Oi, koraa. Wanna have a delinquent thread, aren't ya?
Oi, koraa. Wanna have a delinquent thread, aren't ya?
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i want to read Rokudenashi Blues but apparently the ending is not that good, it's worth anyway?
The longer running delinquent series are all about the journey and almost all have not that great endings. How good of an ending can a high school delinquent realistically get? He'll probably be working a manual labor job for the rest of his life.
new manga is being scanlated, called Tokyo 卍 Revengers, about a guy who jumps back in time to middle school when he was a delinquent
what do you guys think?
BokuMachi 2.0?
Are you implying mangos with satisfying endings do exist out there somewhere? Literally never saw one.
plenty manga have that transported back in time setting and i doubt bokumachi did it first.
How do I get this fucking kewl? Do I show my barber this picture? I guess that won't cut it, will it?
it's the shift back and forth that makes bokumachi stand out and this manga does the same
I wonder how it's going to differentiate itself
I want to thank the user who posted this in the last thread. Still looking to add to my list of delinquent manga
Mujaki no rakuen did the back and forth thing first
>Premise is an old NEET who travels back in time and gets a lolicon harem
No wonder no one cares or talks about it
fuck nips retarded laws made him finish the series, at least he promised to keep drawing lolis
Isn't it too early to call it a delinquent manga? Because MC in present time is anything but one and we'll possibly see half the screentime in present time.
Based on the first 3 volumes, the shifts between the past and the present mostly serve as a way to show how characters end up and how events in the past affect people in the future.
That said, the majority of the story takes place in the past, so you shouldn't worry. There are plenty of brawls, lynchings, and turf wars.
Anyways, it's by the same author as shinjuku swan so it's a bit more violent and darker than just a bunch of schoolkids throwing fists at each other. If anything, it's a bit more gang-like than highschool delinquent-like
What is the deal with japan's obsession with delinquents and thugs regarding series that take place in school? I bet IRL they are extremely rare and more loud than actually dangerous.
Delinquents where a thing in schools in the 60's in Japan. They were a response to the harsh, overworked society they were in.
Funny how that get beat out of them in only a single generation
I wanna get the bullshit belt buckle.
how can delinquents look so stupid and cool at the same time?
This is the only "delinquent" series I ever liked.
I used to wear Bouya's type of jacket a lot in school too. Good times.
What about delinquent girls?
the blind leading the blind manga and it only turns around to fuck up the MC. No thank you. Couldn't stomach that shit
That delinquent harem (Rokudo) is good though the art is kinda shitty.
My guess is that delinquents still exist, but they're all crowded into the worst schools in bad areas because none of the good schools want them. As such, it's unrealistic that every anime High school has a bunch of delinquents.
I reckon that the japs are so servile these days that anyone half way a bully can basically bully half the school on his own.
Not realistic. I like at least a little bit of realism. And I also like to relate to my manga.
Delinquent girl gangs were a thing in japan. I'm pretty sure they were fairly brutal as well.
More like the entire school all bully anyone that doesn't conform or stands out and the teachers will either encourage it or look the other way.
>Delinquent girl gangs were a thing in japan
Yeah but it was extremely rare. Delinquent boys are universal.
Probably a little of column A and a little of column B.
And delinquent girls in manga are much rarer than delinquent boys so it balances out.
>Delinquent girl gangs were a thing in japan.
Where do you think they are right now? Probably wage slaves at this point considering Japan's society.
I guess you're right. I just don't know how that would work out.
What does that have to do with anything?
I think they used to smash people with yoyos or some shit. Or more likely they were in all girls schools.
Those that aren't wage slaves probably ended up involved with the Yakuza.
What does wondering where are delinquent girls right now have to do with delinquent girls? For real?
You don't really interact with people do you?
>inb4 what does that question have to do with anything
I mean I was replying to a guy who said delinquent girls weren't realistic by saying that the did in fact exist. I was just wondering how what you said factored into that.
since they're female in showa japan, wouldn't they usually end up as housewives? Housewives to wage slaves probably, maybe with a part time job too.
To be fair, probably wanted to talk about what they were like rather than how they ended up.
>Backed by a fixer who controls the political and economic circles, a high school student, Jinryu Goji, governs his school – Seiun Gakuen. In response, the school authority asks Nagare Zenjiro, a champion of Chinese martial arts who killed his father and was sentenced to a juvenile detention center, to fight Jinryu Goji. The story revolves around combats between the two. The dual develops into extensive conflicts involving high school students nationwide, and eventually leading figures in political and economic circles. The artist represented detailed movements of kung-fu, which was extremely popular at that time.
Translations: never
hadn't heard about it, will keep an eye out.
Here you go.
I fucking knew it the art looked so similar. Who picked it up? I wonder why they went with that and not some other series by Wakui Ken. His art has really been polished.
>Anons claim delinquent manga is good
>Its shonenshit in school
Everytime, only good thing out there is Teppu and delinquency wasnt even the main focus. Most mangas are just fight shit without any delinquency like shopliftinh
I'll post this clip here since the other threads might not survive.
For anyone curious, this is called,"Otokogumi."
Is that you DelinquentScans user?
Yeah everyone knows that man. What's your point?
>Colored T-shirt
Leave it to the nips to think that a tshirt that isn't white is rebellious
If anything that's just sad
>Who picked it up?
Twisted hel scans, which is pretty interesting because they've never done anything remotely close to a delinquent series in the past.
damn that was good i want MOAR
This is pretty old, from the 1970's
It's illustrated by Ikegami Ryoichi so it probably has quite a bit of gekiga in it
They seem to have dropped a new chapter of Sekisei Inko by the same author as well after 100+ days without any releases. Hope they finish that one since it's already completed.
