What does Sup Forums think about depression?

Is depression = laziness? Should people with "depression" be isolated from society and forced to fend for themselves, or should they be given help?

>context: Apparently guy in pic related posted on /adv/ and /r9k/ a few days ago seeking help but everyone just told him to kill himself.

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Other urls found in this thread:


literally this meme

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Depression is laziness and low IQ. Being happy takes intelligence or hard work, usually both.

I bet he was gay.

Not according to every expert. Depression is an illness of high intelligence.

Q predicted this.

nothing of value was lost

My sister hated being in college, lost her DL to a DUI and committed suicide at 19 years old.
Hurts me everyday still. Dont do it Sup Forums.
You're the only family I have left.

Yeah does the rainbow crap he is wearing give it away? All gays need mental help, but this one didn't get any and now it's too late.

>Is depression = laziness?
This. So much this.
If you think you are depressed, you are just lazy.
Either kill yourself or do something for once.
None of this "anxiety, depression, bipolarity" bullshit is real. It's made up by (((doctors))) to sell you pills and you bought into it. Beats admitting that you're lazy, doesn't it?

Depression is inability to enjoy life in every possible aspect.

Sorry for your loss user

I'll grant you have to have an IQ above room temperature to comprehend abstracts like depression, but if you suffer from muh sads, you're just stupid and lazy.

The video was fake as fuck
They used a blue screen for video compositing.


Just another kike production to frame 4chins


Also fuck this stupid kid. Rejects help from everyone then make suffer the only few people who really loved him...


>seeking help from Sup Forums
Why didn't he ask for help from his family or relatives? And why on earth does a 18 years old kid own a shotgun?

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Top Kek.

Depression = atrophy of the brain

Fucking retards who think like this. Laziness is more somrthing that comes from depression

depression is a choice like abortion or PTSD

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Because he is a dumb shitskin and his parents are dumb shitskins that failed so badly as parents that their child killed himself.
>And why on earth does a 18 years old kid own a shotgun?

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That explains your economy, Ivan

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i struggled with depression for 2 years. read mein kampf and white power and now i have a new perpose in life.
i never got help
i was never offered any
if your a pathetic fagget you die
if you have an iron will you continue in the eternal struggle that is life

Depression is a warning sign from your brain telling you that you are a slave to the kike matrix.

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Thank you I'm not the only one who is convinced in this!

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wow the plastic sheet really helped

i could belive this.

>And why on earth does a 18 years old kid own a shotgun?
18 is the age of majority in the US, and thus he has the constitutional right to buy and own firearms.

Because it's his fucking God-given right you nigger.

If a Buddhist monk can train themselves to resist pain, then anyone should be able to stop feeling like a whiny little bitch.

depression is a social construct. everyone gets sad even uncle adolf got sad during his time in vienna only bitch boy faggets kill themselves but it probably doesn't help there struggle that the media tell them there life is meaningless

He's with his waifu now.

Attached: this_is_nice_end_of_my_rope.png (560x504, 364K)

Remember who you are user. An immortal soul. A god. Dont submit to the Jew slave matrix.

>i struggled with depression for 2 years. read mein kampf and white power and now i have a new perpose in life.

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>What does Sup Forums think about depression?
More needs to be done than drugs. People talk about increasing the economy, happy people brings wealth and prosperity.

Spare this leaf on rake day guys.

He was a failed normalfag from reddit, he didn't know what a waifu is.

>Because it's his fucking God-given right
A God-given right to shoot up a school or committing suicide eh?

More likely a tranny

require amount of willpower not everyone have

Checking these somber tribbles of troof. Sorry for what happened. I love you, user.

Q predicted exactly this!

i always try and shill those books to depressed white guys on suicide forums/threads from reddit to 9k to other more niche forums

people dont understand how much those books really change your life

I can think of there being reasons for both of these things. Like if it's a Muslim school or I find myself stuck in a Muslim country.

Someone photoshop a KSG shotgun into this??

>looked for help
> on Sup Forums
lmao that ship had already sailed by that time
btw did someone archive the post?


link to his reddit account?

Its usually a symptom of something else. Often personality disorders or even adhd.

