I work for a student activist group

I'm on my own free time, but I've been part of the team that makes those kind of posts, ask me anything

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Should clarify that I mean But that's not me, someone else is on it seems

Could you please commit suicide?

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Well said sweetie. Shills should be genocided.

Would you tell your faggot (((friend))) who posts these at night (or in about 12 hours from now) that responded to a thread does not instantly mean bumping it and he's an AIDS ridden faggot? Thanks.

Nah, I'd rather make a good amount of money getting Stormweenies like you mad :^D

Better than having 15 threads about the same stupid subject (WHERE TO FIND RIGHT-WING GF), wouldn't you say?

Although these threads may be left-wing, they are political compared to most threads on Sup Forums at almost any given time

I don't know anyone personally who covers the "night shift". It may be someone from the university in Sydney (Australia), since most of us are at university

At this point I think he knows it but does it for bump responses

Why are they posting with catalonian flags anyway?

I don't. Very few of us actually connect outside of our job.

It was a random pick to use the flag. Some of us are from Canada or Australia and they know that those countries posters get attacked for their flag a lot here

Although for the sake of getting 100 "> leaf" replies, they might take off their flag, it's guaranteed responses essentially

For example, see now?

You say this, and yet, I've *seen* one of you shills turn the flag off or use anything besides EU and Catalonia. Something's off here. Oh, and not to mention some of the files are written in Hebrew.

Goddammit. *NEVER seen

At least post lewd pics of touhou girls with your shit posts like my sweet sugar bun does.

Sometimes people will use flags other than Catalonia. I wouldn't know, it's up to them. The people who hire us tell Canadians and Australians that as a warning for the reason I said

I don't know why some file names are in Hebrew. Might be to either get focus on the filename, or actual Israelis (I think there are a couple, the people who hire us say that they're involved with a big campus network)

Something might be off, but my only job is to post at certain days. That's a question for the people who hire us, who don't go here (at least from what I know)

I imagine pornography on Sup Forums is a bannable offense

Doesnt have to be full nude. I prefer it when they wear clothing but still are lewd

There's nothing lewd in the photos that they tell us to use, sorry

How many of your group turned after coming here?

The only times I ever see bans for porn are:
-When the mods are particularly pissed
-Blacked shit
-When you literally spam it

Then get the fuck out of here faggot.

I don't know. Many are already deep into these student activism groups, while some are somewhat apolitical. I personally am in the middle. My job is to ensure the threads I post stay up.

Some topics here are interesting. Others are boring and not political. I guess the most right-wing belief I have is enforcing immigration security. Outside of this, I work in a lab (politics isn't my major) with a lot of non-white people so I don't particularly believe in most things said about race

Well, I suppose when they provide us with lewder photos I'll post them in threads. Seems to be good attention


Mods and janitors are kinda shit lately. I got banned on /jp/ for saying nigger the other day.

On the other hand, the last time I got a 2 week ban was a few months ago. Nowadays it's a warning or 15 minute block.

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This is as nice pic...this is a nice fuckin' pic. Shame you missed out on quads though.

When we get banned we can always spoon together. Would be nice having you as my small spoon as I caress your hair and kiss your neck.

Don't worry it happens all the time
Never got 6 in a row but I have been off by 1 two or three times
Even if I was interested I don't know how that would be possible for two weeks straight

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You don't believe objective measurements like IQ tests? How can you work in a lab then, if you believe everything is subjective?

>I've been part of the team that makes those kind of posts, ask me anything

Whose idea was it to use Hero Aca for all these threads? Do you realize it's really easy to clock you as bait when you post the exact same fallacious bullshit over and over again? What kind of proxy do you use that makes it look like you're specifically from Catalan all the time?

That would be one of the many lovely things we would do. Post Ooku.

>I'd rather make a good amount of money getting Stormweenies like you mad
We come here to be mad anyway, retard.

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IQ tests try to quantify intelligence, which goes beyond numbers. It's like standardized testing.

I don't know, it's what I have to work with. I've personally never watched the anime. We don't use any proxies, we just switch our flag option underneath the CAPTCHA box to Catalonia.

Mad in the bad way, the kind that doesn't inspire anyone to do anything or change anything.

I've realised that I now need to organize my images again
What a pain this will be

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Inspiration is for fags. Nothing changes.

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I have a Sup Forums folder i made in 2008. Full of ten of thousands images from many different boards. Just not long ago I made a touhou folder and it took me 6 hours.

Now that you've admitted to being a professional troll and shit stirrer, aren't you afraid that some enterprising autist will screencap this post and inform all the other Sup Forumstards who are too dumb to have caught onto you yet?

I feel as though a bot like the one that Norwegian dude made a while back that immediately posts a warning about what you and your group are doing every time you start a thread will further limit your effectiveness.

The group has been doing it for almost a year. Almost everyone on this board knows about it. Pic related has been posted dozens of times by so many people

That's the perk of our job: this board refuses to adapt. It's so easy to bait people here. It's because the photos we use are (admittedly) illogical, and lots of people have an inate desire to argue against flawed arguments.

Our main goal isn't necessarily to "convert" people.

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How much shekels do you make? how much cock do you suck?

>It's so easy to bait people here.
>lots of people have an inate desire to argue against flawed arguments.

What exactly do you believe you're accomplishing by doing this? Is it just a pay-check?

> It's so easy to bait people here. It's because the photos we use are (admittedly) illogical, and lots of people have an inate desire to argue against flawed arguments.

That makes sense.

Two more questions:

1. You said you're making money, and that you're part of a student group. Who's paying you?

2. If you understand that what you're doing is textbook ideological subversion and that your goal isn't even to convert people with well-reasoned arguments, but just to hinder them with fallacious ones, do you think you're the good guy? Do you think you're morally/ethically superior to a "stormweenie" like me if this is the best way your group can think of to disagree with us? What about other members of your group? Are they just stereotypical college kids who think Maoism will work this time?

Why do you refuse to answer the question and instead redefine what an iq is, when the government has been using them for over a century to determine who is too stupid to be useful in the military?

Adapt to what? I am here on my day off, drunk, watching cutie honey, and shit posting. You are in my world. At best you are an annoyance.
If you were wondering I am watching the live action movie made by Anno, I know it is 3d but it is fun non the less.

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He's baiting you a again, Johan. Don't fall for it.

$15 an hour which isn't that bad. I don't suck anything

To me it is. I just do my job. The people who hire me have their reasons

I don't think I can say who is hiring me, I'm sorry. I don't think I'm a good guy or morally superior. It's just a job on an online forum. It does nothing necessarily harmful (I don't imagine you guys are the kind to feel offended or cyberbullied by someone here).

The other people are mixed. Some believe in this, some just see it as a job.

I'm swithcing to mobile, give me one minute

>I don't think I'm a good guy or morally superior
>makes fun of people for being "stormweenies"

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Nice larp faggot. Fake and gay.

>It does nothing necessarily harmful (I don't imagine you guys are the kind to feel offended or cyberbullied by someone here).

I'm not going to ask you to quit your job because I respect that you're a mercenary, but if you can't see how distracting people from the "redpills" that people post in the decent threads and generally making the board shittier doesn't harm anybody I feel bad for you.

To be fair, mocking the stupid alt-right NEETs on Sup Forums is extremely easy.

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What phone are you using OP?