Why does Sup Forums love sucking Putin's cock so much when he's acting like a cartoonish villain straight out of a shitty Tom Clancy novel? He can seemingly do whatever he wants, kill people with Polonium and nerve gas and whatever shit he can come up with smack dab in the middle of Britain. Next thing you know he'll send sharks with lasers on their heads after his targets and you'll stand there and still applaud him. RUSSIA. IS. NOT. OUR. FRIEND. you fucking tards.
Why does Sup Forums love sucking Putin's cock so much when he's acting like a cartoonish villain straight out of a...
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4 is generous. It was okay at first but he went full retard by the end of it. 1.5 tops.
Because I can't survive nuclear fallout
Not that I like putin
I've never sucked putin's cock, you shareblue shills love to say that over and over though.
Watch this and tell me putin is a bad guy
because unlike you, Germ, he's not cucked by bbc
Why is there like 20 of theese threads a day after the attack in uk from pisoion or some shit which is obvoiosly false flag
>Tom clancy novels
Fuck right off, shill
You answered your own question.
My theory is it’s a bit like the lefties who thought the soviets were their friends and gave them financial support for ideological reasons back in the Cold War (IRA, Corbyn etc).
Now Putin postures as a nationalist to try and cause trouble in rival countries. It will harm our movement if we ally ourselves to someone so obviously opposed to our interests.
That said, anti Russian obsesssives are awful and drive me mad. But they aren’t our allies either.
>he's acting like a cartoonish villain straight out of a shitty Tom Clancy novel
This are your own words... and you can't deduce from that this is a false flag?
Do you think ppl in real life act as cartoon villains?
why use nerve gas when a knife, a bullet or an accident will do?
nerve gas is there just to point back at Russia.
Always remember its a roach larping as german
Nobody here is sucking Putin's cock. We just don't want a conflict with Russia because they're a nuclear power that can wipe out Europe and the United States if we push them too hard. We already wrecked their economy, which was doing great up until then. What exactly are we supposed to do? Ban Russians from saying things on Twitter about Hillary Clinton? Bomb the Kremlin because you wound up with a cryptolocker after downloading porn?
You have to be a complete moron to believe this b movie rubbish, Russians are not stupid, if they wanted that guy dead he'd of been dead, simple as that
The whole production is laughably amateurish, fake hazmat bullshit
Putin is hampering their plans for Syria
>stop being a naive child
Globalist want a war between the West and East
youre not my friend either
Russia = investing in 2025 super soldier suits.
West = letting niggers, Arabs and lgbt rape our daughters and sons and destroying our culture.
>he's acting like a cartoonish villain straight out of a shitty Tom Clancy novel
Yeah, exactly. Doesn't it look suspicious at all?
There are certainly some shitty things he did, but they make sense. This shit in UK looks just like Assad gassing people for no reason.
>He can seemingly do whatever he wants
And yet you live
>strong horse
>weak inbred buttfucked mongrelized islamized ass-raped horse with crooked teeth
fuck off ghoul
wow, great super soldier suit, you will show this geyrope!
Putin here.
What's your problem?
Or Merkel has imported an army to fight in return for citizenship
An army that can't understand commands in German, comrade?
I vaguely agree with a German. This means WWIII is imminent.
>why use nerve gas when a knife, a bullet or an accident will do?
More specifically, why use Novichok nerve agent used when it is Russian exclusive chemical weapon, a weapon that Russia never exported even during the cold war, as opposed to VX or other more common agent that dozens of countries have access to?
The answer is Russia wants the world to know they did it, and then deny they did it with a wink and a nod. They are making an example out of the spy by purposely using exotic weapons as they have done in the past. Compared to the platinum micro pellet full of ricin used twice in the 1970s, or the radioactive polonium assignation this one was pretty minor.
It isn't just former spies. Russia loves to make examples out of people who fuck with them. My favorite as the Somali pirates who hijacked the Russian ship. The Russian navy liberated the ship and then "let the pirates go". Soon after the Russians announced "it seems they all died after being released", with that same wink and a nod they use when killing spies.
dude putin's just like Voldemort and us Hilldawgs are like the order of the dragon xxDDDD
Do not reply to bait threads.
