Explain to me why people from countries such as Albania, Macedonia, the Dominican Republic, Suriname, the Philippines and such so proud of their countries and nationalities? They have literally had no impact on history. Not have they had an empire.
Explain to me why people from countries such as Albania, Macedonia, the Dominican Republic, Suriname...
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They have to create some sort of purpose as a country or they would be annexed
Alexander the Great came from Macedonia
Yeah historical Macedonia which was Greek, not Slavo-Turkic like today's Macedonia.
he was from Greece, the region of Macedonia, which is still part of modern day greece. The republic of Macedonia is called that way since the mid 20th century, after the break up yugoslavia.
Keep the goalposts where they are
Macedonia did have some impact on history and that's the bottom line
And Haiti makes the Dominican Republic look as great as Haiti was 250 years ago.
>balkan ultranationalist
>doesn't even want to live in his own home country
if I had a penny for every ex-yugo or albanian who thinks their shithole is the best place on earth I could be mistaken for a jew
>Alexander of Macedonia
>Country's name is Macedonia
That's all it matters and nobody cares about your opinion, slave.
Now bow, you wortless domesticated soyboy cuck if you don't want to end up like persia
>They have literally had no impact on history
Just like every person on the world right now including, we are all we wuz kangz here. No more land to explore, no world war to bring glory and no more benevolent inventions yet everyone rejoices their country's history and pretend that they are a part of it even though they didn't contribute anything just to celebrate it.
OK man whatever floats your boat.
Except you're not Macedonian (Greek). You're a Turko-Slav calling himself a Makedon. You're entire country is made up.
Albania and Macedonia, even DR are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better off than fucking Suriname and Philippines. This is like putting Egypt in the same basket as Mauritania.
I'm talking about personal experiences I have had from people who are from these countries. They are all utter shit. Never met anything and never will.
Macedonians are big we wuzzers
>let me tell u who and what u are 1000 of km away on le internet because this has a lot of meaning to me.
lol. All i can say is that you're pretty jealous of countries that have actual history. Due to your lack of history, Your gayland celebrates "gay pride day"
Bring next to haiti gives DR an ego boost. m.youtube.com
We're currently making our impact as we leave the Rome statute undr the direction of our President. The War on Drugs by our government is now having a huge impact.
You're not greek
Cool opinion Mladic
Netherlands has a rich history unlike your shithole
Phillipines has a little power, not worth respect however.
They allowed themselves to become an authoritarian international trading port, also since they get a large influx of foreign soldiers and UN guys, their women are almost exclusively prostitutes. Age of consent is 11, my parents went over there on work related business and told me they saw girls as young as 7 or 8 being paraded around in heels to train them to whore around for white guys in bars.
Truly disgusting.
Only Winston Bogarde is proud.
Underaged kiddo detected.
You sound like a nigger WEWUZonia. hush.
The worse the shithole and the more undeducated the population, the more nationalist they are.
Just look at how people from shitholes like Russia or Mexico react when you talk shit about the shithole they fled from to live in your first world country.
Sorry sweetie, the history is settled