Big Bang, Hawking, Einstein, BTFO

Real science, not mathemagical fantasy.

Experimental proof of electric universe theory.

Attached: Safire.png (1343x716, 1007K)

Other urls found in this thread:

The electric universe doesn't real and Thunderbolts is a faggot.

sure this actual experiment is not real , but dark matter is hey?

how fucking autistic can you get?

why the irrational hatred for this man?

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Because he has helped hold back and misguide science for 50 years.

I like his politics a lot more than his mathemagical fantasy bullshit.

wasn't he an open borders faggot?

well he spoke out for Palestine so that's something good.

hey, great video, thank you OP

My pleasure to share.

I think this is some of the most exciting science I've seen in my lifetime.

Deserves a nobel prize.

brits get in here if you value freedom of speech


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frankly it should be the start of a new prizing system because most of (((science))) has ignored and scoffed at the electric universe

Glad to see the SAFIRE project is still active.
I've been waiting patiently for their data and interpretation and have always been a fan (if not a bit skeptical) of the Electric Universe Theory.

I feel electricity's role as a major force might be getting some bigger traction in the mainstream ever since comet 67p.

OP, what do you think about the Symbols of an Alien sky series? Now that is some crazy fucking shit.

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indeed, but this is going to be very hard to ignore.

the methodology is unimpeachable and the results are undeniably groundbreaking.

Mmmmm, delicious. Been following the electric universe theory for awhile. It answers a lot of shit the prevailing theories do not.

wtf is this?

I've also been waiting for these results.

it's very exciting.

I generally don't pay much attention to the symbols of an alien sky stuff, there may be some value to it but i don't find it anywhere near as interesting as the hard experimental science.

my gut is telling me we're going to learn something we knew a long time ago, before a comet hit and made a mess of things

EU Theory is legit.

Paid shills attacking it in the very first post.

>>my gut is telling me we're going to learn something we knew a long time ago, before a comet hit and made a mess of things

I Don't know about that and think it's kind of futile, even if interesting, to speculate too much on it, but it's certainly going to make change in the here and now.

Cheers user

It's a real pleasure to share this.

Sorry I meant to write *Discourses on an Alien Sky

It's an absolutely interesting but batshit crazy theory which posits that ancient pre-historic people experienced a world changing catastrophic event in the sky and it went on to form many ancient myths and religions. One of the wildest claims is that that Saturn was actually the early sun of earth.

then where did the current sun come from?

Sort of related, I find the hollow earth theory very intriguing.

There's no proof the earth is solid all the way and Thornhill's talk on the subject raises some very interesting points.

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just watch this video

I don't remember. I think there were "two suns". This page I think summarizes it (has a 6 minute video as well).

Most of the theory is postulated from ancient accounts rather than actual scientific observations.

The electric universe theory is a very broad model which has much more plausible theories within it (like OP's link).

>REEE! Math is hard!

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Saturn's north hexagonal north pole of counter rotating rings is apparently the visual artifact of a large electric current passing through it. This current is created by the Sun.

Mainstream science says sure whatever but what's the big deal? Electric Universe people say its a really big deal and posit that all Stars are connected together by electric currents.

Attached: saturn-cassini.gif (480x270, 643K)

I wish science would stick to science and not try to replace philosophy or religion

>My math doesn't add up
>Let's invent Dark Matter so it does!

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for you, yes we know.

time for a nappy change, a bottle, and a nap.

They are intrinsically related, they are all about the search for truth.

Good to see conversation about this on pol, cheers

this, "dark matter" is the space keleven

Lol, it might be true actually, if you consider inherent divinity of men, it is possible by someone to rearrange the solar system in the way you wish, and it was definitely an easier task when there was no modern science around. As above so below you know.

But stupid chronologists would never understand .

lay off the poteen Paddy.

fuck, not chronologists, but conspirologists

yeah, but no, Joyce make more grammatical sense.

I think I was talking before to you, and you denied that it is possible to make changes into physical laws, and you think that everything is predetermined. Which I strongly disagree.

what is it though?

quick rundown

nope, you must be mistaking me for someone else.

By definition law is that which does not change.

There are very few laws in physics, lots of theories, but very few laws.

watch vid, too much to quickly type up and post here.

Basically , the universe is driven primarily by electric forces not gravity alone as standard cosmology says.

The video is about an experiment that's a big part of proving the theory.

>By definition law is that which does not change.
Haha, even constitutions change

>believing in dark matter
>believing that black holes evaporate

this thread is retards

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Fine musicians and writers the Irish but scientists not so much.

that's how you know it's not real law, just redundant legislation.

laws should be carved into stone. in fact, in more enlightened times they used to be.

Not making much sense there skippy.

Not a argument gook

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I wasn't making one, just asking


oh and i'm 7th generation, my ancestor was a copper on the 2nd fleet, fuck you wog.

Busted! I am from Tasmania and it's fairly clear to me that mainlanders are all 大陸人 these days.

Also I don't have to be "on about" anything this is a basket-weaving forum. But if you want to weave the best baskets you need to know what a n octonion is, at the very least.

but we're talking about experiments with plasma

not basket weaving.

Please stop being a pretentious psuedo intellectual attention whore

BTW I was born in Tassie but left a long time ago.

Tassie is full of inbred cousin fuckers and mental cases and the weather is even more miserable than the people.

I feel like you weren't going to contribute much to the place with that attitude anyway. Stay in Melbourne.

You're the one with the attitude buddy.

Make a valid interesting point clearly or fuck off.

I'm not in Melbourne, it's only slightly less shit than Hobart.

what a fail.

About time we had another scientific revolution.

>doing what asian people tell me

no thanks I'll stick to shitposting. you have work soon anyway you wont bother me long

Meh. Here's a real map for you.

Attached: Chart of Religions.jpg (2000x1316, 775K)

lay off the meth, and your sister, kid.

and no I don't have work soon.

My work is my pleasure and I do it when and if I choose to.