ITT: post the worst english dubs you can find and talk about how superior japan is at dubbing western media than america is a dubbing any media.
ITT: post the worst english dubs you can find and talk about how superior japan is at dubbing western media than...
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japanese beast wars is fucking garbage
>tfw even when you knew that lollipop was a censor tool you thought it was creative
It was cheaper to edit it with a candy tip rather than remove the cigarette in general. So when he talked with it in his mouth. They could had gone one better and just turn it into a toothpick. Would cost more, but would not have been as lazy.
sub vs dub is only an issue in america, everyone else uses sub
I'm ESL and I watch some anime dubbed
electronic sports league?
Eh, fits. They took a dumb kid's show and dubbed it as a dumb kid's show.
Exactly, its hilarious the amerisharts actually get triggered over it when they've ruined some anime with their atrocious dubs.
You're completely talking out of your ass
a good number of countries still dub actual regular English movies and yet you somehow think anime is granted exalted special treatment.
No. Most people in Russia watch dub.
So, it's ok when Japan does it?
English dubbers aren't very good, Italian dubbers know their shit.
There are very few countries that actually produce good dubbers for some reason. Some don't even try and just slap subtitles on the movies.
Tbh english dub anime usually makes everyone sound like chads and skanks.
Fine. Sub vs dub is an issue in America, Russia, Spain and other countries that dub their content.
Yes, because they actually respect the source material.
That's okay because Russian dubs aren't even on the same level as american dubs. American dubs are ridiculously terrible.
Only complaints I ever hear is that Japan didn't treat the show with the farting rhino and Waspinator as some super gritty war drama.
Now the dub for Beast Machines, you can complain about that.
It's worth. They translate English translations, so it has every shit Americans done, but worse.
You don't even sound like you actually have a reasonable argument, you're just latching onto the bandwagon (japan #1, dae think america sux haha XD)
Almost as if you thought this site has upvotes.
The English Dub was Hokuto no Ken was so bad, they basically left bloopers in there. There's even some guy doing a William Shatner impression at one point.
The cowboy bebop dub isn't nearly as good as some people believe, it's not terrible but it definitely isn't great.
I don't care about popularity. You English speaking folk try to convince each other to watch anime in English. It makes as much sense to watch anime in Spanish if the dub is considered the best there is.
Cut the middle man and watch everything in their original language.
>post the worst english dubs
Literally every single dub.
Of course all american dubs are bad, but some are exceptionality bad.
>watch everything in the original language
I agree as long as american shows get British or Canadian voice actors.
Everything that Sentai shits out. You'll never convince me otherwise that the scriptwriters there actually have any idea how to pronounce Japanese words.
>You English speaking folk
I'm a eurofag, the simple fact is no country's tv networks are going to air the uncut subs leaving in all the context
>canadian voice actors
literally same shit, probably worse
>literally same shit
This. 99% of all modern american animation has canadian voice actors for all the characters.
t. someone who's never left his home country. Most of Latin America remembers Saint Seiya, Ranma and all the other shows they like dubbed.
4kids and Saban just censor and rewrite everything, we've all been there. But I'd rather talk about shitty voice acting.
Just watch anime online. And about context, you learn as you watch more and more in the original language.
There is no anime on tv anymore precisely because everyone with an interest does those aforementioned things. But in the 90s,early 2000s, this was far less ideal and most people just watched the dubs on tv or bought videos. Are you underaged
>another person saying dude just watch anime online
Are you not understanding the context? Of course I watch anime online, fucking everyone does. The point is that at exactly no point in history were original subs ever mass broadcasted, in any country. America or not, dubs were the norm
>shitty voice acting
Kinda par for the course isn't it?
Watch a 4kids dub when you're older and you'll realize they knew exactly what they were doing. Their most retarded edits just boil down to plausible deniability
Finger guns? Did they really expect that to fool anybody? No, they probably didn't, is the answer.
shadow realm = death. When these saw blades hit yugi's legs, he'll "go to the shadow realm" because he'll bleed to death.
>Russian dubs aren't even on the same level as american dubs
Professional (Reanimedia) dubs are fine, but they exist for like three or four shows. Most russian dubs are fandubs and they are ridiculously terrible.
Is this kino?
Read the rest.
Was saying american dubs are so bad they can't even be compared to Russian dubs.
Greatest English dub of all time coming through.
What the fuck is wrong with Plankton?
It's certainly better than the sub unless you're some sort of purist fag.
Most of the time when Nipland does a dub it sounds unnatural.
Whats wrong with replacing cancer sticks? It actually makes more sense a chef/cook would have a sweet tooth than cigs that deteriorate the ability to taste.
Original VA >=Sand Nigger dubs (1995~2008) > everything else >>>> grandma moaning >>>>> modern sand nigger dubs.
>cigarettes deteriorate the ability to taste
non-smokingfags actually believe this.
the initial D dub is by far the worst of the worst
yep, just like dragon ball, naruto, bleach and other shonen shit
Its funny how people always rush to a 25 year old show to prove how bad Japanese dubs are.
