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Your country is a disgrace.
What the fuck am I even reading?
Britain yes
The future of England
Welsh independence when?
Jesus fuck, how do you even look into the mirror when you work and pay taxes there that finance those subhumans and the traitorous goverment?
Any bong can explain?
I'm 100% sure that this shit could only fly in the U.K. (The Welsh might still have half a bollock left) or possibly Sweden.
In literally any other western nation, Muslims would get molotov'd en masse. Even in Germany.
nah shit like this wouldn't happen in wales
They have no bollucks left. We swiped them.
I wonder how much the Muslim smiled when thinking about how he sold Kebab to white people made out of a white girls meat.
I guess they are acting out their belief that all whites are pigs.
It's just part and parcel living in a big city user. Your hate speech isn't appreciated here.
More bollocks than you, cuck. You only won because of numbers, even then we BTFO you.
If this shit went down in the Valleys these cunts would be fucken lynched.
Damn Wales you didn’t have to kill them
>forgets paki rape gangs in England
>forgets junkies in scotland
>cherry picks a handful of images of Wales
well done nigger
>According to figures obtained by the Mirror under freedom of information laws, Telford and Wrekin Council received 715 child sexual exploitation referrals in three years but only acted on 324.
> More bollocks than you, cuck.
I don't see Scotland in that image. Why is this relevant to me?
Oh you thought I was English, didn't you?
I'm glad they still have a special law where it's legal to kill a Welshman in a certain area.
All I know is a turd on a stick could rule the UK far better than whoever the dunces were for the past 3 decades.
> Thinking I made the image instead of saving it from pol
>The daughter of a Telford child sex victim told authorities not to release the dad that abused and murdered her mum until he says he is sorry.
>Tasnim survived but last night said of her killer dad: “He shouldn’t be released until he shows remorse for what he did.”
Oh, Europe, will you never learn?
Proof that meds are rapebabbies.
I've seen this image posted a million times, never for one second thought you made it you pleb.
Those laws are superseded by actual laws prohibiting killing of any kind, apart from the laws against Pakis killing English girls, which seem to not exist.
I'm glad Wales is poor. We are like Poland. While you soyboys get colonised we will still be here. All your old people move over here because they realise how shit their own country is.
tfw Cardiff is lost
>forgets paki rape gangs in England
>forgets junkies in scotland
>cherry picks a handful of images of Wales
You're such a mongrel you forget what you type.
Go there and find out, Sheep shagger.
They can die for all I care, us Scots will just move in and clean up the filth and then turn all eyes on you ugly bastards.
>Welsh going "lol dumb English letting their kids get raped"
You're part of Britain whether you like it or not. Your votes contribute to our government. This is just as much your fault as ours. Stop infighting all of you. This is something we should feel deep shame about and something other countries should feel deep indignation towards, this is an attack on civilisation not just England.
Sup Forums is basically high school, none of you are helping and most of you are contributing to this. That girl on the right is a girl whose heritage now includes "Paki rapist".
I was talking about the image, not you.. Moron.
Cardiff is 84% white and most non-whites are ACTUAL Asians (Chinese students, mainly).
if that happened in germany the AFD would have 70% overnight
4 girls getting their tits grabed was a national story for 3 months. i dont know about the molotovs tho
if it doesnt effect their sheep they dont care
We should be able to say "yeah they'd get lynched if they tried this in wales - get it together lads" without anglos sperging out about how poor we are
We're pretty aware of how shit it is here
Shouldn't have invaded us for no fucking reason then even when we helped defend you from the Normans. We continued helping Anglo-Saxon resistance to the Normans after the conquest, yet you still betrayed us. Such is the Anglo.
Karma is the only word that comes to mind.
Sadly a large % of the whites are English/Slavs though ;_;
nice meme, I'm Welsh though.
Everybody that was involved in that part of our history has been dead for many hundreds of years. You want to break away then fucking go, it won't change the fact that as a participant in our democracy you are also to blame for this.
what u doing in egypt lad
I'd take Poles over Anglos any day.
Yet you still benefit from it and talk down to us like we're your whipping boy. You haven't the goods to back up your arrogance.
No I don't. I'm not even the person that was shit talking you. We are all in this together, and by we I mean the civilised world. Every Paki rape in every country is all of our fault and all of our responsibility to clean up.
Had enough of the shit weather, so I booked a week in Egypt and arrived a few days ago. Pretty cool place, but don't trust the locals as far as I can throw them.
Yea I have no problem with the Poles, but Romanians are pure scum. Most of the Englels in Cardiff are annoying af students who don't know how to drink without turning in to loud wankers.
We aren't in this together. The sooner this wanton union dies, the better.
I've never thought the Welsh were bad people, but I guess they are cowards who run away from the messes they helped make.
The demonym of England.
Aaaaaand the insanity just keeps on coming
How am I a coward?
I agree, pal. Is this how we're going to go out, bickering like school girls? We shouldn't be shitting on other white countries, and definitely not going to war with them. Our numbers are in decline and we're all being invaded.
Because you helped cause this mess by participating in our democracy and now you want to run away. You are a coward.
Even if you did break away, once they're done raping England you think they're not going to just steamroll Wales and turn it into one big kebab shop? You think English rule is bad, wait until England is conquered by Arabs.
>steamroll Wales
Impossible. It's only been done once by Édouard I and he used Welsh soldiers to do it.
We didn't contribute to it. You did this to yourself. We've always disliked you. Now that you are intent on destroying Western civilisation, I want out.
>He didn't swallow the redpill on women
Women respond for the great majority of them to the one who emits the most psychopathic aura in the room
Pa was too soft on the bitch and should have killed her too, in retrospect.
The last time it was done we didn't have F-15's fucking stupid mong.
Leanne Wood will nuke you. You've been cucked by Russia, would be real embarrassing if you're cucked by ein Tywysoges.
Again, you think if Russia nuked us they would just leave an independant Wales alone? When has that ever been Russia's policy.
You are just a divide and conquer shill. Turn off your proxy. I bet you're a Saudi.
Why would they nuke a poor country of 3 million sheep shaggers?
You are a poofta.
>Sheep shaggers
I fucking KNEW you were a divide and conquer shill.
Welsh are brave and bold and we would have their backs just as they would have ours. Get the fuck out Mahmoud.
We are humorous people.
Mae Lloegr yn y canser y byd.