What if there was no Shirou in FSN?
What if Tohsaka was the MC?
What if there was no Shirou in FSN?
What if Tohsaka was the MC?
Then it would actually be good.
It would still have been shit but maybe not as bad
it would be boring.
i like my sword autist MC
It would be shit. Rin is garbage and nobody cares about her.
Rin wouldn't have a dude except old men to work on her plumbing.
still not as garbage as sakura though
Rin is great, but Shirou is what makes F/SN one of the best things ever made.
This is what self-inserters actually believe.
I dont give a shit about Sakura. Saber is the only good girl in fate.
i agree
>one of the best things ever made
holy shit
Would suck.
>male MC
thing of the past, bad and irrelevant, outdated
progressive, amazing, beautiful
>Rin wouldn't have a dude except old men to work on her plumbing.
I've got a better scenario.
What if TM stopped milking Fate and did something else?
Rin and Rider are easily the best Fate heroines.
Caren from FHA
Where the fuck is my Rin/Archer spinoff?
The OP said 'no Shirou in FSN'. That would extend to all Shirous.
this so much.
>Rin is great, but Shirou is what makes F/SN one of the best things ever made.
Shirou is one of the most awful MCs in history of anime-industry.
Fucking retarded piece of shit autist worse than Touma or Deadman wonderland fucktard MC.
Would Archer not be ther eiether?
Nope, Rin is trash.
Red man is not shirou.
What the hell is this supposed to be?
He said 'no Shirou'.
You're not even allowed one.
Some kind of "don't react" competition.
yeah, but Sakura is more popular than Rin.
>Rin gets more fanart
>Rin gets more doujins
>Rin gets more merchandise
>Sakura is more popular than Rin
>yeah, but Sakura is more popular than Rin.
this is old as fuck
Fuck off wormfag
The sex would be hotter, but other then that it would probably be inferior. Tohsaka is too self actualized at the start to be a good MC.
>getting rid of the guy who carries the entire theme of FSN
it's like evangelion if you made kensuke the main character.
Dunno about merchandise, but for the others, search your resource of choice and count the pages. Sadpanda and danbooru have in or a round twice as many pages for Rin than Sakura.
If you kept up with the fate series, you'd know what the source is from.
No thanks, Shirou being an S-tier moralfag retard and smashing his ideal against reality repeatedly is like the whole point of FSN
Nasu said it himself.
Rin and Saber are the best and most important Fate heroines.
This so much. Only faggots with low IQ don't like Shirou as the mc.
She still wouldn't have Saber.
Low IQ retards who love shit tier MCs.
Its because she is (or wants to be) a normal girl in a sea of uniqueness
Fate Zero is so much better than FSN without Shirou the retarded autist with insane plot armor who wins against Gilgamesh and the rest of them.
You mean she's boring?
I'll take the sword autist over the edgy manchild any day.
Are you retarded?
Fanfic pedoshit isn't part of the Fate series
Are you talking about yourself? The prologue with Rin was boring as shit.
why do people like saber so much when she is worthless in every route other than fate? rin is the only heroine that's relevant in all 3 routes.
You tell me man. I never understand it either.
>Tohsaka is too self actualized at the start to be a good MC
this is true, out of all the major characters shes probably the one that has her shit together the most
It would be enjoyable for 1 route but your not getting near the character development that retarded sword autist gives you
I guess you completely fail to understand the theme and just look at it as power levels battle anime.
Then the game's entry would not have an "impregnation" tag on vndb
Type-moon fags everyone.
What the fuck is the story supposed to be with Rin as MC?
"Rin beats up a bunch of servants, the end?"
t. brainlet
Rin coming to terms with her relationship with Sakura. Hell, Rin has more character development than Sakura in HF.
>I guess you completely fail to understand the theme and just look at it as power levels battle anime.
There's nothing to "understand" it, it's fucking obvious and it's fucking shit.
Jesus Christ it's hilarious that Fate/kids are pretending now that FSN has any fucking depth and a room to misunderstand anything in that pile of shit with god awful autistic MC such as Shirou.
