This kills the Christcuck

>this kills the Christcuck

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wow Gods universe is amazing

Virtual particles disappear instantly as they appear, they are nothing like the properties of energy or matter.
Also, they are theorized, not proven.

They do not come into existence from nothing. They enter the spacial and/or temporal dimensions that we can observe them in.

>this genocides the Fedoralord

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These people are too stupid to understand what theory means.

They think their grandfather was monkey.

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>vacuum is nothing

ok so show proof that they do exist from nothing

> Niggertinians are not filthy coons

To be fair, Muslims and Hindus shove it down their kid's throats and condition them to be obedient from a young age. They don't have to believe it to identify as it.

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> Allah the cocksucker

There isn't a single theism that thinks God/gods did not always exist, wtf.

Only brainlets can't reconcile Christian faith and modern science.

>doesn't understand evolution but pretends to
Every time

No it doesn't because scientist have no evidence of these things. They are a false premise. To destroy christians expose the truth about their religion not being true. As for evidence that destroys atheism.

We can reverse engineer nature proving nature is engineered

Christian metaphysics:
What christians think it is
God's word the bible + Faith = Salvation

What it really is,
The Enemy's false doctrine + my feels = slavery

The Universe itself IS "God".
The matter that makes up your being is an infinitesimally small portion of God.
We are the Universe's way of understanding itself.

>no beginning and no end

Is there a God, are we God, I don't' know. At best I can say I am asleep like the rest of humanity. The only difference is I am struggling wake myself up. I hope the same can be said for you.

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>Russians are n-

eh, forget it

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The original animation back from 2011 or whatever kills the christcuck because it was so bad.


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>doesn't know what atheism is
>thinks lack of evidence against God equates to atheism being "destroyed"

You want a real strawman? How about when you try to convince people that something exists even though you don't have any evidence whatsoever? Just rely on faith, it's there. That's a strawman to end all strawmans.

christianity is just jewish DLC

do retard athiests like you ACTUALLY believe this is how christianity came about? you actually believe you need proof to believe in God? holy shit the fact that you're a leaf is the true caveat

Atheism is not biologically viable.

Extinction is the only road atheism leads to.

It is amazing how so many millions of people are willing to throw away thousands of years of evolution and struggle and bitter wars fought and won by men willing to bleed and die for their nations, only to be cast aside like garbage by the selfish religion of nihilism and sodomy known as atheism.

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the only thing humans and animals have in common is the need to breed
gratz, you're a bovine

>Atheism is not biologically viable
Yes, it is. Stupidity is not biologically viable.
>Extinction is the only road atheism leads to.
False, just because you don't have faith in something you have no clue exists doesn't somehow equate to extinction. Quite the dramatic individual, aren't you?
>" the selfish religion of nihilism and sodomy known as atheism."
Atheism =/= nihilism, you can believe things based on evidence and find your own path to what matters instead of just saying things exist because faith. Read Nietzsche, you might learn something.

>More low-ed neo-darkagers denying basic biology.

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Religion is vital for installing positive values, intellectualism, and individuality. That's why (((they))) are trying to suppress it. Read Gorky's letter to Stalin. You might learn something

>Prehistoric man
>Too stupid for theology
>Civilized man
>Smart enough for theology
>Modern man
>Too smart for theology
Humans are intelligent creatures, constantly analyzing the world around them. Thousands of years ago we weren't equipped to study the origins of the universe so we simply came up with the best explanations we could muster. Today we're far more advanced, and as such we now realize those superstitions were nothing more than convenient fantasy.
Atheists breed less because they are presently comprised primarily of academics. The smartest among us have always focused less on family life and more on sciences and the arts. In time the average IQ and level of education will increase as it always has, the number of atheists will increase and most of them will be ordinary people raising families.
So I'm sorry, dirt worshiper, but it's your days that are numbered.

More delusions.

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you have a distinct nigger mentality

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That's not what virtual particle means.

A virtual particle is just a way for scientists to think about and talk about processes.

It's called virtual because it isn't real.

The "who created god" counter-argument already disproved god, this is christcuck subversion

>Religion is vital for installing positive values, intellectualism, and individuality
False. Good parenting, being able to acknowledge right and wrong, and not believing in anything blindly is a good start. When you ignore parts of the bible that are barbaric and pretend they don't exist, while ignoring God's own explicit statements on moral viewpoints that are objectively immoral is beyond me. You don't need a God to instill good morals.

>Responding to a post that contains an clearly articulated considered position with an image containing someone else's opinion
It comes as absolutely no surprise that you, a theist, let other people do your thinking for you.

>virtual particles (something) can come out of spacetime (something)
>therefore spacetime (something) can come from nothing (nothing)
Yup, Seems legit.

>another simpleton idiot wanting to just breed and blindly follow something they cant verify
Nobody cares about your opinion.

Don't breed, fine with me.

Let natural selection work its magic.

This tbqh. Confusing nothingness (empty space (which is something)) with ontological nothingness isn't very smart, Krauss-sama.

>Read Gorky's letter to Stalin. You might learn something
What does this have anything to do with what we're discussing? Specifics, please.

This. God made some amazing things that we're still discovering and will be discovering thousands of years later!

Old news.

>doesn't understand thought processes can be changed
Atheism wouldn't die out if all the atheists died suddenly, people's minds change on topics all the time.

>Virtual particles

> ha disproves God

Well let me put it like this.

> Virtual particles

> God interacting with his creation

I have now proven God Exists. Find religion you fucking heathens.

How much BS do you swallow as 'fact' which is then completely changed or deserted before you realise you can no more trust a scientist to report fact than you can trust a journalist to report current events.

