences of the system being too far to the left.
They are literally fucking retarded.
It wasn't a strawmen. It's a more honest representation of what they're getting at. The laws enforced at gunpoint that they whine about are laws against theft. If theft were legal they could survive without selling their labor.
>voluntary interactions are immoral
The delusion of equality, the myth that every man is equal, or every job is equal is one of the biggest problems with society today. And commies brainwash dumb roasties and kids to think they're entitled to equality.
Result ? Females think their opinion matters. Dumb ass kids and brainlets, low iq subhumans and genetically inferior specimens , minimum wage working biological wastes think somehow they are being exploited by their superiors. Nothing but jealousy, envy and their own complexes.
Morality, unlike gender, is quite fluid. What I find moral may be absolutely immoral to you.
Now, get back to work you fucking plebe.
Accumation of wealth without providing something positive to the people, such as slavery, trafficking, mafia, gangs, banks, prostitution, drugs paper pushers etc... All of this accumulates wealth but doesnt earn it by being positive.
>Why would anyone give loans if there's nothing to be made from it?
Because you are lending to a friend/family member/child in hope they will make a better life for themselves and repay you back exactly what you lent.
I think it would make sense since the only loans that would happen would be between people that know and trust each other and have faith in the lenders abiity/busiiness plan.
True. Envy fuels the communist mind.
You only need to make $34,000 USD equivalent annually to be in the top 1% of income earners on the entire planet.
People who make that still want to get the government involved to bring their living standards closer to that of the 1% in America, while ignoring they already have a higher quality of life than the other 99% of people inhabiting the planet.
They all have iPhones built for the labor equivalent of pennies in China, but China doesn't matter, only the fact that Bill Gates and Warren Buffet have billions and they only have a fraction of that.
Newsflash: Bill Gates is fucking better than you. Warren Buffet is better than you. They didn't randomly get rich. They're smarter than you, they took smarter risks than you, and they were more conscientious than you while establishing themselves as pillars of our economy.
Notch made a billion dollars off of a video game.
What have YOU done that necessitates you receive more resources? Fucking fairness? If the world was fair, you'd have significantly less money to bring up the world average.
Once again. Communists are fucking stupid. Dumb fucking dunces.
>>voluntary interactions
>If two people agree on something it must be voluntarily
So if the slave agrees to be whipped instead of death, the system is voluntural and hence moral.
Go be stepped on.
Having a PhD in economics makes you into a lesser authority in economic knowledge.
Are you saying employees are accomplices?
the problem is capital can flow wereever it wants and we no longer protect our commerce from foreign interests
if there were actual laws preventing megacorps from selling domestically while using slave labor abroad, then they'd have to pay people here a good wage because of all the laws these leftoids passed in the first place
>“When you work in a modern factory, you are paid, not only for your labor, but for all the productive genius which has made that factory possible: for the work of the industrialist who built it, for the work of the investor who saved the money to risk on the untried and the new, for the work of the engineer who designed the machines of which you are pushing the levers, for the work of the inventor who created the product which you spend your time on making, for the work of the scientist who discovered the laws that went into the making of that product, for the work of the philosopher who taught men how to think and whom your spend your time denouncing.
>“The machine, the frozen form of a living intelligence, is the power that expands the potential of your life by raising the productivity of your time. If you worked as a blacksmith in the mystics’ Middle Ages, the whole of your earning capacity would consist of an iron bar produced by your hands in days and days of effort. How many tons of rail do you produce per day if you work for Hank Rearden? Would you dare to claim that the size of your pay cheek was created solely by your physical labor and that those rails were the product of your muscles? The standard of living of that blacksmith is all that your muscles are worth; the rest is a gift from Hank Rearden.
this kills the commie
>sell the 2 for 5$ each
>guy willing to pay up to 3$ won't buy it
>have a net loss of 1$ compared to the two buying it for 3$
What world do you live in fuckstick?
Do you think that factories grow out of the ground?
The proletariat is pro nationalist while the bourguasi is anti nationalist. Therefore any system which takes the power from bourguasi and gives it to the proletariat will be nationalist and vice versa.