What translator group would you bring back from the dead and why?
What translator group would you bring back from the dead and why?
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none because I support the industry
all of them
Just think, in all the years since CR killed fansubbing you could have become expert in moon.
Always gg, At least when they meme'd it was actually funny and you could count on them to pick up shows most of Sup Forums wanted to watch.
I just want Vivid back.
>aw ya! super great eat!
>king me
every time
This, to be honest. I miss shit like Morning Rescue
Studio Ironcat
No you don't
Frostii, if only because they never finished Tetsuko no Tabi.
gg and Ayu.
>bring back from the dead
What happened to them?
Simulcast and "official" translations happened.
Elysium, obviously.
Not translator group but bloatgirls.
Really liked their releases.
What's better? Commie or Horrible Subs??
Horrible Subs is just a straight Crunchyroll rip. It's mostly good, but sometimes they fuck up.
GG for sure. I miss their shenanigan.
Actually, the right column really is what I want, but kitsunekko rips too few currently airing shows. And not many of them are aired with subs in the first place.
Otherwise, definitely >gg.
Or Asenshi. Great guys.
Asenshi is still alive.
They are still alive nyaa.si
Unrelated, but I'm pretty sure this is the funniest image to ever come out of this shithole.
Eclipse or a.f.k
I miss the times when subbing/ripping took knowledge and effort
>not "our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name..."
None of them. I'll be eternally grateful to CR for killing off "decent" subs, getting me off my ass and into actually learning the language. Translators are parasites, and anything that reduces the number has a net positive influence on the individuals who see it as an opportunity instead of moping and whining about it.
You killed me
I think we were going to get a resurgence with Netflix and Amazon picking up more shows and anime-centric streaming sites starting to die, but then nyaa died and it seems like almost all sub groups decided to die along with it. And when you have new people trying to pick up the slack, you have the retard mods on .si shit on them for no reason.
The only group remaining that actually finishes their releases is Asenshi. The rest either die after one series or don't finish at all.
I'll have [what you want]. I want more Japanese subbed torrents.
At this point I'd consider making such torrents by retiming whatever's available on kitsunekko, but can't be arsed to do that all alone. Really want subs for all other things that air with subs, I'd genuinely buy a subscription of a streaming service that would add nip subs.
I hate that none of the chink providers of streaming packages can offer subs. Unless you actually know someone in Japan, it's fucking impossible to get.
Kitsunekko is also woefully lacking, and lots of BR releases don't even come with subs. It's fucking annoying that I have to download a full 50gb disk rip because the dipshit encoder couldn't be bothered to tick a box.
Probably Vivid.
But as it is now I would take anybody willing to release a better encode than the CR rips. Everything these days looks like shit.
And there's no guarantee the 50GB disc rip will have subs, too... Or are amazon descriptions usually accurate?
they made watching shit shows fun as all fuck with their troll subs and t/n. Furthermore they were moderately competant about getting out speed subs when they got a show they liked.
Overall no other fansub group made an impression like GG.
4kids, if only for the sheer butthurt it would cause
I smirked.
To be honest, I'd probably watch 4Kids just to have a laugh at how they try to localise things.
Amazon is usually accurate. A lot of companies don't even include subs, it's like the very concept of hearing impaired watchers doesn't even occur to them. Japan is incredibly fucked up when it comes to supporting anyone with "disabilities", you should see the number of DS games that require you to hold the device sideways and yet didn't bother including a "flip" option in the menu for anyone who happens to be left handed.
gg and Hadena. And UTW I guess.
If I get a five, gg is coming back next season.
There were alot of good groups that came and went.
I would like cthuko to come back and finish yozakura quartet: tsuki ni naku and gatchman crowds: insight
Vivid coming back would be nice. I also like Mazui for tamako market/hyouka
why not just kill horrible subs and CR? that way all of them will come back to life
That's a nice house there. Looks pretty comfy.
>not knowing japanese
>not knowing japanese and making fansubs
anyone that would do a proper reencode of season 0 ;_;
I always loved downloading random groups and sticking to it. With varying degrees of success.
This is probably more exemplary.
None. All of them only care for memes and their 'profile', not translation. There is plenty of old shit still in raws cause no subber group would ever bother with a project only 5 people are interested in.
Threadly reminder you'd never watch Thunderbolt Fantasy subbed were it not for Crunchyroll.
Daft Sodomy shall now commence.
>Not posting the pic
I got your back, user
>the way it splits them all up
It triggers me so much
Lunar Anime
Commie, they were good enough to pass as "translation" but still so shit it motivate you to download the raws and learn Japanese instead, also the butthurt.
Doremi. Thanks for the memories.
Ayako. They had good taste and good style.
They're fucking up a lot with just because! This season.
>Rubbeth A Dub Dominum
>Praise Our Merciful Grubbeth
Not sure whether to laugh or commit atrocities.
>2 months delayed the last two episodes of Jormungand
>Passers by gonna pass by
I miss fun subs.
>Threadly reminder you'd never watch Thunderbolt Fantasy subbed were it not for Crunchyroll.
Actually, CR's translator for Thunderbolt Fantasy was a fansubber, so if it hadn't been licensed, chances are that it would've been fansubbed anyway.
>There is plenty of old shit still in raws cause no subber group would ever bother with a project only 5 people are interested in.
This is entirely correct, and also entirely missing the point. Why would anyone spend time working on a show they don't care about, for an audience consisting of only five people?
If you want subbers to work on an old series, the options are either to convince them that it's worth working on, or to learn how to do it yourself.
Isn't Elysium the one with the cancerous yellow subs?
Fuck off. You will never learn moon. Stop pretending like you will.
>using multiple groups for the same show
>chances are that it would've been fansubbed anyway
Sure thing, they'd do it for free! Maybe they'd even trade their salary for NEETdom just to service you.
Since when translators for CR or any other streaming service have any say in what the company they work for licenses?
>Why would anyone spend time working on a show they don't care about, for an audience consisting of only five people?
So you are agreeing with my point that subbers are all on an ego trip and they don't give a flying fuck about anime?
Sounds like a lot of projection right there. You might be too stupid to manage it, but I've done just fine.
>tfw I'll never know if the last column in jap has serious text or just memes
>So you are agreeing with my point that subbers are all on an ego trip and they don't give a flying fuck about anime?
This has nothing to do with ego trips and everything to do with prioritization. If you care so much about unsubbed series, why haven't you learned how to fansub?
>tfw when I know if the last column in jap has serious text or just memes