
do you think you're funny

SSJ3 design look seriously dumb.

westernization happened, eat up you fag pigs because you're too stupid to care

It's almost like they draw things with less detail the further away they are.


What a shit episode.

They may as well have taken the week off and just skipped over it. Nothing to add to the storyline whatsoever

>toei anime
>anything happening
It's just nostalgia. They were always the budget shit for kids

Dragonball Super is an insult to life.

>he says as he posts the guy that literally created Toei

Why won't they give SS3 a fight?

3 will never fight again. They will just show it occasionally with a traced scene like today's ep

I can play this game too

I agree
All of this episode could have been the first five minutes of episode 114
First time in this ToP where I can safely say this was fucking filler and a dumb attempt at padding

>Vegeta in 1990 or whatever

But Goku had to regain his stamina, by fighting which also made everyone stronger somehow but also he is really holding back

What really annoyed me was how many lines were character declares X, actually it isn't true or really relevant cut back to them being called out. It added nothing, a joke like that can work but it was really all filler


these facebook level threads are somehow full of replies

Eh whatever, next week's episode has Shida and Takahashi as the key animators so it should look REALLY good like pic related

>small troll doll
looks right to me

>Goku was afraid of three robots
>three robots got effortlessly pummeled by noodle saiyan girl 1
>Goku raring to fight noodle saiyan girl 1 and then broly clone
I get that he likes fighting but shieeeet

Will kales breasts be drawn well?

I hope so

>Nothing to add to the storyline whatsoever
How about the fact that Goku is recovering his strength in this fight and there's only about 23 minutes left to the tournament?

You need to stop getting distracted by all the flashy lights. Even when that's happening their mouths are moving.

Those are both things we knew at the end of the Jiren fight

>What a shit episode.
Dragon Ball Super is shit as a whole

It was a padding episode, let's just accept it and move on to next week

So you knew from just the end of the Jiren fight that he would go against Kale and Caulifla,recover his stamina and also that during his fight with Caulifla there would be 23 minutes left?

And even besides that it doesn't disprove that there was storyline progression. If you hate it because Dragonball isn't the plot twisty story you made up in your heads just say so and stop these gymnastics

Oh no it was a worst girls episode. And next week it will be again...

Why does Kale get muscles while the others remain floppy saiyans?

Why do these faggots always take a shot when he’s far away? It’s obvious he would look less detailed. And then we have closeups like this one

Computer and sloth.

>Comparing movie artwork with weekly TV artwork.

2017 looks smelly

they fucked up in the cell saga. they assumed that because the ultra buff forms were inferior to SS2 and had increasingly bad speed penalties that putting ki points into muscles when you transform was a waste. but as we see with kale and broly, the trick is to trigger a ki buffer overflow so that you can throw shitloads of ki into your speed and defense as well as muscles

>why do thee faggots always use the most unflattering shots in their bait? its like they want more angry replies from both sides of the argument


Reminder that mods are blithering hateful retards who will leave this shitty bait up and delete all actual DBS discussion threads

dot posting should be a bannable offense t b h

there are DBS discussion threads?

Anyone have image of Goku Blocking the two bitch attack like boss ?

Yeah. They're the same as this one except they've got more Gohan Blanco memes and people get accused of being Mexican every time someone tries to make an argument.



