Masculinity is over

Daily reminder that masculinity has been overcome and all young "boys" will be forcibly feminized by hormone replacement therapy in the future

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But this isn't happening though. There will be young men looking for more power and to return to being men and others will like that faggot who will be dead soon.



Exactly what we need right now

in case you missed it hormone replacement therapy fails over 50% of the time

can someone edit out his leg hairs haha just asking

That's my waifu boys

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Mines going well so far

The commie is right for once, there is no point in keep fighting.
this is why i'm not having kids, I preffer my bloodline to die with self respect right here with me instead of having kids just so they can become tyrone's bitch in the future.

we are all already tyrone's bitch anyways, never forget it Sup Forums

And it's beautiful

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qt, would pound

and woman are taking over

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Which ones are the biological women and which are the biological men? It's getting too hard to tell anymore.

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more wrestling, the manliest sport in the world

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At least second place is ashamed.

Daily reminder that better civilizations will wipe out degenerate civs.

>boys make better women than actual women

what a time to be alive


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hol up,that's a guy?my fkn god what are you americans eating

At the rate this is going... This is what your "girl"friend's are gonna start looking like

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we all take estrogen tables with breakfast

Good, white men are not really men.

Tell that to the feminists. Men still make more money and are still over-represented in elected offices and upper-management.

Sneaky is a massive faggot
I got perma banned from his chat for saying nigger

post more before that greek fag shits up the thread again.


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or you can do the opposite for the moment.

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O.P. why are you a faggot promoting degenerate shit? You fly the commie flag least be a Stalinist.
Faggot commies are the worst commies

This is why ISIS exists.

Sneaky should get lessons from the true alpha male.

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>Masculinity is over
You'd wish, commie faggot.

> wh*Ye “”””””””people”””””””””

Sneaky or Lux?

Ebin taste

>watching sneaky
what a cuck

For him it is.. Pathetic isn't it

The politics have bled into lol... and all the other streamers won't call sneaky or riven player guy a faggot because they don't want to get banned from twitch ... I used to watch lol to escape the bs.

lux, she's been my waifu since 2011

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Oh yea?

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and people wonder why I smoke. At this point the risk of cancer is worth the boost it will give me to testosterone.

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Good choice user. Aryan waifu a best

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>Girl shows up
>Opposing team doesn't have anyone she can wrestle
>Rinse, repeat till she's undefeated

Hnnngg I want to lick/smell those pits

The real winner is the guys who got to have those girls sit on their faces.


You will never ever pound sneaky :(

whitebois must start taking hormones as soon as possible. They were made to be cute girls.
>Cant wait for my whiteboi harem

she beat both of those guys user

a lot of girls are winning state tournaments in the boys division

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I'm sure you think so

at the end of the video you can see her winning her division


Aryan btw
>mutt btw

Why though? Almost every single picture of a girl winning in wrestling is against lanky fucking guys. It's weird because IIRC there's a "trans" guy beating everyone in the women's league in wrestling along in other sports

And That's A Good Thing!

How many layers of autism are you on?


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>this is a mutt

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But only 3% of women join the military, a tiny percentage of women are construction workers etc. Society would implode with women only lol.

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Bad b8 m8


Yet most Olympic world records are men.. try again.

false, in a true communist revolution, you and all your multicoloured haired, mentally deranged friends will be the first groups either lined up and executed or sent to gulag in Alaska

Fuck you for making me consider the possibility that your ideology might be ok in some aspects

Neck yourself now user

Proper women again. Thanks feminism.

They won't call him a fagget because everyone wants to fuck him. Literally everyone is gay now.

And that's a bad thing?

i want to be a pretty girl desu

>Boys taught that they are abusive and hurt women everyday
>Wymen join wrestling
>Men have to be gentle
>Wymen wins again
If they weren't cucked into thinking that these cunts deserve better treatment they would have wiped the floor with her fucking face

Source pls?

That's nice, tho.
We will care about white bitches. No worries.

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He's actually right, its impossible to shittalk now to other streamers, also you can't call out bobbiestreamers either.

figure 4 was banned recently, but having a woman just put her pussy in your face to submit you in fornt of everybody seems kinda fucked up, you don't want your mother seeing you like that

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Fathers should wrestle with their daughters to show them true dominance.

...where are the males?

Show me more of her pits, I love them

the spladle's still legall tho

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>Prime boipussy will be plentyful in the near future
I was born in the right timeline

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el mexicANO (maricon)


GEt ready for some more confusion.

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that's anothe reason not to fight girls

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Looks like a man to me


untill I reverse-searched like a sane person

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are we sure he just didn't tape and tuck? Those shoulders look wider then the hips. A tranny if I ever saw one

He's got a sharp mind

Virgin.My god ofc thats a real woman

Big guy

For what it matters "sneaky" (the dude in pop's pic) is a Memester and isn't a legit tranny

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looks like Robin from HIMYM W/ short hair and younger

You faggots left my nephew as a long haired hippie...and he's of a famous a pastoral lineage goin back 300 years. I am a man with giant arms, shoulders, and leg muscles. I am not at all a fem boi or of any other gayness anus or fucked up faggotry

Because the guy has to use 90% of his power and will to not get a boner.

Suicides are gonna be MASSIVE in the future. My god....

>but having a woman just put her pussy in your face to submit you in fornt of everybody seems kinda fucked up,

Seems kinda awesome to me, but I like femdom and have a weird relationship with my mother.

you're born in the right generation user

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