Anti-Russia = Globalist Propaganda

If you are against Russia or Putin, you are literally falling for the globalist brainwashing propaganda. (((They))) hate Russia because cossacks and Tsarists banished them throughout history. (((They))) want control over Russia's natural resources and land, to turn Russia into a vassal state.

Just think of the usual arguments we hear in the media, think tank research, from politicians, etc: Russia/Putin is anti-gay (protecting children from gay propaganda), Russia/Putin is killing civilians in Syria (helping SAA defend their country from jihadists), Russia/Putin is aggressive or invading Eastern Europe (literally defending their backyard).

It is fine to acknowledge low birth rates, high HIV rates, extreme poverty, etc in Russia. But if you do not STAND BY RUSSIA, you are anti-white, anti-nationalist and ultimately buying into ((((their))) propaganda.

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Nice proxy putinbot.

Nice proxy CTR

I still love you Russian user no homo.

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There is nothing that sets off my shill radar more than when somebody tells me not to criticize someone or something

There is a difference between criticising and blatant demonization

You're right, I should have written:
>If you demonize Russia or Putin...

Fuck off r*ssiaboo. I hate you all so damn much.
Agreed, r*ssian propaganda always trying to demonize the West.

Shut up Sibirski pigor, aren't you late for watching a Kirgiskii fuck your sister? Go wait in Moscow traffic fuck you

>be one of the most populous, religious Christian countries

>(((they))) keep attacking you


>religious, christian country

You have the highest abortion rate in Europe, your priests baldly scam you for money, and you have a 15% Muslim population all over. Christian my ass


>If you are against Russia or Putin

Globalist are working overtime the Last few days

No, it's the same thing. Any time I criticize Russia I am called a globalist fuck. Makes no sense. Especially when you consider the fact that Russia wants its own brand of globalism.

You're trying too hard to make this a fight about righteous white Christians vs. evil jews when it's really jews on both sides, Christians on both sides, and all that matters is the geopolitics behind it all. There is no moral fight here and Russia certainly isn't some moral protector of rights just because they limit LGBT propaganda for 18+. Saudi Arabia executes people for that shit but they're not the moral protectors of humanity against the globalists.

There is no black and white here and no heroes and villains, just a mish mash of gray with all these different powers playing the international chessboard.

>blatent demonization


100% agree, look, in my country (Ukraine) 62% of the government workers and the leaders are Jews, and the TV channels say shit about Putin LITERALLY every single day.

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Russia is Christian.

You snakes are vile creatures.

You are forsaken.

Ukraine is not a country. And so is Russia.

Ukraine doesnt need Russia. Ukraine doesnt need NATO bases.
Ukraine can feed whole Europe. Kick everybody out !!!

You mad motherfucker? We are 95% atheist country.

Escape to Crimea. It's a much better place now that it's controlled by Russia.
Hacking,impeachment,probes, CIA niggers, Comey,Hilary mails
Using everything from the textbook,still ongoing, sad.

Hahaha. Nice joke putinshill. Even North Korea is better place than R*ssia. Even Congo.

>13% atheist
>14 million Muslims
>less than 10% of Russians regularly attend Divine Liturgy
>25% irreligious

But but slava rossiya! but but but moral savior of Europe!! But but Third Rome!! Fuck off larper you've never been to Russia

la creatura back at it again

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Trump knows whats up. Accidents without happy endings yeah.

Why the fuck are you so scared of Russia?

Trump won
Someone lost
im happy.

>unironically posting cuckistani flag

Go back to l eddit you fucking newfag, you homos ruin everything

Listen, you need to try to get as many Ukrainians as possible into Russia before it turns into Western Europe. That country is going to be unrecognizable in 100 years. Trust me, I would know considering I live in America.

Nah im well-deployed. unlike alot of people here.
Plus i dont need to escape to any place, Im not afraid of them, Im not scared of kikes, however, Im not very Open about my views. im clever. im waiting.

>No, it's the same thing
Not it's not. Look up in dictionary
> Especially when you consider the fact that Russia wants its own brand of globalism.
We are going to have at least 2-3 types of globalism in the next 10-20 years. And the west is doing it's best ro distance us from themselves.
> Any time I criticize Russia
And how do you do so? In what manner exactly? Putin is Ebil dictator, all Russian are drukards, whose military and coutry is falling apart?

>blatant demonization
Like ((())) and THE GLOBALISTS?

Georgia, Ukraine, Crimea and now Syria, Russia has not put a foot wrong in the past decade, btfoing NATO on every turn, that's why the hyenas are screeching cuz they are mad.

The kikes seized control over this place, it is impossible to Clear Ukraine of Kikes.
However the land is awesome. I hope those kike motherfuckers wont seed GMO here, like they are planning

Thanks for your opinion, but what is the point in posting this? I mean we both know that its not true.

