Is it really that hard to lose weight?
Is it really that hard to lose weight?
500 calorie deficit is all you need
is it really that hard to stop smoking?
Depends on how old and depressed you are.
Depends on genetics, available hardware and determination
Nope. Stop eating sweet stuff and between-meals snacks. Fat food isn't the problem (well it's bad for your arteries and heart but it won't make you gain weight). Carbs are. Those fatten you up. Eat more meat and fish and less potatoes and rice and bread. Try it, it worked for me.
Depends on your metabolism and how you do it. It's easy to starve yourself thin over a short time, for example, but good luck keeping it. Changing your lifestyle is harder... wait this isn't /fit/
Not really, but if you have other health problems then it can be pretty hard.
Cut carbs and eat more protein
Stop drinking soda and eating stuff that contain sugar
start exercising
even running on the spot or jumping the rope helps a lot
trust me I was 98 kg in 2015
I almost hit 100 and I thought that I hit the bottom
started going to the gym because my dad forced me
now im 77 kg with 20% bodyfat and some nice arms
Drinking a shit ton of water also helps initially
Cut out all that shitty bread and french fries.
If you replace drugs with food in order to get clean, it's super hard.
At Takamura's BF%? Yes.
Depends, in the situation of takamura/miyata/any pro fighter as you posted yes it is, as they don't want to burn muscle and they don't have that much fat to go for, and as such they have to dehydrate.
Now if you are a normal person just a change of habits on your eating customs and some routine of exercise should do the trick.
It was presented badly though. Takamura basically wasn't eating anything for about 4 weeks out, and wasn't drinking water the last week. On top of that he was doing his daily routine of cardio and boxing. If he had a coach with half a brain (or an author at least) he would start cutting way earlier and it would have been much easier.
TL;DR Broscience
It's very very simple.
Read the fit sticky.
Losing weight? No
Cutting weight? Can be literal hell depending on your BF%, amount you have to drop and amount of time you have to do it.
Had a guy I trained end up in the hospital because he didn't listen to us coaches and decided to use Milk of Magnesia. Week after the fight (he lost due to not listening to corner + having no energy from shitting himself nearly to death) he bloated up by 45lbs the following week. His body told him "Fuck you, we're retaining every once of fluid we can." Heart strain was ridiculous. Gave him a clean slate until he flat out refused to listen again and was done. He can kill himself on his own. I'm not Kamogawa.
This is more true than people think. Anything more and you risk your body going into starvation mode. It isn't an iron-clad rule, but it is very close and should be followed. Lifestyle changes lose weight, not fad bullshit.
Cutting weight is mainly dehydration and is best done gradually until the day of where you cycle water. Takamura's example isn't very accurate (for most people) because if you don't eat you WILL NOT lose weight. As for how it feels? Well they got it spot on because it is very easy to fuck up and requires tons of work under terrible conditions.
Keep in mind how much Takamura is having to lose. His amount is on the extreme end of things. Most people who cut 40lbs can still be busting their ass training as hard as they can, but their diet is not optimal (though performance is near peak anyway), but the first 20lbs of that is just extra weight on them that comes of fairly easy. The last 20 is the actual work.
Calorie distribution is important (Carbs/Proteins/Fats) and your lifestyle will determine how many carbs you should have, aka, active athlete or not. Calorie deficit is the most important aspect though. Spreading eating out and eating smaller amounts works best both for cutting and losing. if you're hungry, grab a few bites and walk away.
It isn't rocket science and fad diets are always there to cash in on gullible people. Fads are based on a good base some of the time (Paleo, Keto, Atkins) which is most recently: Protein-Rich, but the ideal ration is 40/40/20, with fats being the 20. Cutting carbs or healthy fats too low is the #1 problem athletes have and many non athletes screw it up too though their problem is usually too many carbs or fats.
tl;dr: Cutting weight is temporary (they put most of that weight back on, gaining 7-15 lbs based on bodyweight after weigh-ins and the GREATEST FUCKING MEAL EVER), Losing weight is meant to be more permanent. You do a fad diet you'll put it back on. the main things you need are discipline and flexibility.
The mushroom spitting thing (also spitting into a cup) is retarded and loses no real weight and just makes you miserable and dehydrated.
what's /fit/ doing on Sup Forums?
fuck /fit/ I never go to that cesspool (not that there is no knowledge worth gleaning from there). Just love Ippo and have always been a fighter, so i'm comparing Takamura's experience to that of my own as a fight and as a coach.
Do you even infuse yourself with OXYGEN bro?
Lifting for our waifus. We all post in Danberu threads.
The most worthy endeavor.
Only with willpower lower then 5. Otherwise easy.
>he would start cutting way earlier and it would have been much easier.
The point was that they were set up badly to cut to that weight in only 2 months because the murrifats were being cunts with the match date.
It's a simple process but it relies a lot on willpower and patience
The harder part is keeping it off desu
>tfw too lazy to motivated myself on the 3k calorie a day plan
Ah yeah you're right I forgot about that.