2nd day almost over. Nothing happened. KyoAni blueballed everyone again.
KyoAni & Do Event
Other urls found in this thread:
Fucking Free is ruining kyoani
>Haruka Fujita is very tall
>Akiko Takase is a qt
For live "news"
They didn't really hype it up or say anything special was going to happen. People were getting hyped over nothing.
>Haruka Fujita is very tall
How tall? Please respond, tall girls are my fetish.
>Haruka Fujita is very tall
I bet she's a titan at 170CM.
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
>I know literally nothing about directing
Reading you loud and clear.
Piss off cretin.
Low effort shitposting.
See this post for a short primer into what the director position entails. The 'cinematography' of the work is mostly imparted at the layout and storyboard phase. A TV series' director's main concern is characterisation and narrative progression, not scene to scene details. They may involve themselves more directly by drawing up the storyboard themselves or they may just direct the storyboard artists with indications instead.
You're the only 'tard shitposting.
>The director doesn't work on scene composition, that's only storyboarders
>The director's main concern is narrative progression and characterization
I know that retards here really like to play pretend expert, but try actually reading up on some resources about the stuff that aren't shitty English articles from wannabe anime pros.
I never said the director doesn't work on scene composition shit-for-brains, but that scene composition is not the director's main concern, which is a fact.
Maybe you should re-read the contents of the link you posted. It corroborates with everything I just said.
>but that scene composition is not the director's main concern, which is a fact.
Citation fucking needed.
>It corroborates with everything I just said.
I read
But please, tell me where it corroborates with what you said, which is
>A TV series' director's main concern is characterisation and narrative progression
Find an actual quote that corroborates that or fuck right off.
Bitch, it says it right in the paragraph you quoted: the director may or may not draw up the storyboards themselves, and they often leave that work to someone else under their supervision. The article say exactly what I said about directors with respect to the "cinematography" focused aspect of production.
And the second paragraph explains that the director's job entails creating a vision/plan the story, and how the storyboard is a great tool for that. You can have directors that do not storyboard a single scene in a series or film. The article even mentions how you don't even need to be able to draw to direct. It even has a disclaimer at the beginning about how the director's job is a very open one, entailing everything that makes up the work.
There is absolutely nothing in that article that contradicts anything I said. Nor could there be, since I have first hand experience with animation production (though not anime).
It says that even if they can't draw the scenes themselves, that they need to convey to the animators how they want the scenes to look. Are you retarded? Can you actually read moon or did you just google translate and guess?
>The article say exactly what I said about directors with respect to the "cinematography" focused aspect of production.
It literally does not.
>There is absolutely nothing in that article that contradicts anything I said.
Except for all the stuff that actually does, as well as the stuff you're trying to twist to pretend that it backs up the bullshit you're spewing about characterization.
>Actually comparing western cartoon production to anime
Yes, I'm sure it's very hard to put together all those 3/4 shots.
>B-But I have experience!
I live in Japan and attend all sorts of fun events and cons. I've literally spoken to animation directors about what they do. (hint: it's not what you're pretending it is). But please, keep pretending that "Even if an animator can't draw, they need to be able to explain to the team how the pictures need to look" means "scene composition isn't the focus of their job.
>It says that even if they can't draw the scenes themselves, that they need to convey to the animators how they want the scenes to look.
That's exactly what I said with different wording. The director can do something directly, or explain what needs to be done to someone else and have them do it.
Also, the director works on more than just the 'look' of things. They also direct the voice actors and script writers.
>I live in Japan
I don't care. I live in France and work as a backgrounds artist. The production process is somewhat different in Japan but the gist of it is the same everywhere.
And yes, scene composition is not the focus of the director's job. It's the whole work as a story in the language of the animated medium.
If the director needs to be able to draw the scenes or explain exactly how he wants the scenes to look, then how the fuck is his job not scene composition? How do you even reach this conclusion?
>I live in France
That would explain why you're such a dumb faggot.
>And yes, scene composition is not the focus of the director's job. It's the whole work as a story in the language of the animated medium.
Keep slowly backing away from what you said and trying to broaden the scope of your blanket statements. At this rate, in 3 or 4 posts, you'll be able to pretend you have a point. Also, no one gives a shit if you live in France. We're talking about Japanese anime. Don't have actual experience and can't provide sources like I have? Then fuck off.
And I'm still waiting on your to point to where in the article I linked that they said
>A TV series' director's main concern is characterisation and narrative progression,
>If the director needs to be able to draw the scenes or explain exactly how he wants the scenes to look, then how the fuck is his job not scene composition?
