How/where can you find a redpilled Gf, Sup Forums?
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political bump
You don't. You need to make a redpilled gf
at a jordan peterson lecture
girls are only as redpilled as the guy they're currently fucking
The entire culture is against it and I guarantee you if she’s stepped foot in a college she’s at least part roastie. How can we make one unless we kidnap a bunch of 12 year olds?
Go find an apolitical girl and wife her around 16-18
The Philippines
Convert a light Lefty.
You got to dispense those red pills slow though.
Your country is full of shitskins. Good luck
That's true. Unless the Dad was based af they have no shot of their minds not being melded by school, pop culture etc.
Go to a Lutheran church. Nearly all Lutherans in the us are germanic blood.
This is a myth but have fun wasting your time on a brainwashed feminist.
Turn gay, and get a "girl" who was born as a boy
Thank god for based father in law
>Seeking a man who is God-fearing, Christ-centered, agrees in the main with a doctrinal statement like the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith, uses the KJV, is against much (or most) of so-called "contemporary Christian music", doesn't follow modern "sports", and other worldly things.
>Prefer courtship, not "dating".
go to a nationalist rally and find a girl there
you can't really control a woman in my experience. The most sheltered girls with 'hardass' beta dads are usually the biggest whores.
Let them be and make mistakes on their own accord. Then just laugh and tell them 'I told you so.', even if it means losing her if it's a partner in question.
Projecting aggression towards, or asserting control over a woman usually leads to disaster and is one of the biggest signs of being an insecure faggot. I learned this the hard way.
You must define what kind of qt you want. Want some qt who yells niggers and stuff like that? Go to some ""rally"". Want a qt to raise 20 children in the countryside with? Move to the countryside and start living the life you want your family to. A man has no inherent value, so you'll get a trad qt once you know your shit and are able to lead your family through living in the countryside. Being in that situation will greatly improve your odds of meeting said qt. And she will be younger than you, because it takes time to learn these things. Unless you had someone teach you from a young age. It's likely your qt will be 10 or more years younger than you. Just respect the law.
Another good place to meet qts is in permaculture courses and stuff like that, but be careful because there are lefties in there. While you can hope to "convert" her over the years, you've gotta ask yourself if you're willing to risk her brainwashing your kids when you're not around. Ideally look for someone who you know you can trust your offspring with. Yes it's not easy, but that's also why you'll be older than her: it takes time to find a qt. Best way to make it quicker? Stop wasting time with sluts and one night stands. Get to work on the skills you'll need right fucking now.
How/where can I find a redpilled bf, Sup Forums?
Only suggestion is find a girl who is smarter than a box of rocks and needs evidence before believing things otherwise they'll just to back to lesbian dance therapy the second their retarded friends suggest it
If some people here weren't dicks to femanons there would be more redpilled girls. But you disgust them with your anime porn obsession.
Truly lucky
It's not a "myth" breh. They don't hold strong convictions. You have to use child rearing as a starting point. They'll jump on board if they know it's in the child's best interest.
You'd be amazed how many potential redpills already don't like black guys. Especially in smaller towns. Not actually many niggers in college
>Wanting a political girl
Good luck, user. They are all crypto feminists
Church sounds nice in theory, but in practice the majority of women going there go there with their partners already. And even if they'd go alone and somehow end up being single, what the fuck are you going to do, approach a girl right after mass and randomly drop spaghetti by saying "I see that you were praising the Lord, hehe, I so did I". Honestly Sup Forums, how the fuck do you guys imagine any of this working? And if it worked for you or anyone you know personally, spill the beans. I've tried a Christian dating website once in the past and it was full of thots, same as everywhere else or women I was simply not attracted to and I'm not super picky either. Redpill me here gentlemen.
what if she's an autistic shut in?
>girls on teh interwebz
nope, and even if they were, browsing 4chin is a 100% guarantee that they're degenerate
Yeah, maybe if you're into men.
Move to another country.
Then hopefully she'll have unlearned all the bull shit the same as their male counterpart autists. Not as likely to escape reddit, but I hope it can happen...
You'd be surprised. Are we degenerate too?
If you really want a redpilled gf go find a Belarusian girl, most of them are quite right wing from the ones I've talked to.
At church you fucking heathen.
polish girls are cancerous thots
there you go, there's your redpill
You train her. It shouldn't be hard to in this poltical environment.
Imagine trying to train a woman at the height of Obama's popularity. Now that was hard.
The gym or athletic activities. Look for the ones that don't wear tight yoga pants. I met my gf on kickboxing. Has an ankle tattoo but aside from that she's pretty based.
Don't go for christian girls or bookworms, they're the biggest cheaters.
