I finished it.
The fuck I watch now?
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
sorry man nothing really compares
actually I was binging on this until night before last but when Yang was assassinated I was so despondent I quit watching, still plan on picking it back up in a day or two desu~
You're fucking me dude
When "that" happened I dropped the show didn't come back till a week later.
A show never did that to me before
It made me so mad, I was so pumped for a big final battle to settle things between Reinhard and Yang also pls no spoilers havent finished myself
Is the remake still happening?
haven't heard anything since the announcement so I assume so
I disapprove of the remake.
The use of cgi and character design make me uncomfortable
Fucking nothing.
That's what killed anime for me, nothing I watch now has that level of substance to it. I watch a few shows now and then and they're okay but nothing really measures up. I keep yearning for that kind of political intrigue and philosophy but anime just doesn't do it for me anymore. That's how I ended up on Sup Forums
Have fun.
There's the teaser trailer, that Kuroko and CGI shitfest, best known as Space Jam.
Start watching live action epics like Three Kingdoms and shit
Watch Juuni Kokki
You should go back
These are good suggestions
Shojou Shuumatsu or Ranma
April 2018
Come on and slam and welcome to the jam.
>he doesn't know
>cringy rose-tinted glasses optimism - the anime/manga
I never take anyone who likes Planetes seriously.
Sequel when?
novel translations where?
Nothing really. Other good shows out there but you won't ever be the same.
You can get drunk and watch shows. Makes all the garbage these days easy to watch.
You know, this doesn't look all that bad for a pointless remake.
It looks like they've done a pretty good job at keeping to the 19th-century aesthetic while updating the futurism to 2017 standards. Reinhard's wooden-floored bridge is pretty cool.
Of course it won't be anywhere as good as the original and its mere existence will probably ruin LOGH threads forever, but I'll watch it.
yeah, it's just people are overreacting
>The fuck I watch now
You don't, anime is now done for you. There isn't going to be anything to fill that void now. You're just going to have to accept any anime you watch from now on might still be good, but not AS GOOD.
I'm not just saying that because everybody else is saying it as well. I've had a few irl friends that finished LoGH that feel the same way. It truly is the best thing Japan has ever produced.
cat soup
You watched half the show and already spoiled it, fuck off here.
I don't know. Arslan Senki? Same writer.
And where is it?
Good anime instead of 'muh political intrigue' pisstrash?
Logh has no substance. It isn't even shallow. It's posturing drivel for Sup Forumsscum like you.
>cringy le gritty realism politics REEL SHIT NIKA BUT IN FUKIN SPACE - the anime/novel
On the way.
Don't know when!
No need to be so angry user
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu. The conflict is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of advanced political science most of the plot will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Yang’s brilliant strategies, which are deftly woven into his characterization-- his tactics draw heavily from Napoleonic warfare, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these battles, to realize that they’re not just a star wars-- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Legend of the Galactic Heroes truly ARE idiots-- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humor in Oberstein’s snide remark, “Dogs eat dog food,” which itself is a cryptic reference to JPFMA regulation. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as kakka Yoshiki Tanaka’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them.
And yes by the way, I DO have a Gineiden tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the frauen’s eyes only. And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
How about the gaiden, if you have only watched the main series?
Maybe read that manga by Fujisaka from a while ago.
Otherwise wait for next April like the rest of us.
Death note maybe? Its hard to find series where the characters try to outwit each other without the main characters predicting every move the other will make, like they have psychic mind powers.
Chest/Banner of the stars and other actually good novel adaptions
And don't forget the magnum opus called Mars of Destruction.
Watch comedies and dumb shonen. There aren't a lot of dramas out there -- anime or not -- that have the same strengths as LOGH. It's easy to make unfavorable comparisons with whatever you watch immediately afterward, especially anything "cerebral". Shows like Kaiji and Osomatsu-san don't attempt to be anything like LOGH so you're less likely to make that comparison.
Monster has the drama you speak of. And its art is god tier.
Made in Abyss
Just finished the third season does it get better? I'm losing interest after Yang died because the show seems to be going in the direction of making Julian the main character.
>becomes commander of Iserlohn despite having little achievements or rank
fuck me
He's a symbolic figurehead. The people follow him because deep in their hearts they want to follow Yang, and he's the closest thing to that.
The show is going to focus very heavily on the Empire from now on, Julian is only going to take the stage near the very end.
Also Julian succeeding Yang was foreshadowed very clearly from the very beginning, I don't see how you could be getting frustrated with that direction only now.
do your best to ignore that fuccboi
just let the rest wash over you
Watch to opposite. Watch something visually stunning with only a few characters
Watch Dougram.
And with an OST consisting of exclusively death metal
Do they ever elaborate on the Earth cult? seems poorly handled, they feel like cookie cutter evil dudes at the moment
No, they're genuinely the weakest element of the whole show.
So if I into LOTGH should I watch it on youtube? I'm not a computerfag so I don't know how to download stuff safely,.. Though I could purchase some things. Advice?
>acquire bittorrent
>go to nyaa
>find logh
t. degree in autism and computerfaggotry
Fucking THIS
Robert von loeegram will dissaporve of the blatant homosexuality on the remake next summer
What, like this?
>no OP
>no ED
I mean, you CAN do it... but you'll be missing half the feels.
ashita no joe
made in abyss
attack on titan
black lagoon
ghost in the shell
unironically this but ignoring the title at the top
agree, anime can never consider be good.
I know that's a bait image, but what the heck is Escaflowne doing there? I don't think anyone is insane enough to call it a masterpiece, even if they happen to actually like it.
its the authors fault for making them so objectively evil, it kinds of ruins the point of the series.
I don't like the character redesigns, desu. The ships and setting look good or passable. CG ships don't bother me, it's the 2010s fujo-bait characters that do.
not that they were written cartoony evil, it's just that them being the plot convenience for Yang's Death and the third important party when they are very underwhelming in comparison to the Alliance and Empire. I think the author doesn;t really have much for the cultist or the phezzan because it's hard to squeeze plot for a group that represent mindless terrorism and "muh Utopian." They are there to symbolize the cultism form of government.
>it's just that them being the plot convenience for Yang's Death
why did they do that anyway?
They wanted to have Rubinsky succeed in his plan to let the Empire take over the Alliance and then overthrow Reinhard in order to take control of the entire universe at once, with them as the invisible hand behind Rubinsky. Yang's resistance was in the way