What's that one show you desperately want to have a season 2 yet know within your heart never will unless 8 different...

What's that one show you desperately want to have a season 2 yet know within your heart never will unless 8 different people sell their sole to Satan?

I'll collect shoes for you OP, hopefully Satan will be interested in soles for anime seasons.

>pic unrelated

Ange Vierge

Claymore. Never going to happen :(

>sell their sole to Satan?



God damn it Shaft, stop with the Monogatari already.

user, Satan doesn't even wear shoes.
Why would he want to buy soles?

Also pic related for me.

Translations of the other books would be nice too.


if it's just one sole, i'm down

Gunslinger Girls.

I just want rebuild 4 to come out already

Youjo Senki
Mob Psycho 100
Maid Dragon

Baka Satan, here's a box of used shoes!



Don't listen to this faggot, Shaft. Keep going with it.

human soles

Not a season 2, but a season 3 of Spice and Wolf be great.

Classroom of the Elite

Didn't know Satan was a footfag.

I just want to see Blue Knight and the Silver Princess animated.

This would be nice too.

Beat me to it.