Notice the language used by OP, insulting, and in no way informative or calling for discussion.
Instead Report threads like this and help make pol a better board.
(((pol))) just likes sensationalist horseshit and big happenings.
putyin delivers entertainment in the eyes of (((pol)))
Sup Forums is filled with Russians using VPNs
He's from a Clive Cussler novel. Get it right.
Your idiot fantasy is not true. Faggot no one is applauding Putin faggot. Stop spreading russiaphobia. Stop being a faggot just stop.
I want Putin to invade and kill our globalist problem.
Sorry, but we have seen this movie before.
>it is Russian exclusive chemical weapon, a weapon that Russia never exported even during the cold war,
this how you know it wasnt russia.
way too convenient, what is the motto of the mossad again?
Russia wants everyone to know they did it, while their diplomats are half-heatedly denying it. That is how they have handled things for decades, and they have always gone out of their way to leave their fingerprints at the crime scene, so to speak. It is a way they can flaunt their power and make examples out of people who fuck with them.
>Why does Sup Forums love sucking Putin's cock
Because Sup Forums has been heavily infiltrated by Russian shills for 2 years. I know some of you who post here know this and are in denial. If the past week hasn't proved it, there's no helping you.
Paid shills.
Like literally, the useful idiots take over after some time.
>calls someone cucked for speaking the truth
>uses fake quote picture
Like pottery.
Common, show us where he said it, been asking it for 2-3 years by now.
People like being puppets, that's it. Those shills claim to be anti-globalism, but in reality they are just tools of the Neo-Eurasian project.
Russia commits an act of war against a US ally by using chemical weapons to assassinate a person on UK soil.
US Secretary of State condemns attack. Trump fires him the next day.
Maybe Trump can be Putin's vice president in 2020.
Unless you want a diplomatic incident to shore up support before an election and send a message that NATO is disorganised and won’t defend itself
Literally who?
Should I feel bad for not knowing or caring about some bong attention whore blogger?
Last week was better
brits get the fuck in here
He fired him for other reasons, otherwise he wouldn't have a substitute right after firing him.
Rex was trying to stop the US from imposing trade restriction on the Middle East, most likely to benefit his company, and Trump knew it.
> downloading the miniature of a pic
Ahmed stop using this flag.
Because this place is filled with shills and retards
>He fired him for other reasons, otherwise he wouldn't have a substitute right after firing him.
He was replaced by a CIA nigger. No suspicion there.
>most likely to benefit his company, and Trump knew it.
Trump only makes decisions as President that financially benefit himself.
Nice try Ivan, but you will get no rubles for this post.
You eurocucks are gonna be under a caliphate in a few decades. I will take my chances with Russia, china and japan.
And let's be serious here, what will you do after putin just gassed random people on your streets. Literally nothing.
If we're going down we won't go down without a fight
Germany is less a friend than Russia, why should I listen to you? You from the ME?
Because pol is full of Russian trolls. Honesly look at this way. Pol has a negative stereotype for every country in the world. If you are american you are dirty mutt. Canada is degenerate dirty leftist shithole. Greece is pay debts poormutts. Poland is nigger of the Europe. Germany, Sweden, UK degenerate multicultural no hopes. Japan animu chinks with small dicks and so on. There is a stereotype for every nation. Exept Russia. Russia is rarely even noted here. And when she is written about its about her strong leader and beautiful women. I yet have to see a negative thread or a meme about Russia. You wont see it here. This place is infested with russian trolls. Its so fucking obvious. You guys scream SHILL so often. You believe in ShariaBlue riding your board, but its so hard for you to see or belive that this board has been ridden by other enemy.
because the russians were Shareblue, JIDF, and CTR this whole time.
Obama openly and publicly admired and pushed Islam.
Putin openly and publicly admired and pushed Christianity.
think about who is the real ((((villain)))) in this story and whos been feeding you lies about our saviour.
Conservacunts will do ANYTHING to hold power. They will SELL US ALL OUT in 2 seconds flat. Trumpcunt assholes are traitors. Period.