Because it isn't? Scene composition is just one aspect of production. The director is responsible for literally everything in the production process, including sound and music. Sure, the actual work is done by a score composer or sound director, but they do their work under the directions of the big boss himself/herself.
What part of the director is responsible for "the whole work as a story in the language of the animated medium" is so hard to understand?
Your article is just an article, not the Bible on animation.
I'm done here. I've more than made my point.
>Because it isn't? Scene composition is just one aspect of production
The director is responsible for everything, but the area they get the most hands on with is scene production. Please, please find any source about anime production at all (in moon, not some weeb "anime pro" like yourself) that says otherwise. Even the article I linked says the director does everything, then went on to specifically mention story boarding and animation. That's because those are the really important ones, not characterization like you pretended it was.
>Your article is just an article, not the Bible on animation.
Whenever you're ready to cite another article or maybe an interview with a director, I'll be waiting.
>I'm done here. I've more than made my point.
If you're point was that you like to talk out of your ass and pretend you're more qualified than you are to speak on anime production, then sure.
As an aside, am I the only one who notices that the amount of needless insults present in a post always seems to directly correlate with how much the poster is trying to distract from the fact that they're talking out of their ass?
>On Sup Forums
>"Why do people insult each other when they argue?"
Enjoying you're first week here?
>fuck, i wasn't expecting to get called out on my bullshit by some other roleplaying faggot
>better try to double down and intimidate them into thinking i'm the real deal
>after all, they're just as full of shit as i am!
Sup Forums logic.
Ever notice how people that pretend to be an aloof third party and ignore the point of an argument or anything cited within it, that they usually say nothing of worth, throw in a few reaction images, and then shitpost for a while like they've said something clever or funny?
Must explain why the fag's first reply was an empty >You're a retard.
Frog-kun, I'm still waiting on an actual source from you. Remember, complaining that someone called you an idiot doesn't magically make sources they linked disappear.
You know what the funniest part is? That I didn't even claim the way scenes look says "nothing" about Ishidate's skill as director, but that the way "some" Kyoukai no Kanata scenes look says "little" about his skill as director.
>B-b-but my article man, read my article that contradicts literally not a single thing you said
Ishidate is a shit director.
Deal with it.
Those guys are everywhere. They think if they shout louder they can "drown out" the argument of the opposition. Why so insecure?
>I didn't even claim the way scenes look says "nothing" about Ishidate's skill as director, but that the way "some" Kyoukai no Kanata scenes look says "little" about his skill as director.
>Keep slowly backing away from what you said and trying to broaden the scope of your blanket statements. At this rate, in 3 or 4 posts, you'll be able to pretend you have a point.
Almost there!
>F-Fuck you! Actual information doesn't count if I don't like it!
You're an idiot who still hasn't provided a source. Deal with it.
Like I said, I already made my point. The only way you even got a foot in the door was by being a total spaz and putting words in my mouth. I should've left it at
>Like I said, I already made my point
Your point was that you have no idea what you're talking about because you've objectively failed to provide a single actual source that backs up your claims, right?
I'm not in the habit of collecting articles about anime production because I don't need to. I've talked to enough Japanese animation staff to realise that whatever differences with the French model there are, they're mostly a matter of workflow. A Japanese director still does the same things the guy directing me does, only using slightly different methods.
I won't doxx myself just to prove some spaz on Sup Forums wrong, if that's what you want.
What's the rundown on hibike?
Here's all we know from the event.
>Around episode 9-10 of Violet Evergarden is being animated now. 8 is being inbetweened, 7 getting finished.
>The Chuu2koi movie will be finished soon
>Yamada was pretty secretive about her movie, but moving along too
>(Shouko) Ikeda is designing the new characters for Ishihara's Eupho film
>No staff reveal for Tsurune but Takemoto looked the other way when they asked the directors. Yamamura is clearly working on Tsurune (gave a very detailed explanation), but it really didn't seem like he was the kantoku. Seems very far away at any rate so I'm betting on Fall.
>I don't need to provide any sources at all, even though you did
Okay, we're done now.
That's from yesterday.
>6th unique ip in the thread
Putting that aside, you're both so full of shit that it's actually painful and embarrassing to read, and anyone bothering to follow this sad exchange can see it. They don't need to be "experts in the industry" to see that much. All the insults just add to the cringe. It's like you know you're full of shit, but you're hoping that posturing like that will convince the other roleplayer to back down.
Not only is your pathetic little flame war only tangentially related to the subject of the thread, but it's also completely pointless. Who cares? I mean, other than "industry professionals" such as yourselves. That's all I'm trying to say.
Keep that fake smug attitude for your blog sakugafag and its bootlicking base. There's no audience for your schtick here.
