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Oh no poor white people! :(
please gib work visa australia
Stock up ho guns, white boys. We’ll be heading towards South Africa soon.
Well if that's true, you'll never be able to say we have privilege anymore. We can't be racist if we're not the majority. LOOK AT ME! I'm the victim now.
Indeed. There is nothing wrong with living in a majority minority country. Diversity only makes us stronger.
Name one reason why diversity and immigration is bad, pro tip you can't.
South africa is perfectly, my news talks about how it's diversity is fantastic and that South Africans lives together in harmony and peace
Hopefully my country Sweden will one day be like South Africa
diversity raises tensions.
blacks are low IQ avg
mixed are lower IQ avg than whites.
IQ and wealth are heavily correlated
ergo, more "diversity" means more people and less wealth -> lower living standards.
do u have more questions?
Funny joke. You will love with that albatross until the exctincton of our species.
OP included wrong picture.
This being the correct one
will be interesting to see who they blame their problems on once they are the majority and will be the only ones who can be identified as racist since they will have the system power.
>Wanting to move from a Mexican colony to a Chinese one
Some people just never learn
-We will destroy your country because we will ask for gibs, we make in 10 hours what others make in 5
-We can't live in peace, we hate niggers and muslims.
-We don't even know how to run our own countries, corruption is something common in ours
-We don't take shit from nobody, we solve our problems by killing each other, fighting or with money
-Our birth rate is superior to whites, wich means we expect more gibs and we don't want to work
The only solution is to wage a war of extermination against subhumanity
You already know who will still be blamed lets be real
>-We will destroy your country because we will ask for gibs, we make in 10 hours what others make in 5
>-We can't live in peace, we hate niggers and muslims.
>-We don't even know how to run our own countries, corruption is something common in ours
>-We don't take shit from nobody, we solve our problems by killing each other, fighting or with money
>-Our birth rate is superior to whites, wich means we expect more gibs and we don't want to work
Please no. I don't want to end up like South Africa.
Article by: Some Jew
Are you actually implying these explicitly white-enslavement concepts will have carry any tangible parity in the minds of the orcs once they're the majority? That "the majority must protect the minority" concept gets incinerated quicker than twenty Jews through an Auschwitz oven and they go full oogabooga kill whitey once the 40/60 mark is reached. Look at Rhodesia and South Africa.
Look at my flag. There's your reason.
Didn't they say it was 2055 not too long ago?
There's no one better and qualified to run white societies than whites. If whites become a minority in their own countries, expect total chaos, violence, poverty, race wars, inequity, incompetence ..
expect your country to be a third world shithole
Based Brazuca
my flag is another reason
Yeah, the Jews keep changing the date around though in order to run this whole demoralization "You can't do anything about it so just give up goyim!" charade. As if we literally couldn't just elect a hardcore white nationalist government and force anything with brown skin over the border. That's ultimately going to be their downfall, the lack of imagination.
bye bye wy*te boi
The saddest part is that the niggs will not be so "progresive" with us minorities
All we really have to do is fix the 14th Amendment and the amount of people that are free to remove in this nation would be enough to fix demographics for a while. Hopefully Trump is true to his word and we deport everyone since that stupid fucking ruling by that (((IRISHMAN)))
>le 49% face
Forced deportations plus the rescinding of the 1965 Immigration Act would permanently end this hostile Jewish scheme. Get to it!
we hate niggers, it's gonna be a fight between the strongest.
I don't understand why liberals think we can live in peace, we also dislike muslims.
white liberals are so fucking dumb
so US third world shithole then ?
I mean who is going to work ?
Das Ungetüm
Whites are already a minority in the world at large.
I'll probably be dead by 2045, so I won't have to see the end. No one seems to care. Good riddance, I won't be here to watch it fall.
I will be 50 in 2045. But knowing my poor health, I'll probably be dead by the time I'm 40. So I won't have to see that happen.
White liberals will be raped to fuck in a black USA
Look what happened to South Africa.
But maybe that's what they subconsciously want.
If these gungrab faggots kick off a civil war the us will become almost 100% white
that includes you
Bullshit. Also, whites would still make up a majority of all the races represented in said scenario.
Yeah that worked well the first time, best of luck stormfag.
Idk, I personally think full, non hispanic birthrates are on the rise again. Considering our history, we've done remarkably well in keeping it between ourselves. But as long as the black population doesnt grow, things may be alright. They destroy civilizations.
Are you stupid?
we will all be 40 ish year old then, que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be.
That's like nazis saying 'we're out of power so we can't be prosecuted for war crimes anymore'
dios mio...
>every white person is a Naziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!!!!!!
If only that were true
It will always be the white man fault, look at SA
Goodbye old world
then come BEE, then, farm murder, land grabs, genocide, then rat hunting and cannibalism
America is going to reach South Africa-tier race relations, you are not becoming Brazil, it's gonna be even worse. Brazil has no race tentions, no one talks about race, no politician do. Only the extreme left, but that is slowly on the rise but won't worsen things too much in the long run. US already have niggers hating on whites, so it's just a matter of time for whites to become a minority.
Goodbye world*
I wonder if the statistics for this horseshit are pre "you have to go back"?
Once all the beaners have been kicked out, will the date have to be revised forward several decades?
At least pollution from industrialisation and cars will stop
Do not reply to bait threads.
Report them.
Its insane because at first i thought this was a picture of paris.
It was too late.
Why does their projection only have Hispanics growing in demographics? The black projection is about the same and so is the asian.
I don't see that happening. White population in US is almost 200 million. Blacks 44 million, Hispanic lower than that. How could those numbers exceed 100 million each in twenty years? Dumb.
>50 mil
The absolute state of US, holy shit.
Bring in the white South Africans!!!
You realize that once colored people have majority, theyre just going to continue to destroy white people. They are going to use their new found political power and completely BTFO white people. GG RIP
lol pic
>honkey thinks that's how it'll go down
you forgot white hispanics