Whoa guys, did you know that a new episode was released TODAY. I have this crazy idea - maybe we could have a thread to discuss it?
Dragon Ball Super
bros...its not fair...caulifla was meant to be strong not this weak shit ass brawler who goku toys around with..why the fuck did they nerf her already? explain this
el hermano is going down
You literally already have a thread, several of them actually. Fuck off and kill yourself.
That wall definitely got 10 feet taller lmao
>No attacks from outside! Do it again and we'll erase all of U6
>But giving your fighters the Supreme Kai's earrings is ok
It's part of based Freezer's plan to get U6 erased.
its not fair
Why the fuck they are only deleting dragon ball threads when there are other countless generals in catalog? This shit here → doesn't even have opening comment - just subject - yet it wasn't deleted and OP wasn't banned. Fuck this gay earth
because mods are tired of cauliniggers shitting up this place.
Go back to making my shoe spic
You harvest what you have sown.
Leave kalfla to El Blancos cocinero Dios Yamcha's cooking
Reminder that the Grand Priest is a good guy
>Leave Jiren to me, Beerus. I’ll beat him and be back in time for Tony’s birthday party.
the ep came out yesterday in all the timezones that count
Today's episode wasn't bad.
it was terrible i know.
Why? Did anybody watch it?
To each his own, I don't expect the world and a half with Super, and no one with a brain should with any thing, not just anime.
This could have been the Vegeta vs. Toppo episode
what's there to discuss?
>waku waku
>the Caulifa.Kale fusion meme is real
It was the worst since Tien's
>So this is a fight between two Super Saiyan 2's.
Krillin is fucking retarded.
He can't into god ki
He saw Goku fight Jiren.
He can't sense god ki so don't know how much power Goku and Vegeta use when they are in Blue.
Both Goku and Jiren used god ki
>God Ki
He wasn't using god forms the entire fight
>God ki
Nice headcanon.
Everyone, even Frieza, could sense Jiren's power, so he's not using god ki
>jiren used god ki
what makes you think that?
He actually thinks meme ki matters.
>33% irrelevant comments from the stands
>33% Goku jobbing to weaklings he could easily squish
>1% those two fucking blue retards saying "sugoi"
This fucking show
>Pulling a patora fusion out of fucking nowhere
This entire tournament is fucking abysmal.
Even Toppo is using god ki, so why wouldn't Jiren?
This is what needs and will happen to caulifla & kate. Oh it's coming.
JFC the manga is not canon to the anime. And only Toppo is a GoD candidate. Jiren is just strong without meme ki.
They just felt "pressure" not actual ki. Frieza doesn't even know how to sense normal ki - he never learned this
What do you bet they'll change the rules on Patora and make it permanent again?
Manga does things better than the anime
Nobody cares, the manga is not there to fill in holes in the anime. It's its own story.
Manga and anime are complementary - they both use Toriyama notes that is the only canon source.
The saiyan race could be saved if Goku didnt met Chichi first.
Both less powerful than Kefla is gonna be
I don't even care. There was never any hint that any of the Saiyans knew about the Patoras. It's just an asspull to make the lesbians stand a chance against Goku without one of them going roid rage.
Reminder that /ourguy/ will be responsible for eliminating Kekla and ensuring U6's erasure
>Goku jobbing
Funny when the opposite is what happened. Base Goku evading Trashifla's blows and then Turdle and Turdlifla being BTFO in their 2 vs 1.
You sure about that?
I hope so. That would be so satisfying
>mfw after all those years I am rooting for Freeza
Considering Goku has next to no stamina and cannot even go to SS3 at the current time, how is Goku going to get enough energy to fight Jiren again (assuming he is the one to beat him)? The only thing that makes sense is him eating a senzu bean because fighting Cale will at least take 3 minutes, so how could Goku recover enough to in less than 19 minutes? Given that Zeno would probably think that a senzu bean is 'cool', would he allow it?