Would be shit. Shirou is the best part the fate series
t. secondary
Shirou is amazing if you actually get some input about his inner thoughts
> Shirou is the best part the fate series
What a time to be alive, generation Z newfags are rewriting the history.
Underage, please.
Don't post Shiki if you're a retard.
It's okay, Turkeyhandlefag. I know you like edgy main characters like Shitki. It's normal to prefer Shiki than Shirou when you're under the age of 18.
Fate > Tsukishitme.
>15 years old, 50 IQ
>Are you retarded?
You want a better metric? Find it yourself.
If you want someone to peruse every Comiket catalog for the past fifteen or so years for you, you can forget it. You'll have to live with the sample cases available or sort it out on your own, it's not my problem.
Fate is an exploration in how far you can push someone's ideals until they break. It's not even complicated but brainlets still just see fighting and fuckin' and nothing else.
FSN wouldn't be complete without Shirou, it would be an entirely different product.
>generation z
kill yourself son of bitch
>neoTMfags are unironically defending human wastes such as Shirou
holy shit
Rin without Shirou around to be tsundere is pretty boring.
She wouldn't need to be a tsundere and that single thing makes her way better already.
I mean, the core theme of F/SN, and F/Z too I guess. was the whole introspective look to the childish ideal of heroism.
Shirou and Kerry being justice autists is kinda crucial to the whole work.
>oldTMfag still captive to muh Rin archetype when characters evolved so much all those years
holy shit
Too bad Japan dont give a shit about your edgy trash.
Please refrain from shitposting with Kohaku, thank you.
fuck off stupid troll
It's painfully obvious for any TRUE TM FAN that fate/shit must be buried already. Fate/shit and its target audience of degenerate generation Z fate/kids are the worst tumors that happened to grow on TM virgin body that can barely function now, even Mahoyo was a PIECE of SHIT and BOMBED really hard. And now those subhuman underage fate/kids are defending pure shit MC such as Shirou.
And what is more hilarious - Type-SHIT is pretending like Mahoyo never happened and prefer to completely IGNORE their latest VN by making another absolutely IDIOTIC fate/shit such as GRAND/SHIT, EXTRA/SHIT, APOCRYSHIT, PRISM/SHIT, whatever/SHIT.
There is no doubt, NU-TSUKIHIME remake will be absolutely terrible and stained by filthy hands of Takeshit and Nasushit who completely lost themselves in MILKING fate/shit for last 10+ years. And let's not forget about the god awful degenerated neo-"""fanbase""" of TM full of retarded fate/secondaries who unironically defend Shirou.
Fuck you NEO-TM scum and fuck your shit taste that corrupted previously a good studio. If those idiots listened to TRUE TM FANS then MODERN SHIT like this thread would never happen.
Even Nasu forgot about tsukishitme.
Don't reply to my posts you uneducated filth who defends Shirou.
>They are actually people in this thread that believe Shirou is the best part of Fate.
Please tell me I'm in cloud cuckoo land right now.
kill yourself fucking imbecile
Ye Nasu really likes to wank off Rin. In that one poll Sakura beat Rin ages ago, he said it was a surprise. I guess he knows what traits are more appealing in general?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Fate/Stay Night. The main theme is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of existential philosophy most of the characterization will go over a typical reader’s head. There’s also Shirou’s idealistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from critiques of Ayn Rand, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these themes, to realise that they’re not just an excuse to make a story about battles and waifus- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Fate/Stay Night truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the meaning of Archer’s existential catchphrase “I am the bone of my sword,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Homer. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Kinoko Nasu’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>They are actually people in this thread that believe Shirou is the best part of Fate.
We are probably being raided by /fgo/ from /vg/ or something.
I refuse to believe that Sup Forums degraded so hard.
Rin will be tsundere with Saber!
it would be boring since there were no swordautist forcing Rin to change
at best scenario, we'd have a route where she goes bonkers from being forced to do evil Magus shit, she'd normally not want to do so
secondaries should actually read the VN and realise that without Shirou's character, nothing really works in stay night
Shirou's the only point of FSN, for better or worse. It's all about him as a character. Otherwise it's just whacking off to anime girls and fights.
> forcing Rin to change
She doesn't need to change.
Shirou only weakened her like a true retard he is.