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>The Only way to fight the Jews is to support an eastern European Shit Hole and ignore when they chimp out.

How convenient.

They are already sending you to meat grinder,GMO seeds are least of your worries.


no more brother wars senpai

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Not me, Im well protected. the GMO is my biggest problem. (srs)

PS: but thanks for the Info, I didn't know that

It's not that Putin is ebil its just he's a corrupt, 5'6 manlet that is just there to enrich himself. I don't really care that he's whacking his opposition or trying to bolster his military, I just hate the fucking "slava rossiya" and "Third Rome" bullshit. How the fuck is supporting some sneaky, middle management asshole who playing to your insecurities about the collapse of the Soviet Union an effective way to fight "globalism"?

>When (((they))) make this tier level of propaganda you know its never gonna stop.
real work:

Stay safe, dont be just a statistic.

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true, they can't control russia so they want to destroy it

>its just he's a corrupt, 5'6 manlet that is just there to enrich himself
Any evidence to that up? You are just parroting western propaganda. So far his actions speak the opposite
The pic says:
1999 Russia asks USA for food. USA recived Russians plea to help them with food aid. Russia took first place in the world in external debt
2017 Russia is worl'd leader on export of wheat. Russia will pay external debt of USSR.
We not only payd our Debt of USSR, but we've forgiven debt of former USSR republics to us

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That's a fact and you can do nothing about that.

The only fact is that you're a paid shill.


Truth is russophobic! Ban truth for our russian overlords!

Okay, starting to think you're the shill...sound like one of those progressive Americans with the self loathing... Jewish??

You forgot to say that KGBist, pedophil and udmurt Vlad Pjiutin is the last hope of white race.

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The (((globalists))) have had a hate boner for Russia for over a hundred years. (((Their)) New York and Lonsonstan money and intellectuals were the force behind communism.

Nice try Savushkino.

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>demonize the West
Have you visited Reddit? They're like demons from Doom you're supposed to shoot at. I do realize in these moments how are people driven into civil wars and shoot and fellow citizens, be that Spain, Colombia or Greece.

Isn't it obvious to everyone at this point that the "Putin is a corrupt manlet who whacks his opposition" is a propaganda campaign. Maybe it's even true to some extent, but just know what you're supporting when you spread this meme.

Fuck off putinbot. R*ssia is not a country and r*ssians are not humans.

This whole think stinks!
I don't believe he did, risk so much for 2 elderly fuckin spies...yeah right, I'm supposed to believe this shit...

+15. Olgino is not sending their best it seems.

You got serious issues Jew...

powerful shit chicken

And what purpose does your micro-aggression serve? Does it win the argument? Nope, you'll get the same response and the sad part you're not in majority, by far.

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It's not possible to make argument and discussion with paid kremlin shill.

Say it with me


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>you're not in majority, by far.
Nice delusion faggot. Thank G-d autistic r*ssiaboos and paid shills like you are minority here unlike before 2016.

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Nice proxy may cunt

This one. He's with nemstov

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Ukrainian shill +15 hryven

Go suck Volodin's cock.

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Go back to Google bot thread.

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Shills are supposed to have a proven identity

Go back to sosash, Russia bydlo.

+15 roubles, bad try, I'll report to your curator.

t. Kremlin shill

>Putin shill
how many rubles do you make for these posts

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-15 of course*

Sosach nahui

OMG ruskies are really subhumans

OP acknowledges that Russia has serious problems, but Russia is not the West's enemy, and does not have to be the West's enemy. But many in the West desperately want Russia as an enemy, and that is a huge problem.

+15 Hryven

Oh gee I can’t wait to trade corrupt Jewish oligarchs for corrupt mobster oligarchs.

Russia is no ones friend, it’s run by a cabal of thugs and deserves no respect.

Vitry gubi, manya.

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>everyone who disagrees with propaganda is hohol
Typical kremlinbot bullshitting. Go back to where you belong.

Jews are 0.11% of total Russian population, but control as much wealth as ethnic Russians (75%).


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Check your grammar mr. Western wannabe

You don't know how to use damn articles. Should I really adhere to what a person like that has to say?

Also, +15 Hryven

C'mon Mykola you can do better

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You Putin trolls aren't even trying any more are you?

Lol you mad nigga. Do some krokodil and die please.

Pereklichka of hohlozavimyh cancelled.

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>buttblasted pidorashka searching for hohols
Kys. You are really bad shill.

English motherfucker do you speak it?

Four comments with a gay implication. You have a whole collection of such shit ain't you? Like it? Do you feel light tension in the abdomen when "accidentally" stumbles on gay porn? It turns you on?

Now I understand why you do not like Russia.

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I actually agree, ironically after having read Russian news sites that trash the US as much as possible without doing anything constructive (and doing a 180 when it comes to Russia). Intent is important. I've become more empathetic toward foreigners that complain about how the US media portrays their respective countries.

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