ITT: Good characters in bad anime
ITT: Good characters in bad anime
She deserves better.
I would have said Kaysar and Favaro but ok
They need to make a spin-off showing the story in her perspective. She was responsible for almost everything happening in the story but it was all off-screen until the very end.
Best Girl
Kuromukuro wasn’t that bad. Yes it was only good because of Kennosuke, but it had its moments otherwise.
>mary sue OC who has no convincing goal and not even a personality
>good character
I'd say Azazeal for the VS
You can say this about almost every character in SG.
OP said GOOD characters
you're right
>no convincing goal
She was just doing what she could. If she was very convinced then she wouldn't be talked out of it.
That was the only thing she could do, but anyway I think the show is really good so she shouldn't be here
She's another Yhwach, a character who is insanely strong and brings the quality of the series down because of the creep power level.
Except re:creators isn't a shounen battle anime, she only fought for 3 episodes, there was no power creep to match to her (she just beats everyone and even erases "forced" powerups) and the fight wasn't just about power but about making a convincing and entertaining performance to the public (which is why Sirius lost even though she had the advantage).
Maybe but No
Who is that edgy shit character?
MC was the only good thing about Cowboy Plebop (besides the music).
Trust me Koneko could be the main girl with a far superior Male MC in a better series.
yup, accelerator was that,
shitty anime/manga/novel, even started the whole series because of him, but he is sidelined way to much for me to give a crap about the series anymore
Touma is on par with Araragi. Too bad his series is shit
Cowboy Plebtards are top as always.
He was in S1 so it doesn't really count.