Talk about shitty battleshonen
were delinquents ever a really thing in japan or just a meme?
did they deal cracks like kids in chicago high schools?
I checked out some raws, and you're right. The manga ends on a cliffhanger with an attempt on the life of either a high ranking Yakuza or politician.
Apparently the leader of the group is a fan of the author, so that's a good sign
Yeah they were real, it's just like US gangs minus the guns so it was mostly bats, knives and shit like that, I suppose they didn't die a lot because of that. The were also way wackier, because japan is or was a very collective society the idea of standing out above others is not very common or perhaps not well received, so to rebel against society everything about them was meant to stand out.
They live.
>go to nipland
>all the school boys are nice, polite and reserved
They were a thing at one point in time but not anymore, the nail that sticks out gets hammered down and all that.
i think they transferred into the communist rioters during the 70's, more or less same thing.
i wonder what delinquents are like in north korea
that's only if you go to the good schools. The bad schools still have kids who are little shits.
There's delinquents in every country.
It's more like deviating from the school uniform isn't good.
but if you ever go to nipland you see that even people in causal wear usually have a white top and a black bottom
Obviously bad kids will exist anywhere but 'delinquent' is a pretty specific archetype, you don't see kids looking or acting like them out in public. It's pretty rare to see any looking like straight up rebels, but I'm just comparing them to blatantly shitty teenagers from my own country.
the worst japanese schools is better beheaved than the best third world school
>claim to be delinquents
>they dont even have metal detectors in the gate
takizawa is pretty good
Wow really? How dull.
Here's an idea of what a delinquent is now.
context: High school kid got his phone taken away from him by 23- y/o teacher after being repeatedly told to put it away. Kid throws a tantrum and demands his phone back.
Worst case from what I understand is he gets no recommendation from his school for anything in the future like college/jobs/whatever and probably won't be able to transfer since no other high school will take him. I never followed up on the story though
Damn, that was a nice kick. Also the teacher is a manlet, he brought it up on himself.
I dunno, they're pretty fucking fashionable even when they're not wearing a suit and tie
I mean you can see for yourself.
oh yeah, you can definitely wear black and white only and still be fashionable but damn, go get some more individuality
Yeah that's me. Just working on the next volume of BR before I gotta go. Almost done.
I don't know man, they might not get into gunfights during lunch time like in the US but kicking a teacher like that is pretty surprising for me.
>23- y/o teacher
Guy looks like he's 57 with 2 kids. Tough break.
lmao why didnt the teacher do anything? i understand he doesnt wanting to hit an student but what the fuck
i remember one student pushing a teacher and he just got out of the classroom and locked us inside
I wanted to ask you, I have been watching a bunch of videos on youtube about Japan's weird 'underground' industries and whatnot. Like JAVs, host clubs, underground street fights, the nigerian mafia, love hotels, prostitution and all that jazz Do you know of any other manga that portray or show that sort of stuff semi-realistically? Like Shinjuku Swan or Yamikin Ushijima-kun, really finding all of that stuff really interesting.
>go get some more individuality
I mean I agree, but you should also see their variety of streetwear that's pretty popular. they're pretty ridiculous as to what they'll wear and pull off fairly well
Here's an album if you want to look at more imgur.com/gallery/XQPsr#RKYM4FR
This is the reason I kind of dislike school uniforms in anime.They make for boring, lazy and repetitive character designs.
It's especially bad since they'll usually keep wearing the school uniform outside of school hours.
LMAO at girls laughing while a student beats up his teacher. This is what happens when you are born a manlet, you are a joke of the world.
Nothing off the top of my head and nothing to the scale of Shinjuku Swan and Ushijima. I haven't read ギラギラ yet but it's about Hosts...
As for videos, Check out this show called ダラケ where they bring in people like Bousouzoku, Ex-Yakuza's etc...
This is the video of the Bousouzoku one and it features a lot of the gangs portrayed in Bakuon Rettou... youtube.com
not the user you replied to I just wanted to express how fucking annoying these fuckers are in Japan.
Only time I've ever felt somewhat unsafe in Japan was when they were around
Wait, I just remembered two more I haven't read yet. HEAT and 土竜の唄 are about Yakuza. The second one being a cop that infilitrates it. Heat was scanlated till volume 4 or so.
Yeah they're pretty fucking annoying.
he looks like he follows train timetables
why? they just need a small deposit in order to give you their royal wealth
>school uniform outside of school hours
The one thing I didn't get in anime and games like persona. Kids used to go home, take off their uniform and come back out.
As interested as I I'm I don't really speak Japanese sadly to enjoy that stuff, but on the positive side you're only giving me further motivation to learn japanese because I'm really curious about all that stuff. I've had to rely on VICE videos and random youtube clips to check out stuff like that.
Are real life jap delinquints like the ones in muh animees?
53 Volumes (Ongoing), holy fuck.
In the time it took you to learn Japanese you could learn 4 other languages and be guaranteed employment at any international company. Don't fall for the meme language.
The most interesting thing about that video was how they explained Gokuaku (Gokuraku is the name used for them in BR) didn't even ride bikes. They fucking used trucks and rode on the back of them. There's actually a true story of how 50 from Gokuaku won a fight against 1000 CRS (community of 3 different Bousouzoku). Though Gokuaku came with pipes and shit while CRS had only their hands. Still impressive
Is Britpop DQN music?
>tfw dad was a chad goon who instilled a dumb honor code in me and I read so much delinquent manga growing up I basically was an autistic one in high school
I want to go back.
Learning some other language won't facilitate me with hours upon hours of entertainment. I also have no desire of seeking a job that requires me to be a polyglot.