Christcuckoldry is a weak contradictory pseudo-religion
You were right last time, but I don't think you are this time. Who knows. Germany turns out to be right quite a lot.
How often you get a reasonable answer when you are criticizing Russia? 90% it is just insults and derails you are getting back. Just test it for yourself. It is stands out so much and is so fucking uncanny that it starts to hurt.
not an arugment
Didn't seem so weak when they dominated your country like a mango and prune shit in a mason jar.
Trumptards like being part of Russia's subversion. They admire Russia. They admire ruthless mafia cunts like Putin and Trump. They're useful idiots.
And the Russian grammar is so bad, we've deduced they comprise fully 70% of pro-Trump propaganda.
And cunt asshole Trump won't enforce the sanctions.
>Putin Condemns Publication Of Muhammad Cartoons
>According to a news article of Russia Today, Muslim minorities make up approximately 15% of the total population of Russia.[7]
And you fell for him.
Russians are the worst people after niggers and mudslimes.
I'd take Chinese any time of the year over those sneaky sukas.
making up words makes your points sound smarter than they appear, thank you.
if you write something bad about russia then immediately you are attacked by "anons" with flags from around the world kek, canadians, americans germans etc are attacking you and saying how based is russia and what shithole is your country
kek even shills with you country flag are attacking you
Because whether you want to believe it or not Putin is the smartest person in the world and everyone else are just pretenders butthurt that they can't compete 1on1.
If these were decent people they'd thank and revere him and try to learn something. But all they can do in their jealously is try to destroy him. That's why they deserve everything they get.
Trump, the most self serving President in history, is not firing a CEO he hired because he is self-serving. It is why he hired a CEO as secretary of state.
You are right, it is not an argument. It is an accepted conclusion and you are BTFO.
also not an argument
Putin is going to catch a bullet someday. That 's a simple fact.
Ivan, this shill is unacceptable. Please come see me at my desk. You need to be retrained in how shilling works.
0/10. No rubles until you do better.
Because he acts like the leader every other country needs.
> Bulgaria
I personally don't care about Putin and I know he's in the pocket of the Jews just like every other world leader. But I do have some hope for the Russian people because it seems like they don't put up with Marxist brainwashing like everyone else does
>riding your board
YOUR board . So who do you work for ?
Putin: Openly advocated Western civilization, Western religion.
Obama: Openly criticized Western civilization, Western religion, openly praised Islam.
"The future does not belong to those who insult the prophet of Mohammad."
--Barry Soetoro
You're nuts dude. You don't know who your enemy is.
Sure jew
Great catch, you a CIA nigger too?
He’s not wrong. Christcuckery is a broken husk.
I wish . Im on disability and it only pays $800 a month .
the jews want us to go to war with russia so they can take out syria/iran and expand into greater israel
because of this fact i must take everything putin gets accused of with a major grain of salt
why would putin bother killing these people in a way that implicates him? theyve been out of his country for years and pose no risk to him. it makes no sense.
thus, its the jews.
I am well aware who the enemy is and not stupid enough to fall for the old garbage they are trying. Obama sucked, but guess what? He is gone. This will never happen with Putin, because he clawed himself so deep in his corrupt, drug plagued, aids ridden, muslim overrun, corrupt, abortion making country, that we can not expect him to be gone, no matter how much shit he is doing.
Fuck . I posted in a 1 post by OP thread .
russia is poor as dirt crazy stupid violent alcoholics
> the jews want us to go to war with russia so they can take out syria/iran and expand into greater israel
Globalists dislike Russia because they are fighting over the same thing: Control.
According to Putin's ideological master, Russia has the divine right to the Eurasian continent, and by defending Russia you are helping the Neo-Eurasians like Putin and Aleksandr Dugin.
Good job, goy.
It's tha Joooooz, S T U P E E D!
do you think people on here would dispute that russian shills post here?
as far as im concerned this is something everyone that comes here regularly already believes
Same shit other cloth.
Theres no us anymore. America wants to ditch eurofags to ally with Russia