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You're doubling down on a position that has already been refuted without making a single counterpoint.
How about you slow down and at least attempt to apply the Socratic method to this debate? The illogical and utterly petulant approach you're taking presently isn't painting your side of the fence in a good light.

sure thats how transfer of energy works.

>I have now proven God Exists
>implies God is interacting with his creation
Sound logic.

>Can't figure out a joke
>Proves that atheists are all autistic spergs
Every time

>pretends it's a joke when getting called out on shit
>literally shitposting instead of making a point
Every time.

It is called being effeminate, how women suffer from mood swings.

Your religion is simply going to die out and cease to exist, because it is by definition degenerate, being that it produces literally nothing.


literally nobody is saying this and if they are then as a physicist I can say that they don't know what they're talking about. there are vastly better arguments for not trusting your fate to an imaginary friend

>apply the Socratic method to this debate? The illogical and utterly petulant approach you're taking
Imagining someone saying this in an Australian accent is pretty funny

Have a nice quote.

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and how is that possibly not a non-sequitur?

(which you speak of)

Obeys this:


The irony of modern cosmological theory being a reskin Genesis is lost on most people.

>it's called being effeminate
So you've never changed your opinion on anything? What an absolutely retarded assumption.
>Your religion
Atheism isn't a religion, if you're unsure of what atheism is then go learn about it before coming to a discussion where it's being discussed.
>because it is by definition degenerate
Elaborate, because producing nothing isn't degenerate and atheism doesn't do this. You're too busy making more assertions on top of assertions to verify anything. That's all you've done here; produced nothing.

>hahaha something without mass or energy, hence out of causality and consequences altogether, prove to me that your God doesn't exist
Am I just a brainlet or is it that much of a stretch?

but now with 100% more proof

If there's "nothing" there is something ,then "nothing" is impossible because it riquires a reality to exist ,even if this reality has nothing.

Not a physicist. So, I could be wrong. However, I was under the impression that particles have varying actual mass, but constant expected mass. So, they can borrow energy from the vacuum. But, they need to give it back. So, the overall level of matter/energy can only go up temporarily. So, it can't explain where the universe came from, because it would mean that all the energy from the big-bang would return to the void in under a second. Think about it, if matter could come from nothing, then fuel could come from nothing. Entropy would be irrelevant, because we could always add new energy to our systems from the void.

0*100 is still 0


It is funny yet sad when the scientifically illiterate try to make a dumb cartoon thinking themselves smart.

This post reeks of estrogen and is practically dripping with soy.

Exactly. Specially the part of the giants, talking animals, and sacrifices. It's just obviously true.

it's not 0 tho

Not an argument. You're on Sup Forums, if you think people will be offended by ad homs then I don't know what to tell you.

I'm listening.


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your first member was 0 multiplied by 100.
The modern theory of everything out of nothing doesn't come from 0, but from maths.
Math makes sense because it's a universal tool which was born in our universe and proven to be correct every time it has been applied correctly

if its possible that god always existed isnt it just as possible that the universe always existed

It's not always temporary. You just need some sort of asymmetry. When a virtual particle and antiparticle come into existence at the event horizon of a black hole sometimes one part of the pair escapes while the other gets pulled in. The part that escapes is called Hawking radiation.

That's what i thought. Why pretend you're here for discussion if you're not going to discuss? When this thread ends, you've gotten nothing out of it because you're too busy posting nonsense and being silly. Why not better yourself and be honest in the discussion instead and work out your own ideas?

Have a nice quote in context.
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, cannot be trusted in science. Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case; and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory.

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God Evolved and then Created us

This kill the Atheist and Christians

>doesn't know what an assertion is

So much soy, disgusting.

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>Science has proven that perspective can collapse an electron's wavefunction so that it appears as a particle at a place in time and space, and otherwise be multiple places at once
>Measuring literally has an effect on what's being measured
>Human's, according to science, then don't meet quantum mechanical pre-conditions for perceiving the objective world, and thus truth in a humanistic sense becomes subjective, as the literal truth is seemingly out of our reach
>Atheists still think science has debunked religion decades after that notion was thoroughly BTFO

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Wow, god can make particles appear from nowhere.

>atheism isn’t a religion

I’m sorry, but most atheists exhibit all of the characteristics of “true believers”
Less than a percent of atheists have the knowledge and education required to make a definitive statement on the existence of god. Not a single atheist has seen the beginning or ending of time. As much as you will deny it, search deep enough and the truth will be staring at you. Your very claim that god doesn’t exist requires the exact same “thing” that thiests need to claim god does exist. Faith.
That’s not even the end, though. Upon discovering his or her newfound faith, almost every atheist goes on to perform the works of missionaries. This thread is proof. The goal is to convert non believers into more true believers. You know this to be true, your culture knows this to be true. There is little difference between the ecstatic fedora lord and those wierd Jehova’s Witness. Both parties will try to convert you into their belief system if you try to talk to them.
You even have your saints and clergymen. Harris and Dawkins are held in reverence by most atheists though you’ll be hard pressed to find one whose actually read them.
At least the Christian gets a verse or two from the Bible read to him every Sunday.

And when it’s all said and done, atheists attack thiests with vitriol and zealotry that would make most crusaders look like Jews. Atheists have not risen above religion. They’ve merely lied to themselves and created a new one.

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islam is the free update everyone hates

>cut sons dick off
>positive value

100% is times 2 you chrustcuck mutt


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communism is a religion, christianity is comunism for good goys

No that's called a leap of faith. I suggest you read more Kierkegaard you illiterate swine

>On that note, I'm gonna work my brain out on how to achieve electronical transference

Note that Christian nations don't do that only jewish ones. All civilised nations have a Christian state church and circumcision is considered barbaric. It's being made illegal here.

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What if a dick comes into existence inside your ass and one in your throat? Sleep tight.