who cares
he's irrelevant now
Didn't they just announce the investigation found nothing?
Modern McCarthyism. Its getting old.
God he is such a faggot...(actually I take that back) Don't subpoena me
He's drudging for bullshit. He's desperate and wants to railroad Trump.
Might want to get fired.
This is the wrap up. There is no Russia collusion. This is putting a bow on things but the media will spin it otherwise.
What does that mean exactly?
The incomplete Republican crony investigation "found" nothing.
Sort of similar to how your police "investigate" cartel murders, Juan.
ok im off the trump train. i can't stand this volatility, how can the government work with trump in there constantly having crises and scandals. it's over.
Said the increasingly nervous guy for the 7th time.
Drumph is finished
>Two sources familiar with the matter
Literally says that in the opening paragraph. Then goes on to not name a person who talked about trump tower Moscow. Like FFS, why don’t they just put Saters name out there, wtf kind of reporters are working for the New York Times?
Trump agenda is going on full steam ahead. Dead weight gets dumped every day. They have to go through these motions now in order to let down the left that they have hyped the fuck up.
Gump over
I also love how “Muellers team doesn’t leak” when they literally leak things every week.
I don’t want to live on this planet anymore.
Journalism is fucked. You can't believe any of it know, if you ever could.
This is looking like the beginning of the end for President Blambfpd
Private companies can do pretty much what they want, more nonsense
Trump just needs to fire him. This shit has gone on too long. Let the soy boys and pussy hats take to the streets. Hopefully, there will be enough blacks to get the cops to beat the shit out of all of them.
hypocrite imagine if this was obama and he fired him you'd be calling for civil war
if trump is so innocent then let the investigation do its job
"It's not idiocy and chaos, Trump is just playing 7D backgammon!"
Slump is done for
You know the system is fucked when hillary's emails are cleared in two days, but it takes a year to determine that drumpf didn't "collude" with russia.
It wouldn’t have happened because obama had the justice department and fbi under strict control
Aren't you finding it hilarious watching him crash and burn?
What chaos? Tax cuts have gone thru, tarrifs going thru, NK getting in line, wall is in development, Iran deal to be dealt with soon which is why Tillerson is gone. If this is chaos you will really hate when we have order.
This will be the end of Ploomf's campaign for sure.
This hippy gets it
I wholeheartedly agree.
Former Trump voter here. I seriously hope this investigation gets him impeached and we CAN'T let him have the nuclear codes.
t. magapeder
>Aren't you finding it hilarious watching him crash and burn?
... and the nuclear codes ... the codes ....
There's nothing hypocritical about it. Shitlibs and everyone else agree on practically nothing - there's no meeting of the minds and no reason to respect or treat them as equals.
Remember being worried about all these little desperation plays? Good times.
user hillarys emails were not cleared in two days. Remember when Comey brought it up right before the election?
The funniest part of that whole NYTs article? They fail to name the businessman who wanted trump tower in Moscow. Why?
This is the article directly below it on DR
just want to make it clear for the CIA Sup Forums archive
I never actually supported Trump
It was a long troll
I hope you guys burns him bad
no, the REPUBLICANS in Congress announced they found nothing...because they never looked. They didn't want to find anything.
yeah and more people get indited all the time. they're making progress which is why nunes hurriedly shut down the republican "investigation"
Duly noted. See ya on DOTR.
Like that'll make a difference, cuck
Nice and checked
Comey went out there and told the idiot public that they read all those emails in 2 days. It was what 200k emails?
Impeachment is coming
Diversion story for the fbi investigating the Clinton foundation that went public today.
Trump will win 2020, and mueller will never find shit.
that was a nice one Igor Smirnov
you seriously think the entire russia scandal is just a huge conspiracy cover up? let me guess jews are behind it!
how many more republicans and people close to trump have to be indited for ties to russia before YOU wake up, young user?
I just want to see some riots in the cities, and this seems like the best way.
Pizzagate is real!
But trump fucking hookers in his hotel and getting a goldenshower is beyond comprehension.
>...and then cleared her of any wrongdoing immediately thereafter
>despite it not being the FBI's job to recommend prosecution
>despite intent not being an element of the criminal statute
I think you missed the point user.
Apparently the info is 6 months old, Mueller is fishing for anything now, Trump should let him have billions of pages to sift through, all in a special code that needs a quantum computer to go through each page 1 day at a time.
>indicted for ties to russia
When did it become illegal to do business with russians?
Impeachment incoming
For what?
First sentence reads, "The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, according to two people briefed on the matter."
According to two people briefed on the matter.
"two people." Journalism is dead. Propaganda is alive.
Idiot. That was made up. My god you kids are fucking morons.
Good, the sooner the civil war goes hot the better. People are getting sleepy.
