What the fuck happened to BLM?
Ever since Trump got in they've literally just vanished.
What the fuck happened to BLM?
They were very bad publicity for the left so they had their funding cut.
exactly. the jews couldnt keep their sub-70 iq simian hordes in check anymore so they defunded and disbanded them
Created by Soros to win the election.
Election is over and so is BLM.
Soros stopped paying for the niggerbus, so they can't travel across the country any more.
and this is the reason for the cross-breeding agenda. They need to get rid of whites, but they also need colored people to be a bit smarter, just smart enough to 'unnerstan' the concept of consequences
They don't know how to deal with blacks that support Trump and not them, so they've gotten confused and retreated back to dealing drugs and doing drive bys
It was distracting from the anti-Semitic focus.
Their leader organizers switched tactics to gun control marches and womnes marches. no one cares about niggers they are only 12% of the population.
because it didn't work.
see: Trump
as a fanatical foot fetish connoisseur, i hate nigger feet
soy detected
And with 70% fatherless and 60% going through jail one or multiple times through jail before 30 no wonder nigger bus was one ride only.
Also democrats literally create these groups in voting year, so next 4 years they are off to survive on that welfare check.
Negresses look and act like dudes, they're basically a bunch of dick-obsessed trannies that spawn fatherless children.
They were payed for
not an organic movement
Blacks gathered online and recruited / payed for
literally every blm parade had white woman walking besides them directing where to march and being sure water bottles wre handed out as their herd desttroyed property and blocked traffic
Im sure the subvertive blm and lgbt organizations wouldve grown under obama/hillary
Glad Trump was elected and that shit got snuffed now we just wait for it to dir
how many interracial feet fetish posts are going to be on Sup Forums
Gun control groups forging alliance with Black Lives Matter
The effort is aimed at correcting the view that the cause of gun control is 'too white.'
Women's March leads hundreds in gun control protest at NRA headquarters
"Enough is enough": Tens of thousands march to protest police
Black Lives Matter responds to chilling National Rifle Association video that was seen as an 'open call to violence'
People remembered black lives don't matter
People realized they were a joke organization and caused more problems than they solved.
Fuck off.
its actually quite funny how little niggers care about themselves if nobody is paying them to do so
Those are some ugly-ass manly looking feet
The facts didn't make sense with their concerns (Police interactions with Blacks vs. Black on Black Crime).
Kept attacking normal people who were on the fence of the issues they were concerned about (students just studying in libraries and cafes being yelled at; people trying to get to or leave from work being held hostage; social services the majority of people love being disrupted [Firefighters, EMS, etc.]).
Leaders soon to be revealed poverty pimps.
Attacking other "victim" groups and their efforts (Gay Pride Parade happening, suddenly BLM steps in and demands special treatment for Blacks despite putting no effort before hand to make the parade; infamous Bernie Sanders rally).
Making every non-related race issue into a race issue (Yeah, I know this hurricane fucked up everyone who lives there regardless of race; but we need to focus only on the Black survivors because...").
"Fighting" Racism hypocritically with Racism.
And finally, the majority of BLM members are ironically white and the majority of said whites are the kind of white people where if you pay attention closely you realize their soft/indirectly sociopathic racists who use minorities/victims as a means to elevate their social status (virtual-signal). They'll move on once it's not so fashionable or they're not getting enough benefit from the effort's worth anymore. They don't really care about the Black Community's legitimate problems: because they're complex and difficult as fuck to solve along with not being very, if at all, advertisable.
With those kinds of issues, it's not suprising BLM died a fad.
I'm showing a correlation between blm and gun control groups and women's groups they are the same thing with the same recycled hash tags. you fucking shill.
It was paid for. It wasnt working so it got canceled.
Same as ISIS.
Now its all about the ladies yaaaaaa boi
We don’t have time for niggers anymore
>t. no taste
It turns out that people of all racial backgrounds don't really appreciate it when you interrupt their daily lives to tell them how you're being systematically oppressed.
>let's block streets and highways
>let's interrupt the social gatherings of our own LGBT and soyboy allies
Sessions cut off the syphoning of tax payer money to lefty causes
As I am writing this, thousands of school-age children are walking out of classrooms all across the country to protest U.S. politicians’ unwillingness to enact commonsense gun control. The nationwide demonstration is being hailed as a groundbreaking act of civil disobedience that seeks to protect the lives of America’s most vulnerable citizens. There is no way anyone could object to something so necessary and relevant.
Unless, of course, black people do it.
We Need To Talk About Black Lives And Gun Violence After The Florida Shooting
The dems literally ran out of money
>t. dickslurping faggot
>What the fuck happened to BLM?
Same thing that ought to happen to people who post feet.
Get fucking dead.
That is haram.
Soros stopped paying them gibs.
they could easily chimp on obama , they knew trump would call them out for their bullshit so (((they))) had to cut them short
No idea, they completely vanished from my campus, if fact aside ftom feminists having pathetic 20 min rallies my campus has been extremely peaceful lately, its weird now that i think about it.
>doesnt like feet
You fucking pleb
Blacks need to be mocked mercilessly for this... falling for Jew media instigation and rioting in their own neighborhoods... again! For the 100th time. It is all just frustration boiling over every 10 years.
>What the fuck happened to BLM
BLM kidnapping happened to BLM kek
It deosn't matter how hard you shout, hard facts and statistical data always wins over hollow emotional appeals...
...turns out black lives DON'T matter (to black people) when the uncomfortable numbers, or "hate facts" indicate that 99.7% of blacks being murdered, are in fact perpetrated by their own kind. That really hurt the bullshit narrative their jew handlers set up, normies started to scratch their head wondering why none of this made any sense and then schlomo and pals SHUT IT DOWN because they get nervous when goyim start noticing things and asking questions.
Good post. I agree wholeheartedly.
I think an additional factor was Black Panther sating their WE WUZING for the next 12 months. Bread and circuses you know?
sweden just gets worse and worse
i wonder how those BLM activists slept at night knowing they get paid to support a bullshit cause. Psychopaths.
Basically this, they just need to get it out of their system every decade or so, then it's back to standard nog business.
Suck a Dick
B.itches L.oose M.oney
B.et L.ives in M.ud
B.usted L.ip M.ouths
B.ullshit L.egendary M.istakes
B.asic L.oss M.ajority
Tried to bust up Sanders for Shillary and are still begging for seats on the Hilldawg's Shadow Front
Obama is their favorite Terrorist drone team leader, and their Core is comprised of Children that are used as human shields for their own racist segregation campaign
They see the jews in NYC playing their own hospitals and schools, banks, and other perks of White America and they join sides with Die Juden to try to overthrow the US's governing structure, encouraging social unrest to initiate instant results for a trivial expectation that they "promised the children" that they would have
But not one of them has worked towards those goals.
This is what they are up to using the media
you give them too much credit, pet goyim never give any of this shit a seconded after thought between stuffing their face and getting high.... instant gratification is priority #1 in the cult of egalitarianism... any inward self-analyzation or asking the forbidden question "could we be wrong?" is considered heretical and grounds for social clique expulsion.