Once again, which is better.
How mad will you be when Kefla elimantes Jiren
If the writers care about telling a good story at all, Goku won't beat Jiren. He'd then be the strongest mortal in the multiverse with nothing to do but fight the gods.
What is his power level?
>Implying that today's pile hippo diarrhea, "consisting" of about 20 minutes of Oraorarararara vs Yadayadadadadada, not the mention the teasing of probably THE laziest fusion ever (seriously, "Kafla" is figurativelyjust Kale with Caulifla's face, not even kidding); is somehow "better" than Tenshinhan not only rescuing Coward-han and Piccolo, but also eliminating an actually dangerous opponent fair and square?
Why do they do this? It's annoying af.
Not surprising, seeing as how italians also know the truth about Gohan.
Have our resident drawfags made any progress on this?
>Implying that today's pile hippo diarrhea, "consisting" of about 20 minutes of Uraurararara vs Yadayadadadada, not the mention the teasing of probably THE laziest fusion ever (seriously, "Kafla" is figuratively Kale with Caulifla's face, not even kidding); is somehow "better" than Tenshinhan not only rescuing Coward-han and Piccolo, but also eliminating an actually dangerous opponent fair and square?
>hammers down blue
>sugoi desu ne @ 3
blue confirmed fodder-cuck form who's only purpose was to be a catalyst for something bigger. We'll probably never even see it anymore after ultra instinct is mastered.
good thing I never liked the design anyway
Alright bros, what will the revisions to manga volume 4 be?
At this point, if Gohan blanco becomes real, the mods will have to ban all dragon ball discussion for 1 month.
Goku's base is as strong as SSG, it being multiplied by SS3 always should have been stronger than the SSGSS fluff..
>>lazy fusion
That doesn't even make any sense. It's a combination of two different characters. And how is it the laziest if Gotenks is just fucking Vegeta?
Will we get Frieza commenting when the tournament has 5 minutes left?
Because Goku wants his Musou Tensei back, so he wants to fight Caulifla's stand, Kale Platinum.
Or create /dbs/, a board full of wonders and mexican cuisine.
Something I still don't understand, why do some transformations take a shitton of time to go to? Cauli went SS2 in about a second, but Goku decides to rumble the entire arena transforming, but SS3 doesn't do shit.
>Tournament ends
>The MVP gets the Super Dragon Ball wish as planned
>They wish all erased universes get revived
>Accidentally revive the 6 already nuked universes
>We now have 18 universes
>Hey Freeza how much time is left?
>5 minutes
>*canned laughter*
>Oh, Freeza...
Jiren wins and wishes back all the universes
Simple as
That would be fucking glorious.
It's possible. Toei seems to be aware of dbz memes.
Vegeta has a new form
I want her to go Berserk Super Super Saiyan 3 and look like Broly God.
>wishes back all the universes
That would make the entire arc pointless, if anything they'll combine the universes.
I don't understand why Zeno would allow this, if he really did plan to destroy the universes.
Why are they so weak?
Please die.
What board should we move to after Dragon Ball is completely banned from Sup Forums?
Sup Forums? Sup Forums?
>That would make the entire arc pointless
You mean like every other arc in DBZ?
Keep crying.
Sup Forums or Sup Forums or /bant/.
LSS3. Stop with the "berserk" crap.
No need to project, SS2 zoned fodder.
That's Trunks' face but with black eyebrows and eyes.
/fmsp/, in other words, Forced Memes and Shit Posting, would be the appropriate place for these fucking threads to be on.
Yeah, no. SSGSS is not just SS1, and he can still go SSG on top of his enhanced base form ("Saiyan Beyond Gods")
They retconned that. Absorbed SSG is no longer canon in manga or anime. Now they have to transform to SSG or SSB to use god ki.
It's you how will be crying and ranting when it happens. Which will be funny.
I want to see his home planet at some point