Mueller is doing this now because Trump is gonna fire sessions before this week is over. Whoever replaces Sessions won't be recused and will hopefully rein in this BS
t. Kremlin shill
I don't care if it's real or not. The democrats are a bigger danger to the country then anything Trump did with the Russians.
Talking about it might be for UAE dealings or "clean up" subpoenas to finish up.
Sessions & Rosenstein not at the meeting with McCabe today, both will be fired tomorrow.
Getting real sick of this pedo faggot jolting my stock portfolio every time he announces a new useless development and the media drinks it’s own cum about it
Protip: they won’t find collusion.
This is a fishing expedition to get as much dirt as possible on everything else so the left can use it as ammo in 2020.
Notice how people are rationalizing this by saying “MUELLER’S JOB IS TO INVESTIGATE CRIMES.” That is somewhat true; the problem is the entire premise for the investigation is to determine if Russia and Trump conspired against Clinton, which really isn’t a crime.
Looks like it is to do with 1 meeting in the Seychelles with Russians & S Arabians during the transition period in Jan 2017. Mueller simply making sure the Dumbocrats cannot accuse him of not doing all he can to nail Trump (lol). Mueller will get his pardon though at the end.
Mueller needs to go now. Fire that horse faced bitch
can we actually get someone to prosecute the law?
>But trump fucking hookers in his hotel and getting a goldenshower is beyond comprehension.
Even the Russians are saying that never happened.
business deals with Russia
Conflict of interest
Clear favoritism to Putin and Russia at the expense of the US
He's comprimised financially. If he has any money in a Russian bank, he should be impeached. Can't be trusted.
You know imagine if trump goes ok I'll turn them over but if you can't find anything this time, you're fired.
Seriously this has gone on long enough. The reason he can keep doing this because there is no punishment for constantly coming up short for anything decisive.
mccarthy was right tho.
mueller is no mccarthy
It isn't beyond comprehension. There just isn't any evidence for it. The fact that we are able to believe pizzagate is true shows that we know anything is possible. We just need evidence.
That gives Sessions a good opportunity to come clean
I bet u are right! Tomorrow sessions is GONE FINALLY!
Civil war will quickly follow
why didnt mueller do this before?
its all so tiresome
That's what I felt this whole time, its government funded opposition research (again) for the democunts. Republicans deserve to lose for being so fucking stupid.
Don't be a dunce. The committee was bi-partisan and a waste of time. Schiff leaked everything that could be spun into the collusion narrative and still came out looking like a fool.
House republicans did and then there was a countermemo that said the opposite. Both sides are biased in the House so it's always been a shitshow and no one ever really took it seriously unless it fit their narrative.
That's what a subpoena means? Could have fooled me.
This isn't really a special counsel leak. Once you file the subpoena it has to go through a court where any low level clerk could leak it. There has been leaks but you can't hide stuff like this even if you tried.
Look at this never trumper.
She is so mad trump WINS AGAIN! KAG! BITCH!
It's over.
Schlumpfttt is finished.
Read that you fucking btwat
>business deals with Russia
not a crime
>Conflict of interest
not even possible for a President to have a conflict of interest
>Clear favoritism to Putin and Russia at the expense of the US
not a crime
>He's comprimised financially. If he has any money in a Russian bank, he should be impeached. Can't be trusted.
not a crime
>its government funded opposition research (again) for the democunts.
explains why he's speeding up despite there being zero evidence of collusion. CAN WE HANG THESE PEOPLE NOW!!!!
>t. blithering retard shill
I guess clinton should hang for the uranium one deal too. Eh, fellow patriot?
>WASHINGTON — The special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, has subpoenaed the Trump Organization to turn over documents, including some related to Russia, according to two people briefed on the matter. The order is the first known time that the special counsel demanded documents directly related to President Trump’s businesses, bringing the investigation closer to the president.
>The breadth of the subpoena was not clear, nor was it clear why Mr. Mueller issued it instead of simply asking for the documents from the company, an umbrella organization that oversees Mr. Trump’s business ventures. In the subpoena, delivered in recent weeks, Mr. Mueller ordered the Trump Organization to hand over all documents related to Russia and other topics he is investigating, the people said.
>The subpoena is the latest indication that the investigation, which Mr. Trump’s lawyers once regularly assured him would be completed by now, will drag on for at least several more months. Word of the subpoena comes as Mr. Mueller appears to be broadening his investigation to examine the role foreign money may have played in funding Mr. Trump’s political activities. In recent weeks, Mr. Mueller’s investigators have questioned witnesses, including an adviser to the United Arab Emirates, about the flow of Emirati money into the United States.
>Neither White House officials nor Alan S. Futerfas, a lawyer representing the Trump Organization, immediately responded to requests for comment. The Trump Organization has typically complied with requests from congressional investigators for documents for their own inquiries into Russian election interference, and there was no indication the company planned to fight Mr. Mueller about it.
Beaner here. What does this mean? Is Drumpf's regime over? Did SHE really win?