Fuck voting at 21. Raise the voting age to 40.
Fuck voting at 21. Raise the voting age to 40
Based Gen Z strikes again, 20 years of conservatism here we come!
Fuck voting, i want the Kaiser back
Its not. I went to the White House during the Bush years. Armed security everywhere as spooky portrait of Hillary.
Your Canadian. Thousand years of 1984 for you.
she should try climb the fence at the white house.. she'll quickly find out how 'gun free' that area is.
Oh i know, its far worse here. You guy's gotta fight for your rights mate, the level of propoganda kids today is so ridiculous they actually think the white house is a gun free zone, unreal.
Great way to go to bed seeing someone with less brain cells than me.
I dont see why public schools shouldn't be gun free zones. I mean I cant bring my gun into a courthouse or post office.
This. I'm so fucking sick of the Gen Z being conservative meme. I'm 21, pretty sure I'm in that category. I'm a student at University and I live it every day. Most people my age are vile children that believe socialism is a viable governmental solution and that every town should be a sanctuary city. They're fucking imbicles and it's making me lose my mind.
All federal property is "gun free". Security has always been exempt from gun free zones.
There’s a huge gender divide in gen z. The girls are feminist liberals abd the boys are literaily hitter.
>gun free zone
its not though, this is the problem with listening to retarded teenage girls who just parrot whatever leftist propaganda is saying at the time to 'be cool'. the white house is literally a fortress staffed by machine-gun wielding military men
Fuck the age requirements, being old doesn't make you smart. I would propose and IQ requirement but that would never happen with the nigs
As long as you don't get married, don't make kids, own a home and a gun, you'll be fine under any regime.
The second you marry and reproduce, you're fucked.
why not both.
>places with heavily armed security guards are "gun-free zones"
Except schools, which are gun-free with NO security... which is apparently perfect to these idiots despite being the exact conditions under which all school shootings occur.
How about anyone who is against the Bill of Rights should not have the right to vote?
Ya cause baby boomers and gen x are so based right??? All of the people who matter in the alt right are millennials
>All federal property is "gun free". Security has always been exempt from gun free zones.
exactly.. its not gun free.
They're the wamyn you white nationalists "fight" for......
Under the legal definition it is.
Er lebe hoch, wo ist der Kaiser,
Er lebe hoch, wir brauchen ein Idol
The bitch can't even distinguish the difference between a poster board and Twitter
>Lets make the voting age a number
If we have to have voting then leave it at 18 minimum but with actual fucking criteria.
>Property ownership, education, employment, children etc.
Any combination of such things
>wrong twitter name
>school is not a place of work
>white house is filled with guns already
this is called "when you want to be part of a movement, but are completely stupid and have no idea what you're talking about, but hey make sure you use a good filter for instagram"
Secret Service doesn't have guns. Nope.
I'm in a social fraternity on campus. Pretty much the only escape from the leftist indoctrination. That being said, my chapter has around 80 brothers. Of those 80, I'd guess that only 20% of them actually give a damn about politics and understand how far left everything is being pushed in such a short amount of time. Very unfortunate. I have yet to meet anyone who is as far to the right as myself. Probably because it's taboo to talk about how Hitler did nothing wrong with people just because they're conservative. Some guys my age are getting close though. Just like myself, I'm sure others just drift further to the right by the day. The leftists are just such disgusting people.
nigger. you can be president at 35
How about not letting women vote?
This yes
It's boomers that are voting for and passing all the gun control laws anyway, it won't make a difference