>Are we degenerate too?
pretty much, if Sup Forums is part of your daily life, you're most likely below average in most if not all aspects of life
PM me and we'll talk
>watching big trouble in little china with new gf
>gets to part where kurt says hes never fucked a chinese girl
>"why do men get away with sleeping with other races while its looked down upon for women? Its equally gross both ways. Oops im sorry that was a little racist"
You have to make one. I picked one up at a Catholic uni
Overdid the redpilling on mine. She's far more racists than me at this point, and that says a lot.
I've literally said nigger in front of girls I barely know. It depends on where you are desu.
Mate I lived all over the world, you don't want me to redpill you on some of your women. No, it's the fucking media brainwashing and the society at large. A thot is state of mind, it's not genetic.
Find an eastern Euro I miss my Polish ex :(
Laci Green is getting there.
>red pilled
Thanks for the laugh OP
Calm down Mohammed.
I have pulled a few girls back from bluepilled situations that you probably would believe but go "Wow that's a dumb bitch"
It is possible.
every time
every fucking time
i see a white woman and a black man together
the girl is always polish
discord servers
women know that white men are superior, and they want you to show it. Thats why they sleep with niggers to get back at daddy, while a negress who lands a white guy parades him around like she won the lottery (she did)
Women are retarded, but they still understand the social hierarchy
In the ricefields motherfucker.
every time
every fucking time
i see a full-time mum it's in uk and the lad is nowhere to be seen
each of the three kids is missing their separate father
the girl is always british
No somalis, sorry.
Volunteer in your local area for non political work like cleaning up trash, helping shelters either honless or non kill animal ones.
I'm dead fucking serious, I've been doing volunteer work for a couple of years now to help with my bordom and lack of good friends.
You meet people from all walks of life and volunteering led me to meet my girlfriend who is actually black pilled as fuck.
She has no hopes for our genrations future and knows it's all about helping others without an agenda and is actually pretty sweet, cooks dinner with me, buys me clothes she thinks looks good on me and pushes me to quit being a bitch and get my project's done.
You won't find any women like that going out at night to bars and shows.
Reward her vigorously user, shes a keeper.
Of course.
Find a republican girl then finish the redpilling process
sure you do abdul
Don't go to church unless you're actually a Christian
If you desire to convert, then pay a visit to 8ch /christian/ board and ask there
>LARPing as a female to get attention.
Get out and pick up a girl yourself, Sven!
Well I guess you haven't been to college in a somewhat large or large city.
Find a female NEET or hikikomori autist. A shut in who wants to be a home maker who won't cheat because she doesn't like leaving the home.
lol if you think pic related is redpilled. literally shared nudes with black dudes
>this kills the swede.
Go to a Sweden
You don't find them. You make them. Everyone red pills a girlfriend differently and you can get a used one someone else red pilled, but the one you make is the best one.
Protip: Learn Spanish and go to a Spanish speaking church.
You'll have a five foot QT Christian GF in no time.
i'm not joking
don't ever let any of the women in your life come here ever
Also why the fuck i see decapitation the worst thing you can do to a corpse? This gets really uneasy
what's the story?
Don't think we have Spanish churches here... Yet, at least. But even if we would, then my question still holds: you do what exactly, approach a random chick right after mass? Isn't that sorta creep-tier? The way it works here, people go to pray, they listen to a sermon, they get out of there. Some may linger outside afterwards to have a cig, but that's about it.
She is ugly as shit and she doesnt like any kind of sport? Basicly she is looking for some dumb beta virgins who has down syndrome.
Get involved with everyone, make friends etc
local psychiatric hospital. it's a crapshoot though, you may wind up with one of those borderline man eaters. beware.
guy killed prostitute, uploaded pics before he got arrested.
i have a pic somewhere, cant find it though. I'll keep looking, it has all of ur answers
go to japan and take one.
Shut the fuck up my man.
Dated a Swede.
This is still a Catholic country, it would be similar to trying to get involved with everyone at Walmart during Black Friday.
HAHAHAH why? She is stupid and ugly. And probably will die alone with her pet.
I like your style
I am actually a blond viking
I met my husband on pol and now I hate pol but still love him.
What happened to this place?
LMAO people are influenced by the people they love this is commonly known. And I would further argue that women especially are more easily influenced than men since they are looking for someone to lead them generally while men are looking to lead someone.
Smooth. I'm sure he's interested now.
No you are ugly of heart.
I used to love pol.
It gives off the worst energy now and the intelligence communities are literally identifying each other with markings on their flags.
What the fuck
She’s average at worst, but that’s besides the point. I don’t appreciate you talking to our women like that. Just save it. She put herself out there, clearly trying to meet a white man and you clown her. Inb4 le white knight.
>You make them
Like pic related