You should go see a psychiatrist. You could get some nice meds and feel better. Eventually you will feel fine enough not to need meds. Its pretty cool when you get prescribed a benzodiazepine or methylphenidate.


Why did he wear the mask?

If you're depressed and reading this, get the fuck off of Sup Forums. You need a life purpose and you won't find it in this cesspool.

Do not spend your life sad or depressed. Find joy somewhere, doing something meaningful to you.

Depression is perfectly normal and every man and woman have had to deal with it since the beginning of time. Indulging depression and refusing to fight against it's sway is cowardly and lazy.

A God-given right to bear arms
Also, it is his right to commit suicide as long as he doesn't take out others in the process.

meds make things worse

We won't forget your sacrifice, user.

F to pay respects.

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Doesn't seem bad compared to a multi-ethnic shithole.

If you are depressed and reading this ignore everything this guy just said and make fun of him for it. Sup Forums will cure your depression as long as you keep posting.


Literally plastic tarp up over window

Depression is gods way of telling your to suck start a shotgun in your tranny clothes. Preferably after showing us your girl penis so we can laugh at it. Haha silly sissy, life is for real men.

"Multi-ethnic" is only bad because it usually includes non-whites, like sand niggers.

So no one could identify him and call BS when they realize this was fake and he's still alive.

what the fuck?
is this real?
why would you show us that?
depression is non-existent,
an illusion.
they've convinced themselves of things that aren't really happening, and they stray away from the light to justify their actions,

most stupid people aren't prone to depression. there's a reason the phrase "ignorance is bliss" exists.

there's not a single meaningful thing in life
depression implies you can't enjoy anything

if he was gonna kill himself why the fuck did he cover his face? especially if he was streaming it

Laziness is a product of depression. Depression can be caused by a simple chemical imbalance. It has nothing to do with IQ either.

>Find joy somewhere
muh joy is the cure. muh gotta feel good to take away the pain.

Jesus fucking Christ Ivan you can't possibly be this stupid. Go to your self hating russian neo nazi rally already

>create your own virtual prison
>hold yourself there
>tell yourself you will only be happy if you never leave

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I know Sup Forums likes to jest about things that are typically not jested, but everyone else is the same.
Nobody takes suicide seriously, because mostly men kill themselves. And that's just a problem working itself out.

His steem

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Keks of truth!!!

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You can't fool me with that flag, t*rkroach.

>tfw ATGMed by QT Kurd waifu
biji kurdistan, biji berxwedan!

> there's a reason the phrase "ignorance is bliss" exists.
Yeah, because people are stupid and can't comprehend the hard work that it takes to be happy. "If you're happy, you're stupid!" is just dumb Nihilists sniffing their own farts and trying to share.

joy isnt the cure not being a fat lazy retard is

Was getting caught part of his plan?

Higher IQ = Higher Chance of being depressed

>Kizumonogatari posters on the wall
A man of culture

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I was wathcing a styxhexenhammer666 video, and right at the end he said "that's about all...piece out" then the guy blew his head off

absolutely perfect

lol. youre a fagget

>like sand niggers
The difference is that they're a citizen of your homeland. Not mine.

The difference is I am white.

>Blue screen background
>Solid black beanie
Video Compositing 101

His death will be mourned by his relatives, but in general its one less hairless ape in this overpopulated earth that means more resources for the rest of us so in general it is a good thing that he died.

>watching rick and morty = Higher Chance of being depressed
Sounds about right. Nothing matters, God doesn't real!

Nothing of value was lost.

Up next to bat, the londoner!!!!
Standing 5 foot 5 and holding his state issued butter knife, this cheeky bastard prepares to kill himself !

Attached: IMG_2489.jpg (488x600, 84K)

Which you'll be extinct in 20 years.

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>post on Cambodian underwater crosstitch forum asking for help.
I think I know why he didn't get the help he was searching for.

Ok aramco. Good luck

exactly. and if you don't have an active role model to show you how to forge ahead regardless of muh feelings, then you're going to end up a depressed loser like 99% of /pol newfags.

Thanks for twisting my words, faggot.

Not even a good fake.

I don't care, I just want the full video I didn't get to see.

Do things constructively and you wont ve sad