Sup Forumss opinion on Ben Shapiro

/ourguy/? or (((full blown Jew)))
>Not a gun grabbing jew
>Is actually an advocate for free speech

>Shills for (((Israel)))
>(((The Daily Wire)))
>Anti Alt Right

Lemme know whats good Sup Forums

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Different brand, same company.
Full blown kike shilling for Israel while trying to appease the right wing.
Recommendation: Gassing

handsome but still a kike

Gas him

I have an uncontrollable urge to give him a wedgie and shove him in a locker.

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checked. and yes he's rather easy on the eyes I have to admit. I listen to his podcast a few times a week. I like him because the past 2 years I've tuned in he always seems to stay consistent with his beliefs and opinions, and if he has had a change of heart he will explain why.

Choose one

I like him because of how one sidedly good he is at debate. He makes his opponents look like irrational clowns very often. Him being a smug cunt during all of it is the cherry on top.

Also his sister is cute af

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Ben has been making a LOT of appearances on Fox lately. Seems pretty obvious to me that they're at least open to the idea of creating a show for him.

He seems pretty based.
His gaze could pierce 1000 souls at once.

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He gets that look sometimes when being a correspondent on CNN or Fox and is about to take someone to the cleaners. Whenever I see it the name Damien comes to mind. Child of Satan and all.

"Under the Yarmulke with Ben Shapiro"

That stream where he addressed Sup Forums being anti Semitic was funny as shit.

>stereotypical badger holding a burger

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He is /(((ourjew)))/

Agreed. He is not ugly by any means. He would just make a more attractive woman.

Stop asking, merchant. And ditch the swastika, it's the worst kind of larping

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Ben will not qualify for a spot in the re-education camps. Straight to the gulag for Shapiro.

100% no good kike.

He works to alienate people like us and railroad our movement. Aka he's controlled opposition. A huge threat. Make no mistake.

Anyone who follows him and isn't Jewish will be building a castle on quick sand. And if you get invested and sink a lot into the structure and start building on that foundation, it gets ugly.

Not bad, Ameribear

Jews play both sides.

Lots of good ideas. Some things he says are retarded. It's important not to blindly follow people just because they agree with you because then you become an SJW.


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Who the fuck is this faggot?
SHIT thread concept, OP. Try harder.

dude is a neocon, dont really like him. he represents the old guard republicans; hes not part of the trump republican reformation wave.

Photoshop a penis in his mouth in this picture and you'll know what I mean. I'm on mobile.
Imagine those eyes starting up at you!

this ferret on coke was one of the prominent guests shuffling through "Piers Morgan's" aka britfagot educating americans anti-gun program on CNN

The real redpill is realizing that almost all of your political activists and commentators are kikes who don't give a fuck about you or your people but want to make sure that you support Israel.

You are being played by the Jew no matter what side you are on.

The only Jew in the United States with any chance whatsoever of becoming President. He talks so fucking fast no one can debate him.

Edgy Sup Forums will dislike him because he's not a Drumpf supporter and he's Jewish but he is unequivocally /ourguy/. No one else can protect us from the SJWs.

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rucka rucka ali, an uneducated internet parody rapper keep BTFOing shapiro everywhere he goes

you also used to be played into more immigration by both sides, until Trump at least committed himself to reducing illegal immigration.

Remember, just like Democrats remind us social security wasn't built in one day, neither will border control.

britfags get in here now

I liked him during my journey, stale and regurgitated at this point, like all the names. tired of names.

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>Not a gun grabbing jew
You still don't understand how this works, do you?
He's an ideological sleeper cell just waiting to be activated.
Jews will eventually stage a big false flag attack and when flipping Shapiro's audience will actually impact legislation, good old Ben will "evolve" and demand 'common sense' gun controls and try to convince all his followers that we really have to do something this time gun rights can't be absolute just look at these poor widdle jews who got shot.

Not stupid which makes him instantly way better than trump

People like him, Lauren and Milo are good for red pilling Normies and getting them to be open to more and more conservative ideas.

Against all identity politics, unless Jewish

fuck all hypocrites

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I never understood this mentality to be honest. The core principals of conservatism are, surprise, very few but provide a strong foundation. Trump is a populist and not really reforming anything. As far as Shapiro, he's exhibited on many occasions to be pretty on par with the US Constitution, and what separation he does have he acknowledges it is up to the people, like say the decriminalization of drugs.

He's controlled opposition. People are just so dumb (((they))) just aren't hiding it anymore.

>I would rather be played by an intelligent kike than be supported by a dumb buffoon

Anti-white but pro-zionist aka full-blown Judengolem

t. redditor

Rucka hasn't even done a Shapiro song.

>explicitly states that he doesnt mind america turning brown
>demands that israel remain jewish
/ourguy/ for sure.

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I'm all about the Hebrew Hammer.

why is Ben hated again?

I would love to see him run for office in 2024. Just because he would absolutely crush anyone in a debate