Latin Americans

What goes on in Latin America?

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Drug trade

I bang chicks half my age and live like an expat king

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How is it that the whole north of the country hasn't flooded south yet? Seems like a precarious situation.

Racism and capitalism. That's why favelas are a thing.

>use google maps as a justification to invade us

I would expect both of those things to be under assault by Communist administrations.

Soon a civil war in Brazil

quick rundown?

The government and all the leftist parties have been trying extremely hard to push several agendas, like how favelas are not precarious poverty-ridden ghettos, but are instead communities filled with marvelous culture, for example. Or government enforced racial quotas for schools and universities, including private institutions (which only made all the median scores go to shit). Or laws that give public money to nigger music and movies to be made. A lot of shit have been going on for a long time and only in the last 15 years we are seeing it flourish. Same shit has been going on in the U.S.

Really annoying how everywhere it's the same story. The world is more centralized and coordinated than most people think.

Some lefty leader was killed by Temer's government.

Being irrelevant is very comfy desu.


Smartmatic voting machines are rigged so Bolsonaro will probably loose
If Bolsonaro wins leftists will probably chimp

Murder, rape, robbery and degeneracy. Everything about our culture is related to meaningless sex with strangers

No, favelas area thing because favelados are lazy faggot who ratter steal and do drugs than do anything of wort with their live. I lived in poor places in the north of the country, but they were hard workers. When the whole community works hard even if the living conditions aren't perfect there a slow rise in the living quality fro every one. I know people who started from nothing and by just working hard got a house, a car and a job in which they get enough to sustain their family even if both partner have to work. The criminal scum who lives of government gibes and steals from the hard working honest citizen deserve nothing but death.

Temer is left wing too and that bitch was an abortist,gun control, socialist, feminist scum

They do. Nearly everyone in the State of São Paulo is first or second generation north or northeast migrant

Favelas are a thing because white people unconsciously decided that lazy nigger faggots shouldn't be allowed to leech off society a.k.a. capitalism - they either work, die, or live like animals (favelas). The drugs and illegal weapons and traffic are just consequences of nigger culture.

I am not saying that's wrong, macaco.

Let them chimp, the fuckers can't do shit in an actual fight.

Nothing of relevance at all.

>he fell for the bait

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>Temer is left wing
He isn't

Honestly, the word is only put the shit together when commies, leftists, social democrats,Nazis and feminists be exterminated

Venezuela,Bolivia,FARC and MST will help so is not this simple

ironicaly this

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To be fair our army could fuck all of those fuckers up in a direct confrontation. The problem is the MST since they are technically still Brazilian citizen.

>What goes on in Latin America?
Poverty, niggers, low iq, cheap food, bananas, indios, socialism, etc.

Speak for yourself.

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dunno he might be serious.
Temer isn't anything besides corrupt. He ran as vice-president to the pseud-communist party (PT) and while bowing down to big business like all other Brazilian politician. Calling right or left wing isn't right, he is just opportunistic.

SO we at least agree that they should all be exterminated for the good of the nation, right?

Of course.

I think he's talking about a civil war scenario though

lots of big booties and anal sex das it

nothing and we're poor as fuck yet we still import niggers
please kill me

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Life is good, got money, got health and i'm not trapped in a shithole country like most of latin america is


>he actually believes his country isn't a third world socialist shithole

Life is good, got money, got health and i'm not trapped in a shithole country like most of latin america is

>Temer isn't anything besides corrupt. He ran as vice-president to the pseud-communist party (PT) and while bowing down to big business like all other Brazilian politician. Calling right or left wing isn't right, he is just opportunistic
That applies to most - if not all - brazillian and western politicians alike. Democracy is a waste of time, just look at Trump and how almost nothing changed in the US after he was elected - even though he was supposed to be absolutely not the same as the "career politicians".

Pls nuke venezuela.

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My point is that If Bolsonaro wins the maximum we are going to have internally is a few revolts, nothing major. We are too sheepish to get into a civil war or any large scale armed conflict against our government. If we had the balls to do anything we would have already done something against the corruption that infests our government.
War will only happen if i comes from the outside, and in militaristic might we can crush basically all other south american countries.

We need to either go back to the monarchy or to have the military government back. But they are both unlike scenarios.

Oh, you're thoroughly correct. Feels bad though.

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worse shit than middle east but nobody cares because we're not an useful tool to replace europeans.