>people STILL haven't accepted the fact that Zero>Stay Night
Both are very flawed stories, but I feel Fate/Zero provided more consistent entertainment value.
UBW Was fun but boring in the middle. F/Zero was a good ride all throughout.
>>people STILL haven't accepted the fact that Zero>Stay Night
Sorry, I actually like having lots more cutie female involved than a mostly sausage fest of Fate/Zero
Though I'll agree on the second half of series
>people still haven'r accepted the fact that Tsukihime>Fate
>typical waifufag redditor response
fatebabbies everyone
No one cares about the shitty vampire series besides powelevelfags
>Year of our lord 100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+10+7
>people STILL haven't accepted the fact that Kara no Kyoukai > Fate
Why people even compare VN and LN? Both are fine, but I like interactivity and Bad Ends were just great, so it's Stay Night for me. And it had a lot of nice Slice of Life scenes in the kitchen, I love them.
>angsty haremshit with self-insert MC
>scenes in the kitchen,
Fuck you that was the worst part of the Vn by a large margin, that shit was padded as fuck
>I literally only watched Carnival Phantasm.
No, it was the best part. Really calm and pleasant. Made me feel happy.
If they could combine the two aspects like mostly female cast plus Fate/Zero level of storytelling, we got ourselves a huge seller
Please take a moment to pay your respects for those sacrificed to the perpetual growth of Fate and TM's wallets.
In terms of anime productions at the very least, this goes without saying.
F/Z is shit. Tired of getting banned so you switched pictures, OP?
The archive is full of your samefagging.
>people STILL haven't accepted the fact that Shit>Zero>Stay Night
Haven't made this thread in weeks tbqh and never ever got banned from it.
You could have filtered this if it's so apparent to you newfag
Who is this fluid druid
Pretentious chuunishit with little redeeming value apart from the visuals
>OP still hasn't read the VN.
Fate Zero is full of memorable and interesting characters, all with unique personalities (within the show, do not missunderstand my words) and some of them a notable development (Rider duo>all SN)
But when i watched UBW i was bored as hell. The plot was full of holes, the characters were uncharismatic and with no development, the romance was forced, i can not still understand why in the earth anybothe would choose Tohsaka having Saber...
The only part in which could become interesting because of the themes were inside the NP of certain servant, but the constant dialogue irrelevant made that part tedious.
So yes: Zero is better than UBW. The 4th war was much better executed
Not really a question, stop asking it. F/Z is better and anyone knows this, no one is really saying otherwise fuck off
Where do you see the question mark in the OP?
Kanata from DDD/Sora no Soto.
>Pretentious chuunishit with little redeeming value
That's the whole of TM's output, though.
Nitro+ and Urobuchi's too, really.
>10 times dosage of weed kills you
They never get as edgy as this
>Depending on how it sells. And with the japanesse shittaste (Frame Arm Girls is selling 10 000 BlueRays pero volumen) it's imposible to know.
>I hope it sells well. I dropped the show in the sixth episode because i was bored as hell, but Ei Aoki did a good work and I can't him to continue making high-tier projects similar to Fate/Zero
As expected of F/Zfags. Nothing but Aoki dicksuckers who actually think Re:Creators was a good work
Tsukihime is classic haremshit. What are you talking about?
Never gets old, honestly.
There's like two scenarios which could loosely be called harem endings (Ciel Good and Kohaku's) and even then that's a huge stretch.
Nice try cuck, its a literal translation
To burgers that refuse to read VNs, multible routes where you choose a girl in each one equates to haremshit because you have a relationship with more than one girl over the course of a whole game and they just parrot what shitposters say.
So I was right on both counts. The "weed" might as well not be cannabis, it could've been tea leaves for what it mattered because Araya magically developed it to fuck with your nervous system.
And back to Sup Forums you go.
Core structure of Tsukihime is harem. It's doujin game after all.
>It's doujin game after all.
To this day it's still hilarious and kind of depressing that so many people posting on Sup Forums don't know what doujin means.
