>This is a 12 year old
Tell me with a straight face that she isn't attractive, you can't. Inb4 virtue-signallers.
This is a 12 year old
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I see it's your daily bait thread. Stop making this every day.
She’s quite beautiful and one day she will become very attractive adult, also SAGE
attractive but not fuckable. No boobs, needs at least 3-4 years b4 I wud fuck
Not unless she has a penis
Eh, she's not that cute, never was, always had a fivehead. She's getting a bit old anyway.
Use pictures of cute girls, like these.
It's kristina Pimenova, you dumb shit.
>hasn't developed proper tits and ass
Cute girls are cute.
Hang yourself
>I only like fat fatty fatcows
Are you a nigger?
Little girls can definitely be attractive but that doesn’t mean you can fuck them.
Waiting for her to reach maturity is the right thing to do if you want to make sure your offspring don’t mentally regress to a lower being because of bad parenting.
You first, huemonkey scum.
Lolis are hot, pretending they aren't won''t make lies truth.
if he has a feminine penis then yeah he's hot
otherwise, yuck
>kristina Pimenova
put her parents in prison please
>Little girls can definitely be attractive but that doesn’t mean you can fuck them.
Why not? A girl's father should train her from early on to be useful to a man. It is his right to use her for what girls are for. Why else have a daughter?
Don't be gay
How old was your mother when she got married?
She looks pretty ugly desu.
>Sup Forums shitposts Sup Forums calling everyone who disagrees with them a triggered leftists
>Sup Forums posts çunny on Sup Forums they go straight nigger mode and start telling people to kill them selves
she's a very pretty young lady who will one day grow up into a lovely woman who will worthy of marriage.
its a larping expat famalam
Who is this girl?
Why does she get posted so often in these kind of threads, don't tell me she is a CP model or something.
is there a problem leaf?
But is she in swedenstan or bongstan?
i would cut your penis off u fucking pedo, but being cruel animal is probably normal in your shitskin country
>Who is this girl?
No, you can't be such a newfag. I refuse to believe such newfags wander among us. You just want more Mara. Well, I can't too much because I lost my folder and haven't rebuilt it much but I'll try some.
really made me think
Just insta models user their is literally tens of thousands of them on instagram
What's the original sauce for this?
And now for a loli that isn't jailbait.
I don't believe there is anything wrong with ephebophilia but I can't say the same about this. Sorry.
she should be married as soon as she can bear children. age of consent is jewish tricks. for thousands of years we married girls when they were fertile and had qt loli waifus. i'm supposed to believe the feminists in the 60's suddenly figured out a better way?
I suddenly have a taste for sushi for some reason.
Well she probably has the body of a child which would be an instant turnoff and tell your brain she's not mating material, her face might as well belong to someone that's 4-5 years older you're right about it
Also kill yourself
Why did they do that, especially on a bathroom floor?
If you cover the ponytail it just looks like a young monkey eared Asian boy in a dress.
>I would't fuck this 14 year old
i'm not being gay, you are
>supplicating the vaginal jew by giving them shexels
would smash hard
nature > feminist laws
I can't tell that she's only 12 from the photo. I have to take your word for it. But as soon as she opened her mouth you would know, and a normal adult would be sickened at the thought of being intimate with her.
Kids aren't attractive, pedo. They're pretty or beautiful, but that's more about how they will potentially look as adults.
Unironically kys
the both of them look so goddamn t*rkic, i fucking hate roaches
>No hips or pubic hair
Being that easily turned off is a sign of low testosterone.
problem with 12 yo's
sure they can be fuckably cute today
but in 5 years. they can get fugly
look at winnie from that tv show. CUUUUUTE fuckibly cute. Now..shes' not ugly but not anywhere near cute
And alot of other girls you can say the same
thing about.
I was trying to remember that girl's name the other day, what is it? Way cute than Primekova over there.
>women that don't grow into women
This is the ideal.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, that's really mysoginistic. Girls need to be in schools and get educated and have a career before they settle down. It'd be horrible for girls to be married young.
She is a pretty girl but if you have a sexual urge towards her it means you are very sick in the mind and should report yourself to your local authorities.
she looks almost thirty wtf, hot but will age terribly
based marabro
>Kids aren't attractive
Yes, they are. Look at this little minx, just begging for some heavy tongue kissing.
You people should treat your disease. It's not common to find little 6 year old girls "hot".
>recently discovered a japanese voice actress
>44 years old
>150cm tall
>loli body
>squeaky loli voice
explain yourself japan
Anna Pavaga or Pagava or something like that.
No I don't find her attractive cause it's a child. She's pretty maybe, which is something else.
>I cannot get aroused by a female unless they have hair on their legs and under their pits, and their skin becomes oily and pimply, and they start to bleed from their baby hole.
>Hairy, oily, bloody and pimply... that's what makes a woman sexy.
I STILL don't understand what the fuck is going on here.
Maybe not for gay huemonkey fagbois like you. It is very common in human men.
Jokes is one thing, but u fuckers are sick. Respect people, damnit
she has buscemi eyes
Argentina can into orbiters!
She is pretty just like a car can be pretty. It does not mean I want to fug with the car.
Also if you are sexually attracted by 12 yo you are a pedo and should go to jail
silly kids pretending to be frogs, how is it that difficult?
Oh yeah, this girl, this girl is really something.
They're making a mess like children will do.
too old
She's a cute kid but she's not ripe yet. And she's wearing make up. Not sexy. She's just got a symmetrical face and looks like she'll grow up to be pretty.
She's gotta be legal. 18+
Even if she's post-pubescent and fully developed at `17... she's not worth prison time with niggers.
I'm normally into those over the hill coal burner types, desu.
This cunt again. Kill yourself you fucking predatory cunt. pedo scum like yourself only needs a bullet
But frogs don't wear clothes.
And they needed to take off their panties to do that why
nymphomaniac vol 1
antifa argie shill
Why wouldn't they take off their panties?
Females shouldn't be allowed to wear clothes anyway, especially girlchildren.
>newfag spouting buzzwords
Maybe some kino will change your mind and fix your attitude
Of course the mudslime is a pedo