Japanese dubs are more tolerable than the original English acting for modern toons where the kids sound like 30 year olds. Or is cases like RWBY where the eng version is literally non-voice actors
cowboy bebeop
Japanese dubs range from decent to just plain shit most of the time. I don't know why people worship them.
They're terribly samey and suffer from autistic overacting which is par the course for the Japanese.
Animes dubbed sell more here than subtitled
No, but this is
Honestly a decent dub, Ed even sounds like his original counterpart.
How about every single English dub of Hentai out there.
I like terrible dubs for the memes.
What about finnish dubs?
The Japanese language in itself is a meme.
Not quite as good as Spanish though.
Personally I think the japanese overact. Its just different acting styles, but i prefer western acting in general.
Thats not to say one is objectively better than the other, just my preference, and if you are used to japanese acting, I can see how western style would come across as bored sounding. And sometimes english dubs truly are terrible of course, but I think people are just being overdramatic when they say "all english dubs are shit"
Honestly Japanese acting is better in live action than animation in my opinion even if they do sometimes overact there too. Cure and Audition didn't seem to suffer from that much.
I'm pretty sure this thread was a false flag. Either, hopefully most of it will be rangebanned.
I like when Funi dubs shit shows like Dragon Maid and Hajimete no Gal. They make awful shows funny via script liberties. Even better is when Sup Forums treats the dubs like the ruined something worth a shit.
I was hoping someone would post this, English dubs are god tier in comparison
>lol look at my outrageous opinion haha are u mad yet?
Hilarious post.
It's a new club that plays really great hardcore techno for really hip young crowd
What the fuck are you talking about?
Kill yourself
Germany dubs nearly everything.
Dubs used to be rather good back in the old days.
They were also good in the early 2000s, the Golden Age of television animu in Krautistan (or at least I think so, but maybe time has clouded my memory, and I had nothing alse back then).
Still, I really prefer subs now,.
Same to you m8
Loosing TV to merchadise anime was the problem.
Not airing popular anime instead of merchadise shit killed ratings and led to Animes defacto removal from public TV.
They kinda went overboard with it. Shigeru Chiba was Megatron. That's like casting Gilbert Gottfried as Darth Vader.
>casting gilbert godfried as darth vader
Thats a hilarious thought
Born and raised in Scotland here, you're an idiot
I actually agree, that was probably one of the very few cases of a dub change I liked.
Specifically they just numb taste buds.
>shitty english accent
>when it's well established Joseph is from NYC
Do these clowns think accents are genetic?
Joseph was visiting NY with Erina you lombotomised shitlark
The 4Kids opening for One Piece is unironically one of the best One Piece OPs. It's short, gives a good enough overview of the story, and it's catchy.
That and the GT dub op.
Nothing will ever rival the french dub of Hokuto nomken
>Japanese dubs
They're "interesting", to say the least. Any movie with copious swearing is turned into pure gibberish.
A decent amount of our dubs are highly regarded here in frogland as well.
That's more because France is a weird exception to the rule, Frenchies are absolutely desperate not to let their dogshit language die.
I have to admit 4Kids did a good job with the Pokemon and Yugiou openings, sometimes even with casting. 4Kids dubs were fine and even the bad ones didn't offend me as much as anything Funimation pulled.
Dare to say had 4Kids not edited and changed to hell and beyond they would have become a fan favorite and probably the strongest anime distributor in the west nowadays.
>4Kids dubs were fine
Strictly talking of voice performance and direction here, not the dialogue changes.
Holy shit all of the jokes still work even when you do have no idea what they're saying. That's quality animation
I imagine the "this is my handle, this is my spout" teapot gag falls flat with Japanese audiences, though.
It's an alright dub, but it loses a lot of the manic quality of the original.
There's no way a Japanese man could match the quality of English Eddy but they did a good effort.
It's not just the performance, it's the delivery and sentence structure. I can see why American cartoons never took off in Japan.
ITT: post the best english dubs you can find
>how superior japan is at dubbing western media
Of course they are. That's just another thing professional seiyuu do. Even foreign live-action dubbed into Japanese have better acting than the original:
Immoral sisters had a great dub
This triggers me considering how shit, exaggerated and genericic jap voice "acting" is given that it's a "respected" "profession" in animeland, and how bad jap language sounds.
All characters literally arr sound same based on the archetype they represent.
Are you insane, this is shit. They didn't even care if it matched lip movement as close as possible like movie dubs in other countries actually do.
you are a fucking idiot that shit was years ago and they have a better dub of it without that 4kids shit
I liked the dub for Rurouni Kenshin but then again I'd probably let Steve Blum nut in my mouth if he asked in his Spike voice
Congratulations, you proved you're a weeaboo. Now what's the next step of your master plan?
I remember 4 kids coloring all the guns in one piece green, but can't for the life of me find any pictures to back it up
They didn't, they redrew them into toys.
You are thinking of Zachbell