Does anyone know anything about height genetics?
im 6'2 but if i have a baby with a girl who is like 5'6ish whose brother and dad are both around 5'8 will the kid end up being a manlet?
are height genetics passed through the male or the female?
Does anyone know anything about height genetics?
im 6'2 but if i have a baby with a girl who is like 5'6ish whose brother and dad are both around 5'8 will the kid end up being a manlet?
are height genetics passed through the male or the female?
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My dad is 6'6", my mom is 5'3", and I'm 6'2" so it's probably a mix.
Look at the kids grandparents rather than the parents, they are likely to end up with features from them in any combination, there's no distinction between coming from the father or mothers side
In my experience, it was a mix. I obviously got a stronger genetic input from my tallish mother while my brother got more of my decidedly tall father.
I'm a bit runty compared to my brother, but still usually the tallest guy in the room.
I wonder why... that's interesting...
My grandpa on my mothers side is tall but completely skeleton mode, the one on my father's side was normal height but built as fuck. I have two younger brother who ended up 184 ish cm but skinny (they got muscles due to exercise, but lose them really fast if they skip training for a few months), I ended up at 178 and naturally muscular and wide over the shoulders (and seriously swole thighs from my mom's side).
Anway, for OP, as long as you don't have kids with a goblin you kids should be fine
My dad is 5'10 and mom is 5'5. My brother and I are both over 6. I really don't know either.
Not politics, move to Sup Forums
Protip: Never marry a girl shorter than you
>I wonder why... that's interesting...
It has to do with genetic distance and likely outcome of the genetic randomness involved. Sure the kid is most likely to get features directly from the parents, but grandparents are so genetically close its still highly likely.
Sometimes genes several generations back reactivate, read this article on a white couple who had a black child, and it turned out the dad was the dad afterglow after a dna test, he had a black dad some 8 generations ago or something like that
Fucking autocorrect
You'd be mixing with inferior genes.
My dad was 6'4, my mother 5'4. I came out just a hair above 6'0 so i suppose it sort of evened out okay.
Grandfather on my mothers side was a 5'4, alcoholic dutch turbomanlet. I suppose id be taller if not for those genes.
Its mostly a mix of you and your wifes dna for that and nutrition has a impact to.
>el goblino
pediatricians use this formula.
>(cm father + cm mother -13)/2= goal height for female
>(cm father + cm mother +13)/"= goal height for male
I'm 21 and 5'9, my dad is 6'2 my mom is 5'9 my brother is 24 and 6'4.
Explain this Sup Forums.
(cm father + cm mother +13)/2"= goal height for male*
sorry forgot a 2
I can't, god just willed you to be a manlet
there are more factors other than genetics.
>diseases during growth fase
the energy you spend in inflammation would normally be used to grow
>the health state of your mother during pregnancy
and probably a lot more
Aren't first born children usually taller too?
Fuck off, Morgan is mine
being over 6 feet tall is a disability. better to be shorter and more balanced. 5'8" is probably the idea male height, evolutionary speaking.
I dunno mate. I don't really want to be any taller than 6'4" but I wouldn't want to go down more than a few inches. It's pretty handy.
The only guarantee is that the son is taller than the mother (there are rare exceptions)
My parents are both short and I am over 6". I think it is hard to say
Not as far I'm I'm aware of.
Probably it was true in the past when there wasn't the excess of food there's now. Today? No, at least not from a medical point of view.
I'm taller than both of my parents and generally immediate family members and my mother is short as fuck. A greatgrandfather was taller than 2 meters though, man was a beast.
t. 187cm - 90kg.
Lolno not in my case bruv
Dads 6'5 and my ma is 5'5 and your friend here is only 5'11. I was this height when I was 14 too, I always thought I was going to be yuge.
Son - 6'1" Dad -5'10" Mom - 5'1' Nutrition cannot be underestimated. Plugged that baby with cod liver oil, homemade baby food from home raised food, lots of sunshine, etc.....Did you ever see the 2nd gen Chinese living in America? Many over 6 ft
The height of the mother has the largest impact, but my intuition is that the male child would be like 6'0" given both of your heights
Yeah, I was pretty pissed when I only got to 5'9". My dad is 6' but my mother is shorter. Asshole lol