>you're both so full of shit
That's odd, I could have sworn that posting actual sources to back up what you say is how you avoid being full of shit. I'm sure you actually looked at the source and didn't just want to shitpost like an idiot to show how super cool, aloof and above shitposting that you are.
Kill yourself all the way back to whichever shithole you crawled out of.
>I could have sworn that posting actual sources to back up what you say is how you avoid being full of shit.
But your sources are meaningless in the face of that French dude who totally works in the business. How can you even argue against that?
But it is cringe. Holy shit, it's cringe. Watching two larpers go back and forth over something so utterly pointless and off-topic is cringey to read.
>Watching two larpers
And what would I be larping as? Do you actually know what the word larping means, or are you just doubling down on the shitposting?
Bringing up that article isn't pointless because I work in the industry. It's pointless because it contradicts nothing I said. You don't even need to take me on my word that I work in the business. Just compare the article and what I said and see if there's any actual mismatch.
I mean that you're talking out of your ass. Any point you might have had you made around 700 posts ago. Anything after that is doubling down on the posturing hoping to get the other bullshitter to back down -- which he appears to have done, I might add. A rare moment of clarity from an user.
>which he appears to have done, I might add.
Dammit, I spoke too soon.
>It's pointless because it contradicts nothing I said
Except how all the focus is on scene composition and making sure it gets done, and literally nothing talks about characterization like you claimed was most important.
>I mean that you're talking out of your ass
Okay, so you don't know what larping means and you were just doubling down on the shitposting. Good effort on trying to seem detached and above this, you almost lasted 4 posts.
Maybe you shouldn't have spoken at all. All you seem to be doing is projecting your own lack of knowledge onto everyone else.
Nowhere in that article is it stated that the focus of the director is scene composition. It only explains one aspect of the director's job, focusing on storyboarding. How do you manage to live in Japan if your Japanese is so poor ?
>Okay, so you don't know what larping means and you were just doubling down on the shitposting.
Lemmie be a bit more blunt. You were bullshitting, and weren't expecting to get called on it, least of all with some moonrune source in your back pocket. You're larping as some sort of anime expert, with the implication that you actually live in country and speak Japanese. He's larping as someone who works in the industry, hoping that "working in related industry" trumps "self-proclaimed anime expert who totally speaks Nihongo and lives in Nihonland" when it comes to bullshitting in a flame war. I'm not sure why either of you thought this shitfest was going to go anywhere but where it did.
>Nowhere in that article is it stated that the focus of the director is scene composition
No, it just says his job is to oversee everything and then specifically talks about the storyboarding for the rest of the article and how the director handles it because the storyboarding isn't important. How do you hold down a job without having any sort of basic reading comprehension? And I'm still waiting on you to point out where the article talks about characterization, which you claimed is the most important.
Let me be blunt. You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what larping means, and you didn't actually read the article I posted. That other guy doesn't know anything about Japanese anime production and he probably can't read moon, but you're an idiot on all fronts who tried to step in and seem like a neutral third party, when in reality you're the only who isn't even trying to discuss anime and is just shitposting angrily. Why this post
right? Are you some asshurt sakugafag who's mad that people aren't linking your shitty blog as a reputable source?
>You're a fucking idiot who doesn't know what larping means
No, I think I've demonstrated that I did. As you're both doing it, desperately trying to "out-roleplay" the other.
>That other guy doesn't know anything about Japanese anime production
True, but neither do you.
>he probably can't read moon
But you don't, either. You're running your sources through the same machine translation he is. The irony being that you've accused him of doing exactly this at least once in the thread.
>who tried to step in and seem like a neutral third party
Neutral? No. I just want you fags to take your roleplaying to your Twitters or IRC or something.
Anyway, actual on-topic content is finally getting posted to the thread, so I'm going to check that out as it's infinitely more interesting than watching two pathological liars posture. Feel free to get one last asshurt post in.
The article doesn't talk about characterisation. It doesn't talk about story composition either. Or art direction. The article doesn't talk about many crucial aspects of the production that the director supervises because it focuses on storyboarding, since storyboarding (a visual sequential plan of the story) is a good analogy/overview for what the work of a director entails. The article is a short sketch of the process and uses the storyboard as its skeleton. That's it.
I'm still waiting for you to point out where it contradicts anything I said, Mr. Anime Expert.
>he probably can't read moon
I've been wondering the same thing about you.
>No, I think I've demonstrated that I did
Not even a little bit.
>True, but neither do you.
That's odd, because I posted an actual source.
>But you don't, either. You're running your sources through the same machine translation he is.