Zeri was definitely better than the original Stay Night Fate route. UBW was pretty good but they also padded it out a little to make it work with Zero in mind and Heaven's Feel looks about as dark as Zero already, which is appropiate.
Yeah sure it is, something compared to weed being 10 times strong is supposed to magically be deadly.
>assuming the word cuck comes from Sup Forums
You must spend an awful lot of time there
You sure as hell do not belong here, I'd say it's a pretty good place for you to fuck off to.
Tsukihime is only good when you read it first time. It's 6/10 VN
That's because F/SN is about fucking high schoolers fucking around with magic and shit. F/0 is about adults and the majority of the people on 4chins aren't even 18 yet.
>Yeah sure it is, something compared to weed being 10 times strong is supposed to magically be deadly.
The basic weed was magically fucked about with, dumbass, the stuff Lio gave Mikiya was just 10 times more potent than that kind.
>assuming the word cuck comes from Sup Forums
It's cute that you think I give a fuck where your cancerous forced meme comes from, but no. Now shoo.
>still hasn't read the VN which is miles better than the entire Fate franchise
Great taste, comrade
>This bait threads is already dead
F/Z baiting is not relevant anymore
HF/Sakurafags/Rinfags is hot topic right now
I feel sorry for the people that actually believe that
>HF/Sakurafags/Rinfags is hot topic right now
It's amazing how little has changed now that it's come full circle.
Mostly because of HF release. In Sakura/Rin threads you can
>shitting on HF/UBW route
>shitting on HF movie/UBW anime
>shitting on Ufotable
>shitting on Miura/whatever
>shitting on Sakura/Rin
>bitching about secondaries
>bitching about F/GO
>posting pasta
>copy pasting discussion from archive/reddit/forums
Well yeah. It's just everything current + the old post-HF translation patch shenanigans again.
HF=Tsukihime (Far Side)=Kagetsu Tohya (plot-focused scenes)=KnK 5>Zero=KnK 3>Hollow Ataraxia (plot-focused scenes)=KnK 7>UBW=KnK 2 and 4>Fate>Tsukihime (Near Side)>KnK 1 and 6
Wormcucks everyone
>KT so high
Everything about HA is better than KT.
>implying the parts about Kiri and Kouma weren't god-tier
Hollow Ataraxia had great parts, but the Bazett/Avenger parts were a complete bore.
>mfw i still haven't read the VN and will never ever be pressured to
Suck my dick VNfags
>Because I'm bias, I'll say that Extra CCC is better that everything else.
No one actually cares that mcuh, it just that people will have to ignore your ignorant comments when discussing VN-exclusive stuff.
It's no great loss.
Remember when CCC was supposed to be Nasu's swansong for Fate? Weird thinking about it now.
>Weird thinking about it now.
CCC is untranslated.
Last time people seriously argued that FSN is better was in like 2014
>t. UBWfag who's never even read Tsukihime
It's referring to the chemical the weed was laced with you oblivious fuck. Direct dosage = 10x greater than what is carried in the weed.
>All these animeonlys
how far has Sup Forums fallen?
How is HF = Tsukihime ?
Sorry kid but Dies Irae is a kusoge now that it's translated.
this 2bh
They're both stories that focus on great characterization, mystery and setting up a tense mood, something which the other more generic action routes sorely lack. KnK has this too, but most of its stories are marred by pretentiousness, the pointless achronological gimmick and generally just feeling like a bad prototype of Tsukihime.
Why does this always happen?
I wonder if people would worship Kizuato if it was released today. Certainly some people would call Tsukihime a shameless rip-off, they already do that.
Just like Zero
>the pointless achronological gimmick
It kind of worked in it's favour. I doubt it would've had such a strong following if it had run in the order of 2 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 5, 2 and 4 just don't have strong enough impact on their own to draw people in.
Say what you like about in medias res and the quality of 1, but it does a good job of introducing the main characters (Touko wouldn't even have appeared until the second chapter otherwise), core themes and a decent fight scene, good enough to garner interest but not so good that it eclipses the later ones.