Misaka imoutos don't get much love anymore. Remember 19090 who is supposed to have an upgrade? She would work well for a side story about a clone developing their own personality and goals.
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Better read/watch manga or anime?
Read LN
I say for Railgun
Manga until chapter ~40 then Railgun S until ep 16-17 and then manga again
Read the manga. As for the anime, it's heavy on filler but still worth watching the first 16 episodes of Railgun S.
Is volume 19 translated?
Skip the first episode and only watch the prologue and epilogue of episode 7.
Or just not be autistic and watch it all because Railgun S' production is good enough to not put you to sleep like the first season.
Done a few days ago.
Production values don't salvage the garbage Nagai made shit
All the sisters in Academy City led by 10032 are busy staking out Touma's apartment 24/7.
Even Silent Party can be entertaining if you accept it for what it is and not take it seriously.
If the clones start getting any character development this should be the first thing they change.
If they're clever enough to realize that being forward is a winning strategy, they should also realize they don't have any chance with him with all that competition.
When will Touma ask me out already
I'd rather fuck a thousand Muginos than White Queen. White Queen is disgusting and even pigs are sexier than her.
Kyousuke, pls.
I wonder if there will be a new VO trailer at the Sony event this week.
People screech all the time about how the clones are better than Mikoto or how Accelerator deserves to die because of the experiment and that if he doesn't, Kamachi is a shit writer. On the other side of things, people also screech about how they aren't people and how Will is a demon/virus. They get plenty of attention for characters that have minimal screentime in NT. I expect they will show up soon and will get even more attention.
What does this ugly and unlikable cunt have that Hime doesn't?
>19090 who is supposed to have an upgrade
>emotions upgrade
A flat chest.
>Perfect DFC
>better hair
>better personality
>member of the IA
>comes from the greatest country
>just because of a certain level 0 that wouldn't worth an urban legend if a level 1 meet half of the level 5s
>better hair
>better personality
Flat chests are usually good, but not on this loser.
Uiharu deserves a punch
Casual Oh ho ho is
Yes, please. Kill her and make her choke on her own blood.
Unless it's Skuld Quenser is Eliteman, Protector of female Elites around the globe.
so she was worse than Misaka?
Mikoto a cute avatar
When he sleeps his healthy 8 hours
Come on it's worth watching the non filler parts of Railgun. And some of the filler is okay like the one following the Anti-Skill
Mikoto, Acqua, Imouto is the best team in the mobage
They should make a series about LO's Sister, shes cute
>the series has lots of girls getting punched
>most doujins with good scenes are femdom bullshit
I don't get it.
Speaking of Jews, Kakine should fucking rape Estelle.
Hopefully they get some attention in the upcoming Railgun novel. Although I have a feeling that it might be about Mikoto's first year in Tokiwadai or something. Might even learn who her first roomate was. I bet it was Misaki.
Mugino is for punching
>Misaki getting kicked out by Kuroko
With how Mikoto and Misaki get along, it wouldn't be a surprise if she willing let Kuroko do it. Especially if she knows how annoying she could be to Mikoto with the constant sexual harasment meme.
>yfw Misaki implanted a mind bomb inside Kuroko if Misaka ever goes out of line
Why can't there be a vanilla doujins where Touma dicks kuroko and she falls in love with him?
Why cant there be vanilla pregnant misaka doujins?
What if Misaki mind-controlled Kuroko to think she kicked her out like it was some kind of triumph but she did it willingly so she could molest Misaka as much as she wants through Kuroko?
What if Misaki pulled a Jean Gray and made Kuroko gay for Misaka just so she can annoy the fuck out of her?
Because femdom is the best.
Read less kamikoto.
Maledom and rape are better.
I didn't read any of it.
>tfw only one kamikuro doujin and its still kamikoto
I agree
Saiai's thighs and panties in full view!
What is Awaki's weakness ? She keeps recking me almost instantly with her spam moves.
I want to SSS her.
Does Kamachi even write for the Idol spinoff?
>non-canon 4koma manga
I'd imagine they make for very good experiment hamsters. Not many medicines are specifically made for kids nowadays because you can't hurt them in any way.
>spends hundreds of dollars on regular school girl supplies and candy
>but won't pay a cent to the manga, and vending machine industry
>what are child errors
>implying someone didn't make a clone of Kanzaki to make their own Saint army, and Touma's just marrying her so the kid will have a father
Will Kuroko ever meet a Mikoto clone or learn about magic?
No, and who cares
I kinda do.
>the average user
>spends most of his days watching anime and reading manga for free
>but won't pay a cent to the anime, and manga industry
“The time for revolution has come, announces Misaka #10032.”
Gas Misakas
Chinks are fiucking thirsty
That's not asymmetrical.
I didn't need to see that. Kanzaki is ugly enough in clothes.
(You) shut your whore mouth!
>the average user
>fucking poor and buys food from aldi and food depot
>won't spend 25 dollars for a manga volume that costs 5 bucks in japan
I'm gonna have to try that excuse if i'm ever caught stealing something.
>b-but i'm poor so it's ok right?
Crowley will get fucked up again trust me.
Mikoto is /our/ girl
Mikoto will kiss Etzali
No, the excuses you want to make are
>"dass rayciss"
>"fucking whitey oppressin' us again"
>"we wuz kangz"
Kuroko on her vampire costume looks like a cute shota
>Kuroko always looks like an ugly shota
>trusting a demon
Coronzon will be the definition of fucked up once everyone is done with it.
True number 1.
Just fuck already.
I want to lewd level 5.1 Mikoto
Best Dragon here, Angel Dragon can fuck off.