Why is Trump being such a globalist cuck now? These sanctions are retarded and unnecessary. Fucking DROPPED
Why is Trump being such a globalist cuck now? These sanctions are retarded and unnecessary. Fucking DROPPED
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Russia would have to prove they didn’t use chemical weapons on British soul. Should be easy enough... if they are innocent that is.
>prove you didn't do the crime or you're guilty
Imagine being this retarded.
They have their own CIA don’t they? Surly they could find the real actors who cared out the attack.
>have evidence that someone committed a crime
>give them a punishment
>WhY sHoUlD tHeY pRoVe ThEiR iNnOcEnCe
>still pushing the Russian hacking narrative
>say you have evidence that someone committed a crime
Fixed it for you.
Did the UK actually provide tangible evidence it was Russia who carried out the attack? Genuinely asking.
show us the perpetrators
Yeah man. I dont trust the government either man. They lie about the earth being round and lie about visiting the moon.
Russia has a hand in our energy grid too, but no big deal because trumpfags excuse anything Putin does
Russia is a degenerate dictatorship. It deserves all the sanctions in the world.
Trump wants to be loved. It's the thing I hate most about him. Trump is faggot who needs approval. He'll never get lefties to like him no matter what he does and in the end all he's gonna do is lose his own loyal supporters.
>ha ha the government wouldn't lie to get us into war
>if you believe they would, you're a tInFoIL hAt!
nigger do you even WMD
the shills on Sup Forums are going full 1984 right now
Sorry dog I have a secret clearance and access to a lot of pictures and information that havent been made public about a lot of things related to missiles and wmd.
Intelligence gathering is works far too well.
He does this every time you fucking retard, stop falling for it.
>Why is Trump being such a globalist cuck now?
he's not a globalist cuck, he doesn't want to be impeached or terminated by the deep state
Stop embarrassing the US with your crappy posts nigger
There are US military bases in Syria with US troops giving support to terrorist organisations. Just because Your officially not at war doesn't mean your not at war.
These trumpfag excuses are so sad lol
>he doesn't want to be impeached or terminated by the deep state
better start world war III or else I don't die.
So, Trump acknowledges he was elected due "russian hackers meddling"?
>These trumpfag excuses are so sad lol
Yup, even if he is a puppet (he's not) so why would trumpfags want to support a puppet doing the same shit Hillary or Obama would do, in fact even WORSE.
dumb phone poster
>So, Trump acknowledges he was elected due "russian hackers meddling"?
Yes RT just broke: twitter.com
apparently the poison used was used exclusively by the Soviet Russians in the 80s. It's really the only "proof" they have... but that was near 40 years ago and who the fuck knows has access to this poison now besides Russia.
But then again this is just a deflection away from the pedo rings inside Britain.
Love it how they make the article out to be about the hacking.
No Russian ever called me a bigot.
Because they sanctioned the people Mueller indicted for election meddling lol
>soviet poison used
>false falgging is literally the bread and butter of the IC
People are still going to defend this globalist cuck
>Putin has never done a false flag
>he good boi
This is what made you drop him? Not the entire Israel cock sucking? Hm, interesting
Or sword dancing with the leadership of the number #1 sponsor of terrorism in the world
So what you are saying is that it would actually be smart for Russia to keep using the same tactic because false flag false flag false flag false flag.
What a retarded statement. Your argument might as well have "but maybe it wasnt."
>supporting a foreign nation over your own
what a bunch of fucking cucks lmaooooo
I can't wait to get rid of the Americucks who shill so hard for Russian interest. You are the definition of a useful idiot, and hopefully one day you will see how deluded you were.
Not like you'd believe it even if the poison were from a Russian corporation with ties to the Kremlin. You will believe screenshots that Russia shows us proving US funds ISIS (tip: they're video game screenshots) however
this, get rekt trumpfags
atomic explosion somewhere in the world
>it was USA
>first atomic bomb was produced in the USA
Amerimutt logic
They sanctioned the FSB.
Please tell you guys don't support the FSB now, jesus christ
When Trump proposes to Hillary, what are you idiots going to say?
>Putin said some shit about the Jews.
>The Mass-media is against Putin now
Are you surprised? cuz I'm not.
He didn't specifically point out Jew's. You're just running with a clickbait headline pal
He said Jews with Russian Citizenship, so the west blames Russia for whatever they do.
Do the spongebob text for "innocent until proven guilty"
thing is, you're not supposed to notice them at all, you anti-semite you
btw, this is putin's 2nd time to name the jew
God, you Sup Forumsacks are so hopelessly stupid and intellectually dishonest. Good job trying to leave out the actual context.
>"Maybe they're not even Russians," he said. "Maybe they're Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, just with Russian citizenship. Even that needs to be checked. Maybe they have dual citizenship. Or maybe a green card. Maybe it was the Americans who paid them for this work. How do you know? I don't know."
lol cool
the russian state is ran by oligarchs, thugs, criminals and ex kgb spies fuck all of them
Probably just Jewish mafia (many of them Russian Jews) renegotiating the ownership of late Boris Berezovsky's billions in more traditional mafia style (usually Jewish mafia does just financial crime).
It is easier for UK government to blame Russia than to explain to people of Britain why Jewish mafia is allowed to operate so freely within UK financial sector.
He gave a sign, I dont understand why are you so upset?
If he say ONLY jews the west will call him hitler.
>btw, this is putin's 2nd time to name the jew
And how many millions has he spent on building mosques in Moscow?
I am gonna laugh, when you amerimutt posters come crawling to this site because you need help with politics in your country and I'm gonna just sit here and fucking laugh. I could program something for you, give you something that makes automating twitter accounts easy, but no. You want to divide, consider us divided. Britbongs on suicide watch these days with how Orwell they have it
>implying you have any fucking clue what a sanction is, or even what you're upset about
you are a literal baby, crying and shitting over a dog barking across the street.
Because you idiots are taking it out of context for your confirmation bias. "OH THIS IS ALL BECAUSE HE NAMED THE JEWS!"
You're a Ukrainian who supports Russia... I have no idea why I'm even trying to discuss something with you. Far gone, way too far gone
Hello Russian shill. Maybe if your country didn't commit crimes and constantly bother everyone then these sanctions wouldn't happen
>being this much of a soyboy
If someone spits in your face and you dont do something about it then you are a faggot.
Sanctions arent something that Russia is forced to do. Its something American is refusing to do for Russia which is trade. Its not like we charged them a fine or put them in jail.
>2004: all leftists and their news groups hate Bush for foreign entanglement and trying to be world police
>2018: all leftists and their news groups demand that Drumpf nuke Russia
honestly, no idea, if it's 1 ruble it's too much
but probably still less than soychland (pic related)
>having your fingerprints all over the murder weapon
>having a clear motive
>having an extensive history of this kind of behaviour
Sup Forums:"must be a neocon frame job.."
It's E equals MC Hammer squared to the power of deux chess.