Why do you fill yourself up with hate when you could live in a peaceful and serene multicultural world? We’re getting there more and more every day, and there’s nothing you craven shits can do except post your reactionary shit online because spouting it out loud will lead to instant social ostracization
because multiculturalism is a fantasy concept which can't be applied in reality. Go move to Detroit and prove me wrong.
Carter Jones
Lol nigger.
William Powell
>love of self is hate >love of your people is hate >love of your nation is hate >dismay at what is happening to all of the above is hate >letting little girls be raped and having it covered up is love
Bentley Roberts
Because when I go to japan I don’t want to see a bunch of niggers, chinks, poos or other subhumans. I want japan to be japan you low iq faggot.
Brandon Bailey
>multicultural Except for European culture. That has to be stamped out.
Lol, have you seen how fast embracing a diverse utopia is destroying Europe? We're only lucky it's a slower self destruction for our own country due to the fact that we're 6 times larger than most European countries and can legally own weapons to protect ourselves.
Wyatt Flores
>peaceful and serene >multicultural 1/10 made me reply. stop posting at your earliest convenience
Logan Myers
I fapped to Brazilian trannies shitposted on Sup Forums on 2011.
Am I gay?
Elijah Stewart
Listen. Multicultural world means to kill other races, culture, you are a naive idiot and maybe that's why you don't see the problem, but think a bit of it , After you will get all those cultures crowded in a small space, there will be ofc conflicts, as some races are not willing to share with others ,beside you will get chaos.What will you understand anymore from a culture if that culture got all the others mixed in? you wont get anythinbg , you will get a lame world, where no one and nothing is special anymore , and value is lost to trash as everything will get boring , and conflicts will rise left and right. Cultures and races are beautiful separated, that is what makes them unique and beautiful , that they don't belong anywhere on earth except their homelands. Stop being naive and think of it , try imagine how things will end up if you mix everything , and try see the bad sides of it too .
>serene multiculturalism Doesn’t exist. Utopic pipe-dream of the talmudic left.
Anthony Ward
Hate is a natural emotion and feels great to let out. If you keep your hate bottled up it's bad for your health.
Cameron Ward
Jaxson Brown
Retard alert. You realize Indians have tons of aryan blood in them right? Ever hear of the Golden Age? That was during Aryan rule. Before you all mixed and India became the shit hole it is today. Literally shit everywhere. Disgusting animals.
Brody Reed
No. Rationally explaining and teaching our world view is multicultural. We are a multicult board. Sup Forums is a subculture.