And skip the google translate comment you're going to try to hide behind, because google translate wouldn't spit out a sentence like that.
>Neutral? No
Retarded? Yes.
>Feel free to get one last asshurt post in.
Feel free to run away with your tail between your legs because you realize how stupid you sound, and that nothing you say has any basis in reality.
>it focuses on storyboarding, since storyboarding (a visual sequential plan of the story) is a good analogy/overview for what the work of a director entails.
And you're trying to deny that the storyboarding and scene composition isn't the most important part?
>I'm still waiting for you to point out where it contradicts anything I said, Mr. Anime Expert.
>Article talks about the important parts of a director's job (story boards and cuts) after saying that they overview everything
>Never mentions characterization and narrative
>user doesn't see how this contradicts his idea that scene composition isn't the most important aspect of their duties and what is most reflective of their work, but that characterization is the most important part of a directors work
I'm starting to think that you're just screwing with me at this point.
How tho
>People were getting hyped over nothing.
Isn't that par for the course, though? I had no expectations going in, thankfully. I'm getting a new Chuu2 movie, and I'm happy with that. Anything else they might have announced would have been icing on the cake, but I can live without it.
>Happy about more chuu2 after season 2
Because I liked season 2. Please forgive me.
Yes, storyboarding and scene composition isn't the most important part of the director's job. That's what I've been saying from the start. The director's most important job is getting the final work right, the story itself, characterisation and narrative progression. Layouts and storyboarding are nothing but a means to that end. Some director's storyboards are very rough because they may want to decide certain details later. Some directors may choose to be very specific with their storyboards. And some directors may choose to eschew the storyboarding process altogether depending on what it is they want to achieve with the story.
>The director's most important job is getting the final work right, the story itself,
Broad statements that just reiterate "Director is in charge of everything" and also not what you said.
>characterisation and narrative progression.
This is what you said, and it's wrong. Still waiting on a source that says otherwise.
>Layouts and storyboarding are nothing but a means to that end
Storyboarding produces the final anime? What a wonderful and pertinent statement.
>Some director's storyboards are very rough because they may want to decide certain details later
Which still results in the director deciding on the details of scene composition.
>And some directors may choose to eschew the storyboarding process altogether
Whenever you're ready to provide examples, I'll be waiting. I think I'm going to stop replying to you unless you can provide some actual sources now.
>I think I'm going to stop replying to you
One can only hope.
You're still at the point where you're only putting words in my mouth/building up straw-men, so I won't bother. You're clueless. I'm the idiot for taking the bait though, even after I said I'll stop.
Now this is some quality shitposting.
It's a ban evading faggot. Report and move on.
The bunny hair design is so stupid but at the same time very arousing. Great handles during fellatio.
The film will ignore the fact that S2 was ever made.
Miracle of universe
>no Ueno in the image
What miracle of the universe are you talking about?
Marriage OVA when?
Marriage? What marriage?
Will Liz and the Blue Bird surpass Koe no Katachi?
The one that fixes the shitty end of the series.
Well, movie-wise Yamada has outdone herself consistently. I can't say anything about Liz yet though, because there's not much to go by.
At least I'm hoping it'll be on par with Koe no Katachi.
>communist propaganda
>surpassing anything
The new key visual for the film, released just a few days ago, would seem to contradict this.
lolno, KnK is a step-down from TLS.
No TV series announcements?
Did you really think Satone wasn't at least going to show up?
I prayed she wouldn't.
Did you actually think that the movie would retcon season 2? You realize that when Kyoani shits up a series at the end, they don't realize what they've done, right?
Yeah I knew about that but I was hoping for Dragon maid S2 mostly.
They seem to have realised that with Hibike S2. I hoped they would do the same with Chuu2 S2.
But the new movie will fix all that. Right?
Ishihara probably doesn't think he did anything wrong with ChuS2.
What exactly was wrong with season 2? While I'll agree that it wasn't as good as the first, I don't really think it's deserving of the shit it gets around here.
Hibike season 2 was shit from start to finish, and the series was pretty trashy drama from the beginning anyways. Chuu22 just completely shit the bed during the last three episodes because (as opposed to making a shitty product in general) they kicked all the fans in the nuts repeatedly during the last few episodes. To them, they probably thought it was clever or a nice ending. Same with the absolute garbage ending for Phantom World, they probably thought it was a nice story about family and forgiveness at the end, whereas the people who watched it just thought it was shit.
What was trashy about Hibike's drama?
No, everything wrong with Hibike 2 is confined to or stems from the Mizore arc. Asuka's arc is nice.
Hibike! Euphonium in general is a show full of normalfags having normalfag problems. So many anons will